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Muffler Bearings

inZane 240

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I wonder if they can be used in sequence. My muffler could hold like 10 of those, that would be 50 HP! I should email him and ask him, maybe he would post in on the auction as a helpful tip to others. :D




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The funniest thing is the other day i got a call at work, which i work at an autoparts store, and it was a lady who was told at another parts store her exhast problem was the muffler bearings. Now i tried seriously hard to figure out what her problem really was withought laughing. I was hoping it was a prank call, but someohow i dont think it was.

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I think it was nice of him to use his own money to bring a little humor to an otherwise boring place. All the other ads are trying to hype you into bidding, this guys just wanted to have a good laugh. I think there could have been a really good effect if he had thought things out to word the ad to really sound technical to make it seem like they were actual parts that would actually work!


My bro once had a lady come into his auto parts store and ask for muffler bearings. One guy just wanted to buy one "len." Another wanted some "Freezone" because his air aint cool.


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