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women problems.. yes NON Z related lol

Guest ON3GO

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screw the girl thing sparky..

when can we meet! i heard some storys about you and we gotta meet lol.

get ur Z out of paint jail and ill bring the hulk.

we will have a blast!



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Well, been there before, but way worse, had a kid with mine. My boss told me to get rid of her as she would destroy me, I didn't listen, I ended up in jail, lost my job, cost me 50K in custody battle legal fees, only to have visitation with a wonderfull son who I'm building a hybrid z with and dealing with a psychotic mother witch weekly. Mine's 34 now and never had a job, never will, lies constantly, makes up stories for sympathy, etc, etc.


Dude, as wonderfull as she might seem on occassion, she's not, even you are having doubts, take it from some of us, you ain't the first, you won't be the last to experience something like this, but take my bosses advice since I didn't. Leave her, find a rustbucket z, spend 100K fixing it, run 8's, but whatever you do, leave her alone, your attracted to a self destructing woman who will destroy you or anybody that is associated with her!!!!!


women, can't live with them and it ain't legal to shoot 'em!

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I was reading some old posts, not dealing with this topic, and came across this post. IF you are refering to the same women look what you said last year..... :idea:




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Joined: 03 Sep 2002

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Location: Houston, TX


Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 9 :07am Post subject:




so what if its retarded... thats why we have a non-tech section....

its a place where we can all just "talk"...

im lucky im only 19, just out of a 8month "thing" with my ex-girl friend and THANK GOD!!!!! i felt like i was married... she even told me wha to wear, and told me i cant paint my car blue and black, and that it has to have A/C and a good sound system... F HER!!!!!


'76 280Z "The Hulk" Built L28ET

'77 280Z "Mean Ole Blue" L28ET

'86 S12 200sx ↔ SR20DET Drift Car

'89 CRX



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none of my business ... but my two cents ...


i married the same ... emotionally abused ... not physically abused ...


but, i guess, if one is abused physically, it's also emotional as well.


ahh how to put this without sounding like an ass ...


if she is as bad off as you suggest ... if she does not get solid mental help, not religion or any other counter culture help, solid professional mental help, she will drain you dry.


you will give and she will take, she will abuse you and you won't even know she is doing it.


she will come to resent you and eventually accuse you of abusing her.


this isn't just my personal experience, this is typical of most people, both men and women that have been abused.


i was studying to be a psychiatric technician ( couldn't afford doctor school ), doesn't make me an expert, but i knew going in, what i was getting into, just didn't think she was so bad,


as is the pattern, she got worse and worse as she got older, she would not get help ... got to the point where bad weather was my fault ... everything was my fault.


enough of that ...


if you want to remain her emotional punching bag and be her support system, the one she calls when life cheats her, you are a great guy for being her best friend, everyone needs a best friend and a shoulder.


however, getting married may be a hugh mistake ...


you will no longer be her knight in shinning armour, instead you will be enveloped into all the things that are wrong in her life. you will now be the evil troll keeping her imprisoned in the dark castle dungeon, and she will spend her days dreaming of how to find another knight to come rescue her.


my two cents ...


continue to maintain the arm's length brother sister relationship, don't kiss her, no sex ... if you do, in her mind, if you don't marry her, you will have abused her as well ... she trusted you and you didn't make her dreams come true.


sorry, no matter your age, i have to say, please don't marry her ...

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I cant believe you posted stuff about something this personal. This really must be bugging you pretty bad. Been there, I know how it is. I had my heart broken really bad when I was younger, so bad that I once thought I could never fall in love again. I realized that I was wrong, but from that experience I know that love takes time, and I will never tell anyone that I love them if I really do not. Sounds like you need to go out and meet some girls homie. Sounds like youre a sensitive caring person and you have cool cars, those two together mixed with some game can take you places. I meet a lot of girls, and I dont say this because I think I am a pimp or some kind of hustler, Im just really really Freakin Ambitious, and my ambition is really starting to take me places. My favorite motto is

"Im not a pimp, Im a positive thinker." Buck up youngster, grab some ambition and fly with it. I found my calling in life and its made me a stronger and better person, there is no reason why you cannot do the same thing. IF she really is the special love of your life, work with it, but also keep your options open, youre a young man and life is ahead of you, life is a battle but you dont have to fight fair, but go in with your fists up and let em fly buddy.

