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I need inspiration... can you help?


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To make a relatively short story (compared to what I know some of y'all can tell) even shorter... I'm tired of the Z. Yeah, I got caught up with the "while I'm at it" syndrome and I'm so far in now I feel like I should sell it because I'm the type who wants to do it right or not at all. I'm currently working about 70hrs a week and will soon start a massage therapy course which will basically consume the only days off I have now. I've got the car for sale right now but might keep it if you could come up with the right motivation. I have spent quite a few hours on it but realistically it's only half of what it needs. I have no friends here let alone someone who's into cars who'll help. The real killer is I don't even need a car... got a truck and motorcycle.


Say something... anything. Sorry, just needed to vent.

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Guest ON3GO

move to houston and be around us local Z guys!!!

but from the pics ive seen of you car i say keep it. you have done great work to it and it can only look better right!


remember you prob have the ONLY Z like urs in the world, sense ours are all so different.

thats something to be proud of!



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My wife and I just had a baby. I barely have enough time to take a shower much less work on the Z at the moment. The good thing about the Z is that it will still be waiting for me when I am ready. just because you can't work on it now doesn't mean you won't find the time later.



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I agree if it's paid for let it be. You'll find time to work on it. Try to find some other Z owners in town or drive to Houston for some inspiration. My car is under construction but I still manage to work on it atleast 1 weekend a month. I'd perfer more time but I'll never sell it. Rick

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If you sold it what would you get for it really. Maybe a few thousand bucks. If you kept it and finished it some day what would it be worth then? A whole lot more. Since you don't "need" it then all the better to not have to rush and get it done. Plus by the time you have the time to really enjoy it again would you have the motivation to go find another one. Consider it a rainy day fun project. Just plain keep it!!

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I have a 1948 Willys CJ2A that I bought in about 1982. It has been drivable for only about 4-5 of those years. bought it before I got married, I now have three kids. I hauled it around when I moved and have been saddend to see it sit and rot for years. I have had strangers knock on my door and ask if I would sell it. I am one of those crazy people that would not sell their old piece of junk to someone that was willing to fix it. This year I fianlly began to work on it. It is almost ready for paint. To me it was worth keeping.


I also had a 71 240z that I loved. Bought it about the same time as the jeep. Did a lot of modifications to the engine but the body and suspension were beyond my ability to fix. Had a lot of good times in that car but it got so bad that it was not worth keeping. I tried selling it a few times but no takers. I gave it away in 1998. I have mixed feelings about letting that car go. I now have the tools, time, and limited money to fix it - but it would have been a huge project to replace the rusted body work.


Now that I am in my mid-life crisis period :-D I have hankered for another sports car. I looked pretty seriously at getting a Porsche 928 - even test drove a few - but came back to a z car. (mostly because of price of parts etc).


The 260z is comming along well. The body is in much better shape than the 240 was so I probably made the right choice in getting rid of the 240 but .... if the the 240 would have been in better shape I would rather have had it. (memories and all.... you know....)


If your car is in good shape (not rusted) keep it - even if it takes 20 years it will be waiting for you.

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I feel you brother. I'm at that same wall right now. New house, new baby and moved about 2 hours away from where I'm working on it. Blah.......I'm going back and forth with this decision all the time. I don't think I'd have the guts to sell it though. My whole family is expecting to see a finished product soon.

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Thanks y'all. Moving is out of the question though, as is working on it even one weekend a month. I know that owning a Z is not about being practical but I just can't get past that. I've got ten acres that needs major attention and a house that needs renovating... oh yeah, and I just bought a business which I don't enjoy. (Don't ask) I simply took too much onto my plate! Y'all are a great bunch, I lurk when I can. Good luck with all your cars, I'll live vicariously I guess! (For who knows how long)

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Guest 305240

Take a few pics of it and blow them up to an 8 x 10. Place them in the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and garage. Make time, put aside a couple of hours each month. Dedicate those hours to your Z. After all, hasn't it been waiting patiently?


I've got mine places where I have to walk around it to get to my other car to go anywhere. I put it there purposly. It kind of serves another purpose too. My wife wants me to hurry up and finish it so to get it out of the way...lol


If you absolutly have to get rid of it, I'll trade you a running one for it.

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I bought a 280Z new in 1978 and loved it. I think the styling is timeless. My Wife wanted a ZX when they came out so we got one. It was a nice car but never the same as the Z. We traded it off for a Z28 Camaro in 1984. The Camaro was a POS, never was reliable. I found a '77 Z that was a one owner Doctor's car and bought it for $3000.00. Drove it stock for about a year and found an article about a 215 Buick V8 conversion and ended up doing it. I had problems with the hydraulic clutch and the shop that rebuilt the cylinder heads used the wrong valve stem seals. The inner springs cut the seals sending pieces of rubber into the oil pan that stopped up the oil pump screen. Pulled the Buick out and put a 302 with C4 in it and have driven it ever since as a "back up" car. When I was working on one of the drivers or when I wanted to take it out and play with it. I thought about selling it once or twice over the years but I'm glad that I never did. You could take the money that you get for your car and put it in the bank, but I don't think it would draw interest as fast as the Z will appreciate if you take care of it.


Adios Amigos,

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