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New pic of engine bay


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Sam that would be great then we can go and duke it out man :twisted: .




I no nothing about filter and such 8) . Btw i did't cut much just right in front of the shifter right above where it reads Pro 5.0 rest of it was just like the day i got it from you. I told you i would take good care of her :D .

Ps. Can you find me some of those picturs when it was like the day we picked it up? I know you had some on your old website and i would really appriciate it bro.



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He has what appears to be a map sensor mounted on the firewall near the rear end of the intake manifold.(orange plug) There is also a temp. sensor on the intercooler piping in front of the throttle body. It appears that he is using some type of aftermarket engine control system. I can't tell if he's using a throttle position sensor, though. :shock:





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Yeah Pete thats right you tell them man :D (but you can only tell me what u gonna do with that "exhaust manifold" 8) ). Just for you i WILL wear that shirt because u know how sexy that makes me look :twisted: .




There is Tps on there you cant see it because t/b is mounted sideways.






Fuel filter is made by Mallory sp and you can get it at Summit i think that its around $75.




Man i dont feel no love from you :D .



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