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Gotta love some Texas ppl.....

Guest ON3GO

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We stopped at a 7-11 in northside Ft. Worth one night to get some smokes on the way back from the shooting range. I had a 12 guage and a mini-14 in the back seat of my friend's camaro. All of a sudden, these 3 young guys started circling the car and eyeing my girlfriend who was sitting in the passenger seat and making lewd comments. The windows were blacked out so they couldn't see me in the back seat, just this young blonde sitting up front with the window down. I'll tell ya, nothing beats the look on their faces when I racked the bolt on that mini-14. Didn't lift it high enough to see, didn't brandish it, just the metal-on-metal *snick* of the bolt slamming home on an assault rifle was enough to let them know they didn't want none...

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here's the problem with carrying firearms...being able to hold the anger in and not use it. A few months ago I had an experience similar to ON3GO, where someone thought it'd be really funny to throw a 44oz big gulp through my open window at 70mph. Now that I think about it, I should've just rammed my car into the asswipe that did it, because after all, he did almost make me lose control. To top it off, the soda went all over my interior, myself, the glass. My wiper controls were shorted, so they wipers wouldn't stop going until I pulled the fuse, among other things.


If I had a gun on me, I guarantee you I was furious enough to use it. If I had a gun in my car, I would not be posting this right now.

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If I had a gun on me' date=' I guarantee you I was furious enough to use it. If I had a gun in my car, I would not be posting this right now.[/quote']


Well.....sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do!!!


Hey I wonder if water balloons will hold brake fluid? :roll::twisted:



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my theory... an eye for an eye. :twisted: if they mess with you personally, there's no price to pay higher than taxing their ass. but... if someone messes with your ride.... easy-off oven cleaner. spray on your favorite design, message or body part.... all it takes is a little rain and all the paint under where you sprayed is as bare as a stripper's ass. :wink:

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here's the problem with carrying firearms...being able to hold the anger in and not use it. A few months ago I had an experience similar to ON3GO' date=' where someone thought it'd be really funny to throw a 44oz big gulp through my open window at 70mph. Now that I think about it, I should've just rammed my car into the asswipe that did it, because after all, he did almost make me lose control. To top it off, the soda went all over my interior, myself, the glass. My wiper controls were shorted, so they wipers wouldn't stop going until I pulled the fuse, among other things.


If I had a gun on me, I guarantee you I was furious enough to use it. If I had a gun in my car, I would not be posting this right now.[/quote']


Now you gotta admit, that was one hell of a throw!!


Directed at no one in particular, but if you get caught "brandishing" a gun at another car you will lose your right to own guns forever. Don't pull it until you have reason to fire it.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Mix one part gasoline, two parts styrofoam and three parts time.


Add match and take pictures in the morning. :twisted:


BTW, Texas ppl must be pretty scary if you were all pumped up from Manson and didnt get out and bust his coconut for throwing a soda at your truck.

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Being the voice of reason is tough when you are Irish, but I'll try... :D


I have dealt with situations like this several times in the past. Once, I was in a subdivision with my wife and son, riding bicycles... When two kids come ripping around a corner in a car and almost mow down my kid (Less than two inches between sheetmetal and skin), yelling obsenities at him as they drive past. So I sprint along and follow the vehicle the best I can... Of course, the closer they get to their house, the slower they go... Don't want the 'Rents to know we are speeding in OUR subdivision... So as they get out of their car, I roll up on a bicycle and get off it... I'm ready to roll when I realize these two guys are no more than 18-19 years old. I told them to come out into the street... They do so and I get nose to nose with the driver... He realizes I am mad as hell, and he starts to visibly shake when he realizes who I am and why I'm there... I thought he was gonna puddle in the street. His friend tries to be couragious and says he'll go get his dad... And I offer up the fact that I'm sure DAD would like to hear what they did... They both become VERY apologetic. Point is that if you call someone on "Their" bluff, most of them will fold. People are real tough when it is from the safety of their car, or home... However, When you confront them face to face, up close and personal, That is when the rubber meets the road.


We have become a society where we have become much less personable, or considerate, and much more self absorbed. We rush around all the time, never taking others into consideration, or in being tolerant of others and their likes/ choices in life.


Guns or weapons are NOT the answer... I've got a concealed weapons permit and often am found with my glock on my person. Most people would never know. I've been made upset with it on me and never drawn it... simply because it isn't something I view as an option for resolving any situation other than a life threatening (Mine or my families) situation. Because someone is an ASS doesn't mean I should pull it and flex supposed macho muscles... PLUS, the litigious society we live in would simply open you up to way too much scrutiny.


Mike, You did the right thing... nothing... Suck it up and just be more aware of your surroundings in the future... and what you experienced isn't a "Texas" thing... Assholes are everywhere!


Mike :D

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...We have become a society where we have become much less personable' date=' or considerate, and much more self absorbed. We rush around all the time, never taking others into consideration, or in being tolerant of others and their likes/ choices in life...


Guns or weapons are NOT the answer...Mike, You did the right thing... nothing... Suck it up and just be more aware of your surroundings in the future... and what you experienced isn't a "Texas" thing... Assholes are everywhere!


Mike :D[/quote']


Well said. Assholes are everywhere, but even moreso in California :x Texas is most likely the next state I move to and I'm very impressed with the people in general when I visit San Antonio. So far I have been to Austin, Corpus Cristi, Dallas, San Antonio, and Ft Worth. I like Texas :-D despite the turd Mike had a run in with.



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