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T.K.O. (another sad story) (now + pics)

Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Well, my Z just got punched out... :(


I was driving on the freeway, on my way to work, when I got the unpleasant surprise of seeing headlights pointing at the side of my car. Apparently a Jeep got turned around sideways and launched into my car and T-Boned me on the freeway. It was wet so I started sliding, then started to turn around backwards, then I think my driver side tires blew out and the car turned around backwards. I slit into one of those island dividers where it divides the onramp from the freeway and I hit that and flew over it. Then I hit the curb by the embankment and slid down the embankment to rest. (Surprised as hell that I didnt roll). All of this creating such a stir that hotel guests came out because they heard my car on the freeway! :shock:


My passenger side is pretty well smashed, and I can only imagine the underside damage after plowing the island and the curb. And my wheels are practically flat on the bottom.


The good news is that I am ok, my back is just all tweeked. I'll get some pics of the car when I get it out of the tow yard. Hope it can be salvaged, but I doubt it if the subframe is messed up.


All because someone was probably driving too fast on wet roads. :fmad:


Hey, can I join Jackstand Racing now? :wink:

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I am going to try my damndest to keep the car. I hope that the impact with the island wasnt too much for the subframe. The best thing about this car is that it is a 1970 and it is also a low number (#2188). If it cannot be repaired, I will probably hold some of the money I get to pounce on the next good Z that comes along, and use some of it as a down payment for a newer car for a daily driver. Thinking either a BMW 3-series, or the 2 door Subaru 2.5RS AWD that I fell in love with a couple years ago.


I am glad that I am ok tho, as I told HeavyZ, "A Z is a Z, but there is only one me!"

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I am glad that I am ok tho, as I told HeavyZ, "A Z is a Z, but there is only one me!"


That's the truth. Glad to hear you made it out ok---just get some therapy for the back and hopefully all will be well.


Mark made a good point about settling with the insurance company and getting another Z. If they try to stick it to you, make them find a very very good replacement for you. Sometimes they quote ads they see and if you are in the know, many of those cars just are not in good shape like many of our own cars. Keep us posted.



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