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Anyone else the "family mechanic"?


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My love of cars has made me the family car expert and as such, I am almost expected to diagnose and fix all problems pertaining to all the family cars. I don't necessarily mind, but it can get a bit annoying since I feel like I'm always changing someone's oil and barely have time for my own cars (Datsun 240Z and BMW M Coupe) let alone anything else these days. Last weekend I dropped off nearly 20 quarts of used oil at the local auto parts store. The look on the clerk's face was straight out of "dazed and confuzed" as I started stacking containers on the counter. :D


Recently, my father-in-laws minivan broke down and guess who was called to see what was wrong? Yep, none other than the family mechanic. I was able to diagnose the problem as a bad fuel pump and spent the next evening performing the repair. He saved nearly $200 since all he had to pay for was the pump.


Earlier, my good friend was having trouble getting his carbs syc'd on his Datsun 240Z (he has a similar setup to mine) so, being the good friend that I am, I carted myself over to his place and helped him set his carbs.


Now, I don't mind doing all these things for everyone but I am getting a bit miffed since my favors seem to have turned into expectations, hence this little rant on the internet. All of these people are saving some major dineros and getting quality work performed but don't really seem to consider the amount of time and effort on my part that continually goes into all this which hampers my ability to do other things such as work on my own car or go to a movie. My wife has commented on this as well and says I should try and step back a bit, but I'm not sure how that is going to go over with everyone. I don't want to make anyone upset, I just need a little break and some recognition. Is it too much to ask? I don't need much, a little more respect for my time and a few beers here and there would be great, as would a nice sandwhich or movie ticket as well.


So I ask my internet compadres, how would you approach this? What would you do differently?


As of now, I do the all the basic maintenance and some minor repairs on these cars:


97 Nissan Quest - Father-in-Law

93 Lexus ES300 - Mother-in-Law

93 Honda Accord - Sister-in-Law

01 Toyota Sienna - Brother-in-Law

00 Subaru Impreza - Brother-in-Law (my old car :D)

91 Nissan Maxima - Brother

01 Pontiac Grand Am - Mom (crappy car BTW)

00 VW Passat 4Motion - Wife's

00 BMW M Coupe - Mine :D

72 Datsun 240Z - Mine

73 Datsun 240Z - Buddy

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I have this problem too. I now give everyone a schedule of when I can fix their car telling them I need to do something to mine first (which is true). I then give them a recomendation as to where they could take it if they need it quicker and how much it should cost. This has cut down significantly on the little stuff. I do still have to replace two engines one transmission and install a remote start system and CD player before I can get back to my Z. You should of seen the list before I quit doing the little things and oil changes. All of this and my beater 94 Hyundai hasn't been serviced in forever. I think my Hyundai will go on without service until the timing belt breaks or some other catastrophic disaster sends it to the junk yard.

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Ditto, I have the same problem. But now I tell them what is wrong with their car, so they can tell there mechanic and not sound stupid. This helps them get a good deal, because the mechanic thinks they know something about cars. This gets me off the hook, but I still do alot of the little things.

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you know what's worse? when you're the mechanic AND the computer fix it geek


Yup. We moved away from most of our families so, these days I'm down to supporting our cars, my brother-in-law's cars and a few neighbors and friends. (I even get called in the middle of the night to be the family/friend 'tow truck' operator)


My wife and I are both professional computer geeks so, we get that duty too. Her folks ocassionally even mail us their laptop to fix. :roll:

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I have the computer geek problem also. I regularly get calls from people I haven't seen or heard from in months or years and the first thing out of their mouths is "I have a computer question". THANK YOU VERY MUCH MICROSOFT!!!!! Actually it's not Microsoft's fault, it's the idea that WindowZ is so easy to use even a total moron will have no problems. Then folks go out and drop several hundreds or thousands of dollars on a system and expect it to run no matter what they do to it. :evil::evil::evil: Not gonna happen!!!!!


Anyway enough ranting about that. I also get car duty at our house but it's just my truck, my wife's mini-van, my Z and my son's car. I make Derek (my son) do all the work on his car and I supervise so he learns a little and I don't have to get his grease under my finger nails. I don't trust him yet to work on any of the others, he's at that stage where he knows just enough to be dangerous.


I'm just glad I'm not good at plumbing or carpentry, I hate plumbing!!


It amazes me how people assume that our time is free for the taking, do any of us ask questions of doctors or lawyers without expecting to be charged, so how is it different for us?


Ken W.

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I feel for all of you...because I am also in the same boat, or car LOL. I am the Family/Friend mechanic. I also feel the same way I really don't mind helping other people. It actually makes me feel good that I am saving them money but it tends to take too much of my time. I just love it when you hear that they are buying a new car...which means you are safe for a few years. :lol:



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Yep, I get the same thing... my situation is compounded a little because I am the President and the "tech guy" of ZCSD. but what I do is this:


Advice = free


Referals to relaible ASE certified mechanic = free


Work on family members car(s) = cost of parts


Work on friends and club members cars = cost of parts, nominal $$, and I make them do as much of the work as they are capable of with me acting more as an instructor.


