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Any locals in southern cali?

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Hey I was wondering if anyone here was part of the group z club that meets in buena park next thursday at fuddruckers. My mechanic buddies have abandoned me on my project with about a 2-4 days left of work to do, for someone who knows what their doing. Anyway, I'm pretty much a rock when it comes to putting a car together. I have the motor/trans in, intake, injectors, exhaust manifold/turbo bolted up. What I have left is wiring (which luckily is all labeled) ignition, fuel system, cooling, and gauges to hook up (which I have 0 knowledge about) but I figured if I saw someone else's swap and took a whole bunch of really good pictures, along with the manuals I might be able to finish the thing by myself. So if any turbo guys live locally, maybe I could pay a visit to see your car. I figure if I do a little at a time I could have the car running by October.


BTW, I may be asking some incredibly simple minded question as far as mechanics go on this board. I will further exhaust my research before asking them but please bare with me as this is the first car I have ever worked on in my life. Everyone's been a great help so far. I appreciate all the help.

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Nope dont live in Cali. Las Vegas Nevada dude. It's sad to say but with my dad being a Master Technician for Nissan, I to don't know how to put a car together. I can see how everything works in my head but not how to put it together. I to just look at stuff and scratch my head because I'm confused. If feel so useless and unworthy at times knowing that the best I can do for him is hold somethin in place or hold the flashlight. Kinda a wimpy feeling. I don't like to rely on other people to do things for me. But this I flat out can't do without hands on training.


Taking apart is much easier for me. :wink:

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Well, I've actually done a lot of the work myself under mechanical supervision, including, taking out the first motor and sticking the second one in. I did the simple bolt on stuff like intake, dizzy, turbo, exhaust manifold, and I can put the cooling together. But I've never touched a FI system before, and basically figured out how the injectors and fuel rail went on pretty easy. Next step is to figure out the FPR, fuel pump, and then ignition, then wiring. I'm sure I can figure it all out, and just scared of messing something up and flushing thousands down the toilet. But it's gotta get done. Not doing any good sitting in the driveway.

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The way i learned drftn was holding a flashlight like you mentioned from about the age of 6 up until i was old enough to be trusted with the wrenches myself so, learn as you watch, and learn as you go. If you take it apart, look at it, figure out how it works and what it does, then put it back together. I still do that all the time with all kinds of things at age 36. Ask questions Viola, this is what these boards are for but do try and search out what you can first like you said. One of the best ways to learn right now for both of you is to keep getting your hands dirty. It'll all make sense, piece by piece. Your on the right track Viola and it seems by your signature, you've got one heck of a start! And sorry, i'm on the other side in NJ. Good luck and HAVE PATIENCE! You'll get it :D

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I don't have much to say for my car, i just hope my ideas for the future will work out. I've though about becoming an Apprentice to my dad (for a short term period of time) but, something is holding me back and I'm not sure what. Maybe I'll feel like people wil think I'm stupid because I don't know how to put a car together :confused2: in the shadow of my high and mighter dad that shows every Nissan tech in town up basically (not intentionally but It's obvious when people have to ask for expert advise and he justs steps right into the job occasionally).

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I'm located in bakersfield with a hybrid turbo swap. Don't know how far away you are, bet you're on the south side of the grape vine, but if you're headed my way you are welcome to come talk, take pics, and we could drive it around the block.

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Hey that would be great. I just bought a new grill so its on! I lived in newport for 5 five years. Wish I had known there was a z meet in huntington. I'll come down to the next meet on the 10nth and see what we can get together. Let me know when's a good time to work on the car. I'll have the barbeque and tools ready. Thanks a lot

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I live about 15 miles from you, used to live in Corona...


Where in Corona are you located, it's become a big place. I'm off Van Buren and the 91 now up in Riverside. And am a Group Z member.


Though right now I'm 8600+ miles away tapping out on the keyboard in Singapore....


I'll be back the 23rd, e-mail me off forum, and we can get something together. Just helped complete a turbo conversion on a 240Z Roadster up in Diammond Bar, which turned out to be a hoot to drive. :D



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