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America the stupid part 2


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For younger children, I have to agree. Sorry.. I was going to say it was stupid too at first but after reading that it is for the younger crowd it does make sense. I know I know, we are breading a bunch of pansies. It should however only be used on elementary school kids. If we can guide them to learn better then yes. When they get older it should be red red red. I don't know, just my dumn ass thoughts.

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"Let me tell you a true story about immunization. When i was a little boy in New York City in the 1940s, we swam in the Hudson River. And it was filled with raw sewage. Okay? We swam in raw sewage! You know, to cool off.


At that time the big fear was polio; thousands of kids died from polio every year. But you know somethin'? In my neighborhood no one ever got polio. No one. Ever! You know why? Because we swam in raw sewage! It strengthened our immune systems. The polio never had a prayer; we were tempered in raw sh1t! "

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You think red ink and pictures of W are bad, it goes a little deeper than that. I'm reading a pretty scary book right now called "The Language Police." Read that and you won't care about red ink or pics of W anymore.


Its all about the left and the right controlling the textbook makers. Think of what happens when there is NO language in a book that offends the extreme left or the extreme right. That's what our kids are learning.


Ever see that South Park with the Christmas play? That's where the school books are RIGHT NOW. EDIT--for the high brow or just older crowd, the South Park Xmas play is the potty humor equivalent of Harrison Bergeron.

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I had to laugh after reading the article about not using red pens for correcting papers. The next thing you know they'll want to change the red stop lights out because they're offensive to drivers...........!! What a crock of dodo. I tend to agree with innerware that we're raising a bunch of pansies. Grooming a generation of whimmpy bleeding heart liberals will only add to the already "what can my country do for me" attitude. Oh, my heart goes out to those poor little kids with RED marks on there papers. Maybe if there parents would spend the time to make sure they do their homework and help them learn instead of letting them play with there mindless video games, they might see better returns on their investment (their kids). But hey, what do I know?

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I was listening to THSS yesterday and yep, he got it right, the gay community should be up in arms about this, why should the color normally associated with gays be used for "wrong". Is this some condserviative agenda in disguise of a liberal obsurdity?


Think about it. Following this, and other things in the school news lately. Next they'll say no red drugs! And only knives under 3 inches in length so that noone has knive envy? They already have the "no red scarve" rule, then they'll say no red underware or red tatos or red nose rings. then red lipstick, red eyes, RED KETCHUP!


What a world would we live in without red. This might be a conspirasy of the colorblind, we should write our congressmen immediately! I mean congresspersons, sorry. :oops:


Or perhapse, the kids are just sick of seeing red all over because their parents have no time to help them with homework and they are poisened by mindless video games. And of course the rise in obesity in schools isn't helping, the mind won't work right if you don't exercise. "yes I'll have a happy meal with supersized atkins beat frys, bunless soy burger, and an Sugar free-Oreo-Snickers-Chockolate-Butterfinger Shake with McCandy chunks swirled in it." Eat that or raw sewage... I'll take the health benefits of sewage.


I got a test back once and it was corrected in green, I swear I thought I was doing great even though I nearly flunked it. It certainly felt better, but should it have? Should we be telling kids it's "ok" if you flunk everything? Have you heard some inner city high school kids trying to talk today? What kind of pigeon english is it they teach with purple pens in English. Dang what a difference 10 years makes. Where ar we going in the next 10 years?


Did I miss anything?

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That is rediculus ( :oops: there's a red 'SP' mark..) and I have to agree that yes, we are rasing a generation of pansies.. I'm with Doc. Denis Leary; "My mother didnt love me, and I just done feel good about myself.. and... SHUT THE F$%K UP!! NEXT!!!!" Man oh man... If you don't teach kids to learn FROM mistakes, they will learn nothing. Ever. If I make a mistake, and my boss tells me so, I DEAL with it! Thats the way life is.. you are going to do things wrong the first time.. or 5.. :oops: And if the color red is 'negative' and makes you feel some way.. well, sorry. :lol: What a brave new world we live in...

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Guest 77vegasz

We are taking things way too far. The other day, a child at my 8 year olds elementary school was hit in the face while playing dodgeball. The school in typical knee jerk reaction has now banned dodgeball. There was a fight at recess the same week, and the principle has temporarily banned recess!


What the hell happened to letting kids be kids and learn from their mistakes and knocks?


Our present course is teaching the children that it does not matter if you put out a superior effort or don't do squat because we will treat everyone the same and all hold hands and sing cumba ya by the f...in campfire. We are raising a generation of wimps and slackers!!!



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"Teachers may start out using purple, a color that they seem to think has less negative connotations, but in time, after kids have gone through 12 years of purple check marks, they're going to think purple is an awful color," Brown said.



After reading the first paragraph, my conservative, skeptic and REALIST mind had already called bullshit, and come up with the objection quoted above, albeit in slightly more colorful language. What the hell do the socialist (as in commies) leftist excuse makers we call educators think caused red, (as in commies) [which is SO many peoples favorite color] to be construed as "negative"? God.... no wonder every time I see a fire engine red sports car, I flash back to my spelling grades. :roll::evil:

Thank every thing I find influential and providential that I managed to skip school until high school..... I dont even like to think of who I might have become were I exposed to our education system for 12 years, instead of only 4 1/2.

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There was a fight at recess the same week, and the principle has temporarily banned recess!


Banning dodgeball was a bit extreme, but taking away privileges can be a strong deterent. When the students know that everyone will be punished for the actions of a few, they usually will police themselves.


At my wife's high school, they had a rash of fights at the beginning of last year during break (something like 8 in a week). The administration threatened and then took away break for a few weeks. Once break was reinstated, they finished the year with only a couple fights. They are considering it again because they have had a few problems this year, mostly with girls fighting.

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