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Roadtrip!!! where should I go?

Guest Tht1KSguy

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Guest Tht1KSguy

Ok... so I kinda already have a route in mind but I need info on the good stuff to see. I'm leaving KC saturday for Nashville (cousin there) then on to SC or NC sunday morning. I'm headed to Wilmington but should I make a swing south through Columbia & Myrtle Beach? See some stuff in Wilmington then on up to Kitty Hawk for part of the "Centennial of Flight" celebration. Then on up through VA and see whatever there is to see there on my way to DC. See the Smithsonian, Air & Space Museum and whatever else looks good. Then up to Gettysburg probably then across PA. Stop at the AirForce museum in Ohio, back across I-70 through IN, IL, MO and back home. Goal is to be home by the night of the 22nd. Any points of interest? Great restaurants? Fine women? :) Not exactly the best time of year for a vacation but anything to get out of here is good.


Thanks guys

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Guest comeandzpa

cause PA rocks! ok, who am I kidding......PA is rather....prudish, shall we say. Although Johnstown, my home town, is famous for lots of floods and having -get ready for this- the worlds steepest vehicular incline plane! Result of the floods, of course. Also the longest stretch of Dutch Elm trees east of the Mississippi. Yeah, its real exciting. But Pittsburgh is fun.

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Guest Tht1KSguy

Yeah i thought about going to NYC... I'm going to have to see how my schedule is looking once i leave DC. I forget how close everything is together out there. I'm used to roadtrips out to the west coast where you have to drive for days just to get anywhere. And I went to Vegas last year actually so i need a break :) Actually something I very much recommend is get one of those charter flights to the grand canyon. It was awesome to fly over the Hoover damn and then we landed at this strip right on the edge of the canyon. We got to get out & hike around for a few hrs. It's great because it's an indian reservation instead of a nat'l park... so they don't care if you fall off the edge. Recommend it for everyone as long as you don't fall over easily.

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I aggree with Forrest, it's hard to beat 300+ turns in 11 miles as in the Tail of the Dragon. My dad took his Miata and is planning a return trip with the Miata and me on my Katana. You would think that since I have lived just 30 min. south of Nashville my whole life I could recommend some fine eating...but alas I can not. Anywho, welcome to mid-Tennessee.



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Guest BigWhyteDude

"hey Romeo, lets go down to mexico. Chase senoritas, drink our self silly show those mexican girls real Hill billy's" is a quoat that come to mind :D


Viva La Mexico!!!!



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Hi Tht1KSguy,


I recommend skipping the Columbia/Myrtle Beach SC detour. IMO, Columbia is a pit and MB is a big stupid tourist trap. Leave the extra time for the Outer Banks because they are beautiful and what a beach should be. Try to take a ferry ride as part of your trip. There is a short one from Wilmington to Fort Fisher or a longer one from Cedar Island to Ocracoke. There are several others. Go to:




If you come through Durham NC send me an email and maybe we can meet.

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Guest Tht1KSguy

Ahhh yes, tail of the dragon, can't miss that. My luck there will be 6" of snow on the ground. Looks like I'll be driving through it all the way through MO tomorrow. I'm not quite sure yet but it looks like they have the outer banks all closed off in NC because of the Wright brothers thing. That sucks. I was planning to take the ferry over and drive up to kitty hawk that way. Looks like I'll have to go another way. Thanks for the tips guys. Leaving in the morning.

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Recommend going to Montecello in Charlottesville, and you can always swing through my place... I'm 5 minutes from I95... Also, Stop in Richmond. Tons of stuff to see there as well as the Science museum...


You could swing west and go up the Blue Ridge parkway, or skyline drive! GORGIOUS scenic roads!


Oh and forget the dragon'sback this time of year... Probably slick with ice and some passes may be closed.

Mike :D

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Hey DCZ,


I almost took offense to what you said about Columbia and Myrtle Beach but then i realized it was the truth :D ( i live in Lake City, 1 hr from MB). i haven't lost much in Columbia over the years (prefer Charleston for the history) and i only go to the beach in the winter for the hotel deals and the clubs.


you're right about Ocrakoke. we stayed on Ceder island and took the ferry over. beautiful lighthouses and loved being able to drive on the beach (a no-no in SC).


Tht1KSguy, have a safe trip

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Guest Tht1KSguy

Alright, so I'll save the Dragon until I come back through next time on a bike. This car (Cutlass Supreme) isn't exactly a corner burner, although I was surprised for a fairly heavy fwd car. But I'm 6'4 so it's plenty comfy.


Richmond is on the list. I'd stop in Mike but I have no clue what day or time I'll be through the area. This trip is about no schedule and no place to be. I'm not even sure if I'll make it back to be at work on the 22nd :) I love history and this trip will be all about history and flight. Although I've always wanted to see Niagra falls in the winter so I might get a wild hair and drive up there (it's on the way right?). I've got the snow chains, camp shovel, emergency blanket, chemical warmers all ready for the "just incase". You just can't trust winter. You can't be young & stupid forever if you plan to make it to old & wise :!:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Tht1KSguy

The problem with roadtrips is you have to come home eventually (since I haven't won the Powerball yet). It was great though. 3200miles total, no problems, unless you count the 14hrs it took me to get to Nashville when it normally takes 8. Damn snow. Did see a horrendous wreck on I-70 only about 150miles into the trip. Semi crossed the median and hit another one head on. Worst worst wreck I've ever seen, by far, couldn't even tell what they were.


Anyway, there's so much great stuff to see out there. All of NC was pretty, saw the USS North Carolina that was cool. Richmond was a beautiful city, lots more to do and see there than the time I had. I recommend the new air & space museum at Dullus it was 10x better than I expected and that was after seeing the first one in DC the day before. I'd wait probably until next summer or so they should have some more of the exhibits finished off. The traffic in DC is the worst I've ever seen, I'll take LA any day. I definately need to go back to see the rest of the Smithsonian stuff another time. Gettysburg was cool, another great museum especially if you love old weaponry. And finally the air force museum in Dayton, OH was even better than I expected. I'm wondering how many more SR71's there are for me to see in the world. I'm up to 9 so far.


Thanks again for the tips guys. Next time when I'm on a more relaxed pace it would be nice to drop in on some ppl for a visit.


c ya

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