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So I went to my FAVORITE supermarket today (aux story!)


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I am at the register (all funny things happen at the register!) paying for my groceries. This overweight/pregnant woman comes up from the entrance


"yeah, I bought this bread, and now it's moldy. I want to exchange it"


cashier: do you have a receipt?




-when did you buy it?


"monday last week"



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Got you beat Alex.


I recently bought an existing business.


Two days ago I get a call from one of the trade publications that the former owner subscribed to. The guy on the other end of the phone says that he talked to the previous owner several months back (prior to the sale) and neglected to get one vital piece of info from him. He wanted to know if this was a contracting business, a sheetmetal shop, or other. I told him it was a contracting business and then proceeded to tell him about the change in ownership and that I would like to continue the subscription and could I give him my name and the new address?


He told me that all he needed was that one "vital" piece of info and that there was no way for him to change anything else. "So you are going to send your fine publication to the wrong address and to the wrong person and you don't want to change that?" "Well, there is no way for me access that from my computer. I know that sounds dumb, but yes, I guess we will send it to the wrong address." "Do you have a piece of paper and a pencil?" "Uh.......no."


By the end of the phone call I was laughing out loud and he was apologizing for wasting my time and telling me what a fool he felt like.

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I dont see why you had to mention "overweight/pregnant". It makes it sound like you are specifically stating overweight people are stupid.



Horizontally gifted/gravitationally enhanced/cellulite dominant woman



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