Making them do the work also insures that when they find the :!::!::!: part that is going to cost a bundle they don't blame me and ask me to fix it for free since I was "working on thier car".


Thank goodness I am not a computer geek as well...



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Yup me too!!

I never accept any $$ for the family work' date=' but let me tell you...when it comes to birthdays and Xmas....they REALLY take care of me!!




Well, with Xmas around the corner I certainly hope my family does the same!! Somewhat fortunately/unfortunately, they usually get me some tools which I like since I can use them on my car, but at the same time, I don't like because it means I'm more able to perform repairs on theirs.


Regarding the nominal labor charge, that may be a logical solution for some people but I just can't bring myself to charging family for things, hence my problem. I don't think my family is ungrateful, I know they appreciate what I do but I do think they've become a little to accustomed to me being available for all their needs.


All these responses have me thinking...maybe I can startup a schedule or something. That should get me some more free time and I won't feel obligated to work on something whenever they want it done. Maybe something along the lines of the 1st Saturday of every month would work.

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LOL, Im not the family mechanic but I am the family Computer geek. My brother will call me from his job with some network problem their company is having, Wants me to fix it over the phone. Every time Im at my parents house its, Hey while your hear can I show you something my computer is doing?


I don't get that many calls though so its no where near as bad as being the family mechanic.

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I've got the same problem, but luckily my grandson is in the local community college trying to become a mech. What ius even worse for me is that no one in the entire family (except the grandson) understands why I like mechanical things. They all think that a car is just for transportation.

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Dave, you should be expecting a bit more. Had I had you work on my car, I would have thrown a few sheckles your way, not to mention a nice dinner, wine, BBQ, that kind of thing.


I have friends like Mike D that do machine work for me and I try to be fair to him even though he does not charge me diddly sometimes. I can't bring myself to take advantage of anyone I know.


Auxilary is my friend too and always helps me with computer stuff. We do things together and I try to help him out once in a while: I have the Suburban :D



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Auxilary is my friend too and always helps me with computer stuff. We do things together and I try to help him out once in a while: I have the Suburban :D



The guilty' date=' as charged. Thats just comical.

I have the mechanical problem, but mostly with friends. Whether it be, "can you help me this weekend to get my car started that hasn't run in several [b']years[/b]", or "my car is overheating and I can't see any liquid in the radiator". Friends, got to love them.

As for computer problem, everyone I know has a clue how fast I can reformat a hard drive(do to experience) and don't want me touching their pc. This is a good thing :D

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Guest DiscoStu

I'm in there with you guys. Being the car/computer guy was getting kind of old after awhile. I didn't mind helping out but sometimes things just got out of hand. So now I go about it a little differently. When someone wants me to fix their car I tell them you buy the food and do all the work. So I get a free meal and just sit back and tell them how to fix it. It's cut back on the number of jobs people want me to do dramatically. The last one was great. My cousin got a new set of heads for his Mustang and wanted me to put them in. Well, he and his wife came by, she cooked a great meal and me and him spent all day in the garage. Good day all around. Plus I didn't even get dirty. :D



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I am definately in the same boat and possibly worse. My brother had trouble on his way back from S,Carolina so I had to drive 300mi each way to go get them. To top it off, They had too many people with them to ride in my truck, so I had to take a mini van to them on my tow dolly, and pull their explorer all them way back.(transmission)


I had to go 80 mi last night to pick up my Mom from the the side of the highway,(bad fuel pump)

and less than a month ago I had to pick up my sister in law from the same area.(overheating)


I don`t mind doing this stuff(most of the time) but I`ve been sick and trying to stay out of the weather. Not to mention we have a new baby at home that I`ve only held twice. :cry: Not because I`ve been working on their cars, but I do need to get over this cold because I don`t want her to catch it.


I don`t usually charge family labor unless it is a major job that take alot of time, and then I only charge about 1/4 of what they might pay at a shop somewhere.

This is usually enough to cover food,heat,electric,gas for the time that I spend on their cars.


I had a visit the other day from the State Dept, of Taxation :roll: . They were following up on a complaint that I might be running a business without a vendors licence. I told them that I only work on stuff for family, and that every car here was either mine or a family members.


They looked a bit sceptical, but I do have 9 vehicles of my own, not to mention the three from family that are here. :roll:




All of this and my beater 94 Hyundai hasn't been serviced in forever. I think my Hyundai will go on without service until the timing belt breaks or some other catastrophic disaster sends it to the junk yard.


If the belt breaks on that hyundai, it WILL trash the head and pistons. The exhaust valves have NO extra clearance and will break off.


I also have alot of maintanance that needs to be done to my own daily drivers. I hope to get this all done before the real bad weather hits.

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