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Is there a federal/state law on ammo I can stockpile?


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Plain and simple... And this will NOT make me popular... WIPE THEM OUT... I don't care to know the number of collateral losses... I'll sleep better at night, but honestly at this point, if his own "People" back him, then they don't back us... WIPE THEM OUT Starting With Pakestan and move West... :shock::twisted::shock::evil:


Kill them all, let Allaah sort them out... Virgins for everyone, right? So what's the problem? :wink:

Mike 8)

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For you guys on the West side J&G Sales http://www.jgsales.com has .308 for $90.00 a thousand in 5k lots.

East coast check with Aim Surplus http://www.aimsurplus.com are good folks to deal with.

Also local gunshows are a good bet, I ran into a guy a couple months ago that was needing to raise a little capital for a gun he wanted and got 2K for a good price.

What you have to watch for is shipping, it can run about half what the ammo costs if you aren't careful.

If you are interested in learning something about what to shoot it in check out http://www.gunboards.com for info.


Adios Amigos,

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The only problem with wiping them all out is, you start pissing off the other allied countries, and you don't want to be too far into the slaughterfest and find out "Oh you mean China, North Korea, and yes even France (I mena Freedom) just loaded their big guns and have started the countdown?"


I think the plan is in motion...


Check these details:


1. Clinton to head UN becoming essentially the "world president".


2. With U.S. in control of the U.N. (hold on to your guns just yet.) we can force WTO under U.S. control (to prevent unlawful transactions).


3. Claim that Canada is harboring terrorists, control Canada (not that we don't already, we don't need any Arabs up their planning their next border crossing) harvest the natural resources (legally).


4. Offer assistance to former U.S.S.R. in exchange for border patrol of China and rebuild the eastern block. (in order to "keep the peace" in eastern europe and "assure safe free trade")


5. Have an "accident" just off the coast of Cuba with a few unmanned well placed russian subs loaded with 50 or so nukes ea. the entire island will be a memory. Blaim it on Ugoslavia.


6. Warn of future "accidents" if you can't get MEGA funding and support form all other countries to prevent future "accidents" and reform Ugoslavia as the new world technology center (run your stem cell research here) [little does the world know stem cells can be used for all sorts of weapons].


7. Quietly replace leaders of OPEC and run it from the inside with heavy sanctions against China. Blame it on the Middle East. Let them duke it out.


8. Build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.


9. Kick China out of WTO. Blame it on Mexico. Let them duke it out.


10. Gain support through lower priced [canadian source] oil in E.U. and India.


11. Invade CHINA through North Korea using the stem cell research to mind control north koreans. Let them duke it out.


12. Wipe the world clean with our special brand of anti-communist freedom. The birth of U.S.E. the United States of Earth.


It could work, but then again maybe we should just sit back and wait till China becomes the world leader when their industrial revolution takes over. What do you think?

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Come on! Be an american......we ARE the world's leader!!! Do you think we got to our current status by asking permission from other countries....NOT!!! And to mention that you think Clinton should be the world president......that's the best joke I've heard in a while. Clinton is history and we should leave it that way for your own protection. Maybe you forgot about Clinton and all his cronnies and how they tried in vain to destroy our 2nd amendment rights??? Be an american, join the NRA, clean your bores, stock up on ammo and supplies.....so when the frigging foreiners start wigging out on our homeland we will be served up some of the best target practice available. Remember the war of 1812? I'm definitely proud to be an American.....now where's my SIG.

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