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I love how nice and kind people are


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Great.... finally get my Z on the road, no scratches or dings in hte paint, and today someone was kind enough to open their door (i was FOUR feet away from them!) all the way out and mark their territory on my flawless door.



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Guest Anonymous

Sorry to hear. That pisses me off bad! Same thing happened to me the first time I drove my Z. It's just jealous people, wishing they had what you've got. Mark

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no, this was just a careless idiot in some beater beretta. i even had a hunch that the driver wouldn't care how far the door swung out, so i parked as far from him as possible in the spot. I just wish the car was still there with the paint from my car on their door - I would've literally beat the crap out of the car with the 3' long breaker bar i had with me

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Guest Anonymous

It seems that only the nice cars or the freshly painted cars of mine get the dings in parking lot. One time I parked as far away as possible from any car to avoid a ding. While I was hiking to the store, some idiot bumped a shopping cart in a parking spot he was trying to enter causing the shopping cart to fly into my car 20 feet away while I watched hopelessly 100 foot away. When I confronted the driver his wife went running to the phone booth to call the police as he threatened to shoot me while fumbling in his glove compartment. He drove away and left me to face his pint size wife who repeatedly attempted to kick me for her husband leaving her in the parking lot. Some times this vandalism is deliberate and sometimes it is done by complete idiots that belong in the zoo with around the clock attendants to monitor their abnormal behavior

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I guess the only thing you can do in that kind of situation is kick the snot out of their car as they will probably just drive off anyway. LOL, you should have called the police to tell them that you were being assaulted by an Oompa Loompa.


One thing that irritates me to no end is people leaving shopping carts in the middle of parking lots, especially when they're no more than 20 feet from the cart corral.

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I always park far to make sure there's no one to next to my car. If I get back and there's a car the first thing I check if there's a door ding. If there is then all HELL IS GOING TO BREAK LOOSE.


Isn't it funny how you park far and as soon as you see a car parked next to you, you start to feel the anger build up as you come closer. fmad.gif

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Kevin, what pisses me off is that my own mother does the exact same crap. Opens the door, DING! someone else's car. One day, I just pulled up to her in my car and opened the door right into her door. she got pissed at me and asked me why I did that, and I told her 'because you do that to everyone else, and you can't tell cars apart - the next car you will do it could be mine.'

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Aux, sorry to hear that! That really bites.


I'm considering putting an intentional first ding into my car so the next one I get doesn't bother me too much :D .


Kevin, inconsiderate people infuriate almost, just almost, as much as totally nasty, mean, selfish people. twak.gifb_hand.gif I am always telling my kids how to be considerate. Since most parents in the past 20 years haven't done this, my kids are shining examples against a sea of inconsiderate turds. My son (9 today) got out of the car the other day, and I watched him take great care to not open the door into the car in the next spot. I was