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*GRAPHIC/GORE WARNING!* Why you should always wear a helmet


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That is one sick ass picture. Man, I never understood why the AMA fights so hard to give bikers the right to choose to wear a helmet. Its a stupid fight that will only have higher death rates as a result. I would never ride without a good lid.

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darwin's way of weeding out the stupid. If someone wants to be able to ride without a helmet, they should be allowed to. If I want to drive without a seatbelt, I should be allowed to.


Of course, I don't do either, but it should be a basic freedom.

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darwin's way of weeding out the stupid. If someone wants to be able to ride without a helmet' date=' they should be allowed to. If I want to drive without a seatbelt, I should be allowed to.


Of course, I don't do either, but it should be a basic freedom.[/quote']


Ahmen Alex!! Give the freedom to choose and weed out the morons!

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This hits home.


I was hit by a drunk driver in 85. She ran a red light and hit my front axle with the left corner of her front bumper. That put me over the fender and hood just in time for my head (with a SNELL rated helmet) to meet her windsheld, it was figured she was doing 55-60 mph.

Put me in a coma for ten days and summer learning how to walk and think again. :)


Two years later my friend had a car pull out in front of him, he had got the bike slowed down to about ten before losing it and hitting his head on the ground. He didn't have any med insurance so guess what? The state paid for his operations and hospital stay (he was in a coma for nine months) and is picking up the bill for his nursing home bill for the rest of his life. That happened in 1987 and he is still there.


As you can see I kind of have feelings about this. If you don't want to wear a helmet I think you should prove that you can PAY for what happens and not make everyone else pay.

Oh and thats not even saying anything about the pain my family and friends went through. :cry:



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darwin's way of weeding out the stupid. If someone wants to be able to ride without a helmet' date=' they should be allowed to. If I want to drive without a seatbelt, I should be allowed to.


Of course, I don't do either, but it should be a basic freedom.[/quote']


Ahmen Alex!! Give the freedom to choose and weed out the morons!


I would agree with either one of these statements if it didn't affect my pockets any. Because of people not wearing helmets and higher death/serious injurytolls there are more than likely going to be higher insurance premiums, and less insurance companies offering bike insurance. There is also a growing trend of medical insurance not covering motorcycle accidents due to the costs involved. So unfortunatley, for my sake, it is better to have these jackasses being told they have to wear helmets and seatbelts (cars) to be safe.

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I would agree with either one of these statements if it didn't affect my pockets any


I always wonder why I never hear anyone snivel about the money it takes to find lost halfwit skiers, or injured skydivers, or climbers who have to be pulled off a rock. Not to mention dipstick hikers that get lost. The list goes on and on. Furthermore does anyone actually think that a bucket on that guys head would have let him walk away? A while back Aux posted a bike that center punched the front of a dump truck that riders helmet didn't do him much good. Maybe driving with thier head removed from their A$$ would have done them more good than all the helmets in the world. Even though I think it is the height of stupidity, if you want to get on a bike with a $500 helmet and shorts and sandles that's your business.

A few years ago the stats showed that most deaths in AUTO accidents were the result of head injuries. But I don't see any one suggesting skid lids for four wheelers. So, until someone outlaws "extreme sports" just let those who rice decide.

Sorry to rant, but.......

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I would agree with either one of these statements if it didn't affect my pockets any


I always wonder why I never hear anyone snivel about the money it takes to find lost halfwit skiers, or injured skydivers, or climbers who have to be pulled off a rock. Not to mention dipstick hikers that get lost. The list goes on and on. Furthermore does anyone actually think that a bucket on that guys head would have let him walk away? A while back Aux posted a bike that center punched the front of a dump truck that riders helmet didn't do him much good. Maybe driving with thier head removed from their A$$ would have done them more good than all the helmets in the world. Even though I think it is the height of stupidity, if you want to get on a bike with a $500 helmet and shorts and sandles that's your business.

A few years ago the stats showed that most deaths in AUTO accidents were the result of head injuries. But I don't see any one suggesting skid lids for four wheelers. So, until someone outlaws "extreme sports" just let those who rice decide.

Sorry to rant, but.......


I must be getting lost. Are you saying two wrongs make a right? There is tons of stupidity out there and there are tons of things done to keep people from doing stupid things. That is just the way it is.

I crashed with a $500 helmet, instead of a smashed skull I had a concusion. Would I ever ride without a helmet; no. But there are tons of idiots out there who do and effect my bottom line. If your dumb enough to ride without a helmet and don't care about your family, friends and yourself enough to wear one maybe you need someone saying you have to.

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When the truck hit me it was with enough force for my helmet to shatter the windshield all the way across. I broke a couple of blood vessels on the right side of my brain and broke my coller bone.

Well I crashed after that on the race track (at almost 100mph) and ground a fair amout of fiberglass off my race helmet, just think what my head would look like after that without a helmet.

Three years after the wreck with the drunk driver in the truck, I won 10 out of 12 motorcycle roadraces that year in the class I was racing in.

I am all better now but my friend still isn't.



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No, two wrongs don't make a right, but I still have yet to hear how lost skiers, or stranded climbers affect your bottom line. Hell, they effect my bottom line too, but I would rather pay for their stupidity than spend my taxes to blow up someone I never heard of in a third world country just to give my awol president an ego boost. But hey, I am one of those no good liberals. I am a big boy, and really don't need the government protectring me from myself. I think you have the right to wear a helmet if you want to, but It pissed me off that I don't have a choice.

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I am really lost on your entire skier/climber instance. I just know there is a direct relationship between motorcycle accidents and insurance premiums. I also know there will be a direct relationship between health insurance carriers not covering motorcycle accidents and increased costs due to no helmet laws.

Here in PA when they got rid of the helmet law every Harley lover and his brother started riding without a helmet. I think it is crazy and don't understand why anyone would ride without a helmet. Having a choice is fine, but on something like this I don't understand how it really affects you in any negative way. If your smart you would want to wear one anyway (Yeah I said it). How does being forced to wear a helmet affect you negatively. You can't smell the fresh air through it? You can't see through it? It's messes your pretty hair? I don't get it, it is a stupid fight. Maybe it's the conservative republican in me, but that's another story.


Heavy Z

Rarely will you see an insurance company lower their rates. They would rather see higher profits than give it back. :roll: I agree they should but who likes to give money back.

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