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go USC!

David K

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Fathers friend is giving us tickets to the Rose Bowl this Jan 1st. I didnt see what the big deal was when the NCAAF said USC will not go to the Sugar Bowl.


Sugar Bowl = 16,000 tickets


Rose Bowl = 32,000 tickets + its a cool stadium nestled in a rich quiet communinty in Pasadena, CA.


You havent seen a crowd as loud, rude, and obnoxious as a USC crowd. Michigan will have a very hard time playing in those conditions. Big mistake on NCAAF's part. You cant send a team from across the country into USC territory and get away with it. :twisted:

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USC got ripped on the Sugar Bowl and I blame my Washington State Cougars. If the Cougs would not have choked in their game against those damn UW Huskies, USC's win over the Cougs would have gotten more credit in the BCS rankings as a quality win. It should have been enough for USC to edge LSU for the Sugar Bowl. ...and my Cougs would have been in Pasadena on New Years... :evil:

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Eh, it doesnt matter, its actually for the better now anyway. USC will basically be at home. Not true home (Collesium), but just right down the street at the Rose bowl. Doesnt matter to the fans. I feel sorry for these Michigan players having to play in front of a crowd of 32,000 fans in USC's hometown. :oops: I was a big time HS football player. I started Varsity line in my sophomore year. I broke my knee in my senior year, so i didnt get my college scholarship i was in line to get. I remember how it was playing against a school that had a HUGE booster club and a huge crowd. We usually lost :oops:

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Having watched Nebraska lose to Miami in the 2002 Rose Bowl I can tell you the crowd only goes so far. Over 3/4 of that stadium was dresssed in red, but it was the other 1/4 of the fans that felt like hanging around when the game was over.


As a USC graduate I can say the current bowl picture is the best possible bowl alignment. Split national championship, no need to travel, and to top it off most PAC10 players grow up dreaming of winning a championship in the Rose Bowl. And no matter who they put in the Sugar bowl, someone was going to scream about getting ripped. This is the best they could do short of a playoff.


Only one thing left to do. Michigan is not coming to watch history but to make it. That game is no gimmie. Perry has my vote for the Heisman.

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woot! go USC! u guys better keep your eye on steve smith.. that guy is goin to the pros. he played at my highschool and lives right next to me. USC ALL THE WAY!!! -Jo

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Guest Z-rific

Having been to many SEC games, I can tell you that Death Valley (Baton Rouge) is considered to be the most intimidating stadium to play at in the SEC and many feel the whole country. LSU fans are downright nuts. Nowhere else in college do fans arrive as early as LSU fans at night games, which they love the most.


A friend of mine played LB at Vandy, and he said when he ran onto the field at gametime he damn near pissed himself. Then, Mike the Tiger roared and he said he'd never been more intimidated in his life.


As a long time LSU guy, (from the Big Easy) I'm very proud of what they have done under Nick Saban, and I believe they are building an exceptional program. Saban recruits like a mo fo.


I certainly think USC got shafted. OK proved that they aren't the best team in the Big 12. We have to get a playoff system in, or there will alwyas be problems. This year, the #1 team in both "human" polls is playing for 2nd place. In the last 4 years, 2 #2 teams didn't make the Champ. game. The system is obviously flawed, and should be fixed/replaced.


By the way, if the PAC 10 had a Championship game like the Big 12 and SEC, things would be different.

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LSU fans are downright nuts.


You got that right. I have a good friend that went to LSU. He said the bars open at 6:00 AM on game day so everyone can get started drinking early. Most fans are drunk by noon. Many of the fans consider it a badge of honor to have thrown up in tiger stadium.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I Happen to be a Big OU fan and must say that the BCS is screwed up!

We lost when we could least afford to and because of that USC and LSU should be playing in the Sugar Bowl.


I'm kind of Embarassed that OU is going. That said I do not think they will recover from such an embarassing loss to K-State and will fall apart in the Sugar Bowl, I hope not but just a feeling I guess.


By the way, USC played a great game yesterday. Michigan is never an easy win.



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