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Someone Broke in to my House!

Guest Aaron

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:evil: :flamedevil: :cuss:


My wife and I returned home from work (we left her car at her mother's house and rode home together) Tuesday night to find my door busted open. We called the police and the went in to the house with us. The (choose your own cuss words) got about $6000 of stuff, but it could have been worse. The investigation is ongoing, they did get one fingerprint, so hopefully something will turn up.


The door they came through was glass on the top half, so I had a double cylinder lock (key on both sides). The plate in the door frame had 3.5" screws going into the studs in the wall. They had to split the studs to pry the door open. I have boarded the door shut, have my work cut out for me this weekend replacing it.


The possessions can be replaced, but the security we once felt will be hard to get back.

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I can`t stand anyone that would steel from someone else. :evil: (no matter how small) I hope your insurance company is easy to deal with.


You may have to get back credit card/bank statements to prove that you actually had some of the belongings that were taken.

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I know the feeling of the lost feeling of safety and security.

Back in the old Country, we were broken into while we were sleeping. It was a hot summer night and we had the fan blowing hard, so could hear much over that. We were woken up by the security guard (armed with a fully automatic rifle - R1), who happened to be walking by just as the thieves had gained entrance to the front door. We were very lucky as usually the robbers just kill you there. I bought a 9mm Browning the next day!! and carried it loaded and cocked (safety on) everywhere I went. Over there, it's shoot first ask questions later!!! Count your blessings that you both weren't home, or worst, just your woman.....



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That's terrible, I am sorry to hear that! If they would cut limbs off like in other countries for stealing just maybe that crap would stop.


Tim, Wheres the old country...so I can stay the hell away :shock:



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I Can't say I blame you for feeling a little violated.There is nothing worse than having someone get into your home without your consent or knowlege.

The first year my wife and I had our home someone decided to let themself into the house. Most of lights were off upstairs so they thought we weren't home, but we were down in our finished basement watching TV. We left the sliding glass door unlocked since we were home and both of us were used to living in the country. We are watching tv and she looks at me and says " I think someone is in the house!" I told here that she is crazy. Now at this point the guy has got to hear that we are home. The Tv is on and we are talking back and forth that someone is in the house. Next thing I know my Boxer (Buck) is flying up the steps, which took only two leaps for the entire set, and attacking someone. You could hear his nails sliding across the lanoleum floor. Then you hear the sliding glass door slam. I look at my wife in shock, and run upstairs. I see the dog bouncing his face off the glass of the door trying to get out. I don't see anyone, but run to bedroom to get the glock and the dog and I go out to find nothing. Unfortunately they got my wifes purse but we cancelled all credit cards etc. It was more of a nussiance. I have also had my cars gone into if they were ever left unlocked. I am guessing it was someone local, like a kid, but who knows.

That is one of the main reasons we are moving now. We don't want to raise our child in this type of environment. We just bought a house with 18acres so I am hoping I won't have to deal with buttholes any longer. I want my kid to feel safe when she runs outside and plays, so hopefully this will allow her to.

Sorry for your problem and I hope that they catch the piece of crap. If you don't have one, get a dog. They are a pain in the butt sometimes, but man after hearing my guy try and rip that guy a new one, he earned his keep. :D

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Dogs kick arse!!!


I've had my house broken into, my fathers home has been broken into, my car has been broken into.


Now I have a dog NO PROBLEM (actually 3 dogs, wife has 2). She growls, barks and goes nutso when "unknown" people come around. So if some lousy SOB wants to open that gate or door. He's on his own. If he makes it past the dog, and I'm home. He'll be leaving on a gurney or with a severe limp :D



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Sorry about the tresspass-I cant stand liars, cheaters, or theives...blasted theives :twisted:


Anyone remember the story about dogs protecting households....specifically the story during an interview being told by "Ted Bundy" in prison prior to him being put to death.


The interviewer asked if there was anything anyone could ever do to impede someone like him, Ted Bundy, from breaking into their home.


His response was yea...a dog's bark. Ted Bundy stated that the size of the dog didnt matter as he would absolutely not break into a house if a dog was barking; as the bark would draw attention and attention was the last thing he wanted.


I have also heard of stories where thieves will kick a little size dog or hit the dog with something until the dog went into submission mode...so in that case I guess size does matter.


I prefer great danes myself-they are just very cool dogs. Just watch our for their tale, when they are happy to see you and wag it-if it hits you it is like a wip. They have an excellant temperment w/kids and kids who happen to be strangers to the family: whereas some other dog species are not so kind to anyone at all if they are an invader.


Great danes seem to have a temperment that can judge the intent of the invader prior to reacting toward the invader: which makes them great w/kids....and their MarmaDuke like personalities are too human like sometimes.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Sorry to hear about this, I hope they catch them.


I made a deal with my dog, she's allowed to eat anything that enters the house without permission (OK, and squirls anyhere, dang things like to pull slates off my roofs, well they USED to :D).


In all honesty a dog is one of the best security systems you can have. Theives don't like dogs, and by coincicence, dogs don't like theives.


- Joe

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I have 4 dogs and live in the country. Currently, my number one suspect is my next door neighbor, or one of there friends. I have been suspicious of them off and on for years now about possible drug activity. People show up at all hours of the day and night, stay for a few minutes and leave. I have had to call the police on them once before because the father and ~17 year old son were fighting in the front yard. I have also seen the man beat his wife.


I know we have some policemen here. Can anyone tell me what a meth lab smells like? Could it be mistaken for sewage? They have had parties the two nights since the break in, and I have smelled what I thought was sewage, but now I am not sure. They do have occasional sewer problems, but you normally smell it in the summer.

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While you guys are on the dog subject an old friend of mine passed away in his sleep last Friday and had an old Chihuahua. When the family didnt hear from him they alerted the authorities which alerted the Fire Department who started to break down the door. Unfortunately the dog got scared of all the people and the noise and had a stroke and died two days later from the stress. :( At least both of them are together now. :cry:

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I know we have some policemen here. Can anyone tell me what a meth lab smells like? Could it be mistaken for sewage? They have had parties the two nights since the break in' date=' and I have smelled what I thought was sewage, but now I am not sure. They do have occasional sewer problems, but you normally smell it in the summer.[/quote']


How to Spot a Meth Lab


Strong odors: Meth labs emit strong chemical odors. Labs may smell like cat urine, ether, ammonia, fingernail polish remover (acetone), or other chemical smells. These fumes are toxic and can cause itching and burn eyes, throat and lungs.


A lot of trash: Trash may include large quantities of freon and starter fluid containers, lantern fuel cans, red stained coffee filters, bed sheets and pillow cases, old clothing, duct tape, batteries, and clear glass containers. Manufacturing meth produces 5 to 6 pounds of toxic waste for every pound of meth. Waste products from meth include compounds like sodium hydroxide and red phosphorus. Both are very dangerous and can cause fires and explosions for over 10 years after being discarded.


High amounts traffic: There is usually an increased number of people coming and going from the labs at unusual times. Traffic activity typically increases at night.


Other things to look for: Blacked out windows and renters paying landlords in cash, also persons purchasing large quantities of the items listed as ingredients above.

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What a drag to have your house broken into! I agree get a large dog. Dogs really can change a crooks mind. Up until about a year ago we had a really big (98lb) American Pit bull. No one came in uninvited when we were home, and if we weren't home anyone could get int the house, but once inside, they couldn't get out until we got home. We had him for 14 years, then the ungratful mutt up and died of old age. the bad news is that when he passed, it was almost like loosing a kid. :(

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