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America the stupid


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My boss was just in my office talking about this. It is truely sad the state some people find themselves in. I am just surprised they did not insist that a picture of Al Gore be on the board since he "really won the election".

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The principal politicized it by insisting on having a Candidate's photo in an american spirit montage.... the parents should ask for his keys, and send him back to college... tho I doubt it would help any more than the first time he went. :roll::roll::roll:

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Something truely sad in this is that the organization that it supposed to help and protect teachers against this kind of thing (the NEA and there state affiliates) probably won't help this woman because she admits she is a Bush supporter. :roll:


My wife is a teacher and a member of AEA, and you would not believe the crap that comes from them. They have become almost purely a political propaganda organization. :puke:

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this has nothing to do with bush support. she put up a poster of the current president of hte united states for educational purposes. morons demanded kerry's poster to be put up to..


Last time I checked, no one put up posters of Al Gore in 2000 in schools telling kids he's the president

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While she says she is a Bush supporter in her personal life, Pillai-Diaz says she keeps politics out of the classroom.


I think I may have been a little confusing. What I was trying to say, was that the NEA (National Education Association) and in her case NJEA (New Jersey Education Association) are the organizaions (unions) that are supposed to protect teachers from wrongfull termination, unfounded litigation by parents, etc. They have become so politically motivated and aligned with the Democrats that they probably will abandon this teacher because she admits to supporting Bush.


My wife is looking for another organization to join that has similar benefits (they will provide lawyers that specialize in education in the event of a suite) without so much of the political agenda (every organization has some political agenda).

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Sorry it took me a minute to respond to this, but it was all I could do to not throw the monitor out the window!!! :x:cuss::sour:

WTF is wrong with people today? Bush is the President of the United States, like him or not. He IS the 43rd President and no one can take that from him EVER. He was elected, and has been in that office almost a full term. He has earned the right to have his picture up there next to Reagan, Clinton, JFK, LBJ, FDR, Lincoln, etc. That is complete BS.


I am NOT a fan of Bush (although even less of Kerry) but I won't stand for this crap much longer. People need to grow up and start getting behind this country instead of trying to tear it apart. I have heard of people setting Bush and Kerry signs on fire in front of people houses, taking shots at the signs, bashing people's car windows who have stickers on them....WTF is going on?!?!?!?


Sorry, I'm pretty pissed. I usually don't get into political debates, but this is WAY out of control. Grow up America, learn about the candidates, choose the one that best represents your views, vote for them. That is all.


Al :?

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Aux hit the nail on the head. Quite simply put, a good 80+% of the american public is retarded. Retarted meaning that they don't use common sence and make mountains out of mole hills, and want the world to know their boring, stupid, meaningless story.


I am NOT a Bush supporter, but by all means, he should be in schools and classrooms as a symbol and as a learning tool. This is just a bunch of sillyness, sit back and make fun of dumasses, I do! :)

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My wife googled the school and got the phone number for the principle's office. When she called the secretary said they had received many calls regarding the news story. My wife got the principle's email address and sent a message requesting an explaination from him and the school board. Apparently the secretary told my wife that the news story only showed one side and that the school board would explain the entire situation. Yeah right!!! :roll:


Anyway, how many of you guys would like me to post the principle's email on here or PM it to them so they can express their "concern" to that school's administration? What about the explaination from the school board, should I post that when/if we receive it?



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The great Sheeple herd is growing larger by the minute.......bawhhhh, bawhhhh. I've heard that sheeple are akind to the ostrich......they bury their heads in the sand. However, now days it's not in the sand but up their a_ _!!! :roll:

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