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Ok FL guys.. ready for round 2????


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Well, I'm bailing out...hopefully UCF will cancel classes for Friday then I'm heading back home down in Ft. Lauderdale, should be a little safer there since it looks like Frances is coming directly for Orlando. Everybody here thought that Charley was so bad, and it did cause a lot of devastation, but it was only a Category 1 as it passed over Orlando. Frances is a Cat 4 right now and could possibly be a Cat 5 by the time it makes landfall. Right now its projected to hit Daytona/Cape Canaveral, so I'm getting the hell outta dodge while I can. My roommates and I are emptying our freezer and having a big feast tonight since its pretty much a lock that the power will go out for an extended period of time again. Good luck to all the rest of the FL Z guys, hope you all make out alright.

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Well, I'm bailing out...hopefully UCF will cancel classes for Friday then I'm heading back home down in Ft. Lauderdale, should be a little safer there since it looks like Frances is coming directly for Orlando. Everybody here thought that Charley was so bad, and it did cause a lot of devastation, but it was only a Category 1 as it passed over Orlando. Frances is a Cat 4 right now and could possibly be a Cat 5 by the time it makes landfall. Right now its projected to hit Daytona/Cape Canaveral, so I'm getting the hell outta dodge while I can. My roommates and I are emptying our freezer and having a big feast tonight since its pretty much a lock that the power will go out for an extended period of time again. Good luck to all the rest of the FL Z guys, hope you all make out alright.


Hey man... Im in orlando from time to time. I hang out with the guys at the corner of 50 and orange. on saturday nights. You should stop by some time.

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I havent seen the news for a while, this must be a big one if you guys are moving and your an hour away from the coast. I sat through a large one in the early eighties when i was visiting family in orlando. Lots of wind and water everywhere. Kind of exciting when you are a kid. Not so much for those that have to clean up afterwards.


Hold on tight!



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My wife, daughter, and I have evacuated to Tallahassee. We left town with our most valuable possessions: family pictures, our pets, and my Z. :D


We left town thursday at 1:00 PM and arrived in Tallahasee at 11:30 PM. I love to drive my Z, but 10.5 hours of gridlock is pushing it. I have the car stored in a garage up here to keep it out of the weather. After the storm, we'll drive home. Hopefully, we'll still have a home to drive home to. At least my family and the Z are safe.

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Well, down here in Ft. Lauderdale we survived, as did my parents lake house in Sebring, hopefully my apartment in O-town faired well. In Ft. Lauderdale we lost a ton of palm fronds, some big branches, a few shingles, and a billion leaves. Lots of big ficus trees down in my neighborhood and lots of powerlines. We lost power at like 12:30 PM Saturday and just got it back this morning, most people in my neighborhood didn't lose power for an extended period of time. The worst part of this hurricane was how slow it moved. Everybody down here was boarded up by Thursday afternoon so people were getting cabin fever waiting inside so long with nothing to do. Plus when it hit it just sat on top of the state dumping rain all over the place. Hopefully we won't need to make a "OK FL guys.. ready for round 3????" post at the end of this week. Screw Hurricane Ivan (which in case you haven't noticed is expected to become a major hurricane, cat 3 or larger, and is heading straight for us).

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Guest goldraven

Looks like the title of this topic should be changed to "OK FL guys...ready for round 3???? Hurricane Ivan is headed your way guys. lets hope the weather channel people suck at predicting where it is headed...otherwise you guys are in for another rough one. Good luck!



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I survived, and so did the Zs and the house, sorta.


I started building shutters Wednesday night, and the house was secured by Thursday afternoon. The Zs (3 including Ken's Blower 280) were in my shop jacked up about 2 feet in case of flooding. The shop building is pretty sturdy, with massive steel doors. The roof blowing off was a concern, and it didn't.


We left Friday under mandatory evacuation of the barrier islands with the two dogs for a pet-friendly hotel in Kissimee. We rode out the storm comfortably-


Returned Monday to find that a tree had partially blown down enough to scrape a bunch of shingles and tar paper off my garage, causing a minor leak into the garage.


Played Ricky the Roofer Monday and Tuesday - was kind of anxious to get the roof water tight before more rain came. Got that done and started chainsawing to remove blown down trees.


Today is the first one since returning that I've had a chance to relax ( = not do any back breaking physical labor using an out of shape 58 year old body) . I'm at Ken Jones' house posting this since I haven't had power since returning. Sucks because I can see the problem up on the pole- 15 minute job for the repair guys when they finally come.


Thanks all you who called to check on me - I was too busy most of the time, and cell phone service was too clogged the rest of the time to return calls.


Hope the other Central Florida Guys made it OK-


Round 3? Ivan, just kill me now.

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this is crazy.. I was thinking this storm was going to come up the gulf and hit Mobile, but the way this intillicast looks it is going back into FL.. My prayers are with yall.

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