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You are 21, now. By the time you are about 25 or 26, you will be a different person and things will be a little clearer. The most important person to take care of right now is you. Education is a must.

If you meet a girl and she has a savings account with a couple thousand in it, a steady job, either done school or going to school, that is the one you hold on to!!

You will learn from experience that you can only live with a nice set of tits for a while....... :D ( unless of course they're attached to the above girl :wink: )



( I've lived through all a women can dish out!)

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ABsolutely... THe most fluid time of my life was my 20s... I raced cars, Bikes, bicycles, had three different supposed careers, and 10 different girls... The ONLY consistant thing in my life was THE ZCAR I owned, so what should that tell you... I grew long hair and owned a recording studio, played drums in a number of rock bands, and dated more women than I car to mention....


Mike, you are in the prime of your life and you need to:


A:: Ditch bud light and find real beer* ( when I'm not sucking down Jack Daniels, it is Guiness or Dominion Lager)


B: Find and fornicate with a number of HOT women... Put her behind you!


Enjoy the ride... I believe that is the Nissan saying...

Mike 8)

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Yep, you're smitten. But dangit dude, she's a flame and your that crazy moth that keep circling. How many times do you have to be burned before you either give up or die, and she'll kill ya, no doubt. Yes, she acts cute, she's careing, she's nice, wouldn't hurt a fly, but obviously she's doing something wrong or you'd be together right now.


She sounds like a taker, she'll do whatever she has to to get what she wants then drop you like a stone down the well, because she may think she wants you but she obviously does not, and you may think she can change, but C'mon dude THINK!


I hope this forum has pounded some sence in you but I don't think so.


You're so on the fence even the fence is tired of your numb butt! :wink:


So get the heck off that fence and cold turkey that B***. Yes I'm p*** because I had the displeasure of this same kind of crap, and man it must happen to everyone sometime, whatever you do, DON'T get her knocked up and DON'T marry the B***. S*** Dude!!! C'mon!!!


JUST THINK!!!! Yes she's pretty, but damn! Why must we be so dependant on those b****es.


You'll know you've found the right one when she makes a compairable income to you, isn't a loser, and has a good family life. Do you want your family to turn out like her's?


You're not going to save her.


There is just the slightest chance, but not today, maybe when you're 25 you'll finally understand and please don't be married to her with kids! WOW!


Listen to Dr. Laura or something dude. Dang. :roll:

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well i took everybodys advise and called her yesterday so we can meet.

she came over my friends place to hang out with me since im leaving florida soon, and to see my friend and etc, cuz we all grew up together.

she came with some of our friends so she wasnt alone.

at 1st i couldnt talk to her cuz some convo came up and she was talking about this time she did some things with this girl..

wow i love this stuff in porn but not in my life.... call me a loser i guess but not my cup of tea.


so then after about 2 hours of me just ignoring her i sat down and talked to her. pretty much asked her if she was happy in life.

she said "maybe" and i started to sorta lose it.

came back with "theres no maybe, its either yes or no.. so what is it"




ok then why arent you happy "im not sure, just everything seems unstable and such, i dont have anything to rely on"


wow did i lose it then, i got into the whole how i was always there, and how i loved her and such. i got so pissed i told her if she cant see it throughout all these years then she never will and im done....


she just sat there, not saying a word.


i was happy i spoke my mind and i was happy i got the point across so i got up and left.

about a hour later she come up looking like she has been crying the whole time and asked if we could talk.. sure i said.


turns out she knows how she feels, she just is afraid the worse will happen and that once i have her ill run away like everything else..

we talked for the rest of the night we her agreeing that she will seek some help in the future and when i return to florida (if i do) we can take it slow or not take it at all, but i agreed even if nothing happens with us ill go to counseling with her.


went to bed, woke up next to each other (nothing happened :() and she left..


i think i did the right thing...



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Wow, it's like you're married, you two can't get rid of eachother.


Why did god give us these stupid hormones! Then on top of it tie them to our emotions!!!


Sad, sick, sad.


Well here's something to make you feel better, your hormones eventually lose most of their potentcy, and life is a heck of a lot easier.

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