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OBD I & II Code Scanner ??

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OBD I & II Code Scanner

wheres the best value ? what models work best? which are breakdown prone? which are acurate?













IM ASKING? because I currently use a laptop with custom software (not that listed above)but was wondering what other guys use?

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Guest ON3GO

are you asking or is this one of your cool info posts.

we use snap-on's at school, and the 1st link you listed is a good one too. a teacher at school has that one and swears by it.



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Guest Aaron

I kinda like the looks of that last one. I have been thinking about getting a scan tool for a few years, but I have not been able to justify the expense. I need one that will work with Nissan, GM, and Ford at the very least.

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ONGO, will any of these test the components, not just give you the code? I rececenly had to take my explorer in to test the DPFE sensor and the vacume solenoid. All i could do at home was see that the sensor was reading the incorect voltage or whatever. If these diagnose as well as code read, well worth it!



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Guest ON3GO

on some yeah. im only in my 1st GM driveablity class so im still learning. we have only used a GM OBDII and a snap on one.

they can run codes, see whats causing the problem and tell you a way how to fix it.. atleast the snap on one does.. not sure on the other one but im sure it does.



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Keep me posted in your learnings. I am guessing you are going into the automotive ind? Would like to know, through your experience, or any other more experienced car techs, what tools the adv joe could buy to keep thier newer cars going when they start to age.


I saved 100 bucks recenly by changing out a couple of the EGR components my self on the Explorer, but I still had to take it to the shop and have them analyze it. Was only 30 bucks, but I like to do as much as I can my self.

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Guest ON3GO

no problem.. im learning alot, mostly things that everybody should do all the time when say.. changing your oil and etc.

the electronics on these newer cars is just nuts.

we are going over EGR valves and etc, and learning about emissions and such and doing test.... what a bitch. lol.

i also learned today that OBD3 is coming out in the next 2 years... greeeaaaat.





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So could you tell me, i am just wondering here. What if you blocked off the EGR stuff physically and made up some electronic components to send the computer what it wanted to see. If you had the specs for the output of these devices, it should be fairly easy right. So when the components do fail, you could make up an eprom or whatever to tell the Computer what it want to see and not need the stuff? I know this wouldn't be legit, but there are no inspections in OK, just wondering if I happen to put another 100K on this truck and need to replace these components again. $250, hating it!

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Guest ON3GO

be honest with ya.. im not 100% sure, but what u say makes sense. i no o my mom rodeo we took off all the emissions crap and just "flashed" the ecu with a chip/program.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had several recent GM products. I currently use Autotap and EFI Live, and have used the Predator recently also. EFI live is good but the changes are only in effect while the car is running that time, it resets after the car is shut down. Of course the best would be a Tech-2, but not many of us have the cash for that.

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