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Spindle pin is out - how about the bushings?

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I was able to use my press to get the spindle pins out of the rear control arms.


I tried to do this to the old bushings also and the only thing that would give was the control arm itself :!:


Luckily, I have a spare but only one - so what is the trick to get the actual bushings out for replacement with the prothane polyurethane bushings?


I vaguely remember some one burning the bushings out of a moustache bar - is this the best way or should I be cutting them in pieces? Please help before I have to look for yet another control arm :oops:


Thanks for the help and this is a 77 280Z.

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From what I remember (it's been a few years), you can burn out the rubber, then, with a hacksaw, cut out a strip of the sleeve, then with a screwdriver, or thin chisel, knock out the sleeve by collapsing it in on itself at the cut area.



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I tried to do this to the old bushings also and the only thing that would give was the control arm itself :!:


Wow, one would think the rubber would give before the control arm. :D Were you trying to press out the sleeve? I know Energy Suspension bushings require you to remove all the original bushing shells except the two from the mustache bar, but does the prothane kit require this as well? If so, your safe bet would be to do like Tim said, and cut the shell instead of trying to press them out. I found it easy to make two cuts in the shell with a hack saw about 1/4" from each other and then pry out the shell with a standard screwdriver. Piece of cake :wink:



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