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Great Neighbors


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At first I thought it was a joke, but as I read on, I could see it wasn't. I did get a good laugh though!


Having dealt with certifiably mentally challenged individuals, I feel sorry for all involved. JD8 may have no clue he's a moron and that what he does is socially unacceptable (3:00 AM parties, etc, etc.). I really mean that. It's amazing how truly ignorant some people can be - I mean they just don't have any idea as to what's o.k. and what's not. I've had first hand experience with people who just have no idea that most of their social behavior is socially unacceptable. Heck, you can even try to explain it to them and they can't understand it. It's sad, because they don't mean to be annoying, etc., they just don't "get it".


Then again, JD8 may well know that all the weird stuff he does bothers his neighbors, but JUST DOESN'T CARE. For that, jail time would be oh so appropriate - with JD thrown into the lockdown with a dress on smile.gif .

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Guest Thurem

To me, it sounds like this guy doesn't like his neighbor at all. Maybe this neighbor is really a mobster, in the wittness protection program. That would really explain his behavior.


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That was too funny, but I have to wonder, some of those pics were taken from within the "red-necks" compound. If this guy has called the cops several times I do not think ole JD8 would allow him on the property just to get pics. So is the neighbor committing an act of criminal trespass when ole JD is not at home? I have to wonder. It is a very funny site though, it reminds me of some of my cousins lol. :D

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Guest Anonymous

Sorry for him neighbor wise. If I ever get into a house of my own, I pray its on land, neighborhood squables over really stupid **** makes me want to never move to a regular neighborhood. Between the kids ripping you off while your gone (I've got lots of attractive musical gear, guitars, amps etc), or harrassing your dog, cat (whatever)and 'your tree is in my yard', could you move this old car or even worse, predjudice and ignorance it really makes it less attractive to me. Hell gimme some land out in the desert/country a simple dwelling and a garage and I'd be in honkey heaven. :D





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