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Darwin fails at a KKK initiation / dumb cop


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I guess in both cases the just rewards were granted. :D I can think of nothing better than a Klan member being shot in the head.(especially if the wound is fatal)

Seeing a woman cop being stuck in such an embarassing situation gives me a warm feeling inside. :flamedevil: I have never been given a break or benefit of doubt by a female officer.

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Guest BigWhyteDude

hmmm...it seams i share the same last name with the guy that did the shooting... :shock:


me= Andrew Freeman


him=Gregory Allen Freeman (the guy that did the shootin)

i hope im not related to him but, my family is from the south.....

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Guest comeandzpa

Oh the fine work of the PA police force.....several high ranking officers from my hometown were once fired for swimming in the fountain downtown in a drunken stuper.....we have also had officers (including the chief of police) fired for things such as spousal abuse and cocaine trafficking.

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There is something wrong with the KKK story:


A bullet fired into the air comes down at a much slower rate, reaching terminal velocity. It also rarely, if ever, continues spiraling but instead tumbles which also slows it down. I can believe the bullet would have imbedded itself into the bone of the skull, and maybe even puncture it, but not all the way through! That seems like a bunch of hooey. Maybe there was someone in the tree that fired down on him??? Ya never know in that neck of the woods...


Oh, and the lady cop---too funny! :D




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Guest BigWhyteDude

provided it does reach terminal velocity it could have enough force to It would be traveling some where between 240-350 miles per hour (i think thats about right). with a small 9mm probly copper jacketed bullet thats extreamly dence being made mostly of lead it could have enoguh force to do what the article says.



hey really interesting reading that i found looking up what the terminal velocity is. http://hypertextbook.com/facts/JianHuang.shtml


check it out,



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Man, what is it with my neck of the woods being all over HybridZ. Johnson City is only 30 minutes from my house and is part of the Tri-Cities area (Bristol, Kingsport, Johnson City). There's another post going from Mikelly bashing a shop (rightfully so) in Bristol.


My area's finaly on the map, baby (just not in a good way). :?

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