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A Proud day in America~


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Take Note- Everyone!

Today is a proud day in America!

For we the people can get elections done... and move on with life.

I salute and respect John Kerry for not going on trying dragging things out.

I also have now come to notice now more than ever how heartless and BIAS our media has become.

To them this slap in your face..... is well deserved.

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I agree 100%!


I think John Kerry did an outstanding Job in his speach today, and probably took a few pages from the aftermath of Al Gore's little stunt. Draggin this into the courtroom and spending millions of dollars was NOT the answer. Kerry made the best decision of his political career.


Kerry gave a very good, very heartfelt consession speach and I was moved by his tone, comments, and finally something honest from him. Maybe his other messages were lost in the mood and hype of the media and entertainment personalities... Shame really, since we only base what we know of either candidate based on the media's tact.


Here is what I hope comes out of ALL of this...


If you are a performer or entertainer... Do your job and STAY OUT OF POLITICS. I don't care about Bruce Springstien or Oprah, or Drew Berrymore, Arnold Swartzineger or any one else in Hollywood think. Pdiddys Vote or Die campaign was a good example of failure... motivated the SAME NUMBER OF YOUNG PEOPLE to vote as 2000. It did not work. :shock:


The media... STICK TO THE FACTS. If you have a PERSONAL AGENDA as a reporter, then KEEP IT TO YOURSELF OR CHANGE JOBS! Ted Turner and Rupport Murdock don't need to try and influence my vote. The editors at the Boston Globe, the Newyork Times or the Washington Post should stick to strictor guidelines and quit trying to influence voter opinion... The media FAILED in their exit polling... :lol: GEE, wonder how this will impact future elections... :roll:


Folks, We witness history before our eyes... Let's hope we all learn from it. :D


I've gotten one or two e-mails from folks here who would like to see the political tone of the board go away, and I for one agree that we need to get back to why the board is here and let this community (HybridZ) HEAL from what has been a very SPIRITED political season. We've debated and discussed the issues, and we have voted, and watched the populous make their choice... Overwhelmingly. Time to move on...


Anyone notice in all this that I've actually started working on my Z again? Now THERE is one for the books! :lol::lol:


Mike :D

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Regarding media bias, there is such a thing. It's not "liberal", and it's not "conservative". It is $$$$$. When W started on about a war in Iraq, my first response was, WTF? And then the "liberal" media offered little to NO objective criticism of the idea. Hmm, why not? here are three reasons:

1) afraid to appear "unpatriotic"

2) they remembered what a boon gulf war I was to CNN. Big ratings=>$$$$, woohoo!

3) gummint could (and SHOULD) come in and bust up the monopolistic media conglomerates, particularly if they voice any objective dissent


Any stylistic bias they had did not prevent them from doing their damndest to make war in Iraq seem both inevitable and like a good idea. Which it wasn't.


News outlets in this country are ENTERTAINMENT, pure and simple. If it's good for the ratings, that's all that matters. Any detectable "liberal" bias is only skin-deep. The outlets are all owned by megacorporations that know which side their bread is buttered on.


Consider the owner of the conlglomerate that runs CBS openly said in Time magazine he wanted W. to win, as that would be better for giant media conglomerates!


You aren't being informed, you're being infotained, and manipulated. And not necessarily in the direction you think...

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I agree with Mike, it's time to put all the political stuff behind us and get back to what we all really enjoy. I for one am gald it's over and it turned out the way it did and I fully intend on boycotting the news for a month so I don't have to expose myself to any more of it.


Hale to the Z car, long may she live!!! :D:D



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