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I want nothing for Christmas...


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I want nothing for Christmas this year…


As I look around my home tonight I cannot think of anything that I want for, only one thing I pray for…


A child.


Perhaps 2005 will be better for Lisa and me. You see we have been doing Invetro fertilization for the past 18 months. I know others on the board have done the same and my prayers go out to them, especially on this night, one of family gatherings and joy.


There is a void in my life one that I cannot explain. I am 35 years old, a widower (two years ago, and I have remarried) and childless. I am married to a wonderful woman that after my tragedy saw the inner “me†and believes in him. I thank God for her every day.


Although I have many material “things†Cobra, Datsun Z car, tools, nice garage, I’d trade them all in a heartbeat to have my own family. Lisa and I are here alone this evening sharing one another’s company. Right now she is making chocolate covered strawberries for the neighbors and I’m just kind of writing this note bathing in my own self pity.


I still have hope, as does she, that one day soon we will be able to celebrate the holidays with our own children. We are going to do another round of Invetro and look further into adoption at the first of the year.


Sorry if this brought anybody down, I guess it’s just the season.



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David.....I know what you mean.....we have one child, but any more seem to be ellusive....been there done that....but have now given up and are happy with the one we have!!

Good luck to you...... seen my share of plastic cups....I must admit that the old fashioned way is more fun, but whatever it takes......

Good things are bound to come your way.......hopefully mother nature will cooperate!

Merry Xmas!!!



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David, Look at it like this... You still get to KEEP trying, right?


I decided yesterday afternoon while I was in my garage working on my car, and dealing with the stress of the holidays (My older brother and I don't get along to well, and there's always stress with my oldest stepson as well...) that I would find my son. I want to know him before I die, and make sure he knows about me.


Life is strange... Things happen for a reason... I hired a fellow two months ago to work for our company and I got a call on Thursday that this guy's daughter was killed in an accident this past wednesday night... 17 years old, and at the beginning of her life. Sometimes I wonder if having children is worth the pain, the stress, the sleepless nights... This poor guy will have a lifetime of wondering how things might have been. What do you say to someone who has such tremendous loss and right here at the holidays to top it off... I couldn't imagine, and wouldn't want to...


David, You keep trying myfriend... Keep trying.



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everything will fall into place, just have to give it time.. even if thats not what we want.

i wish the best for you and your wife, and im sure the time will come.

just dont give up :)


Merry Christmas



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My current wife went through this in her previous marriage and the doctors could not figure out what the problem was, and they too tried everything. Then boom, on a single time with a guy she had dated for a couple of years (later on in her life)....and now I've got a great stepdaughter (the father split fast after he found out, which was his loss)! Ironic, some folks have kids and don't want them, and others that do want kids, can't have them. Anyway, our prayers will be with yours!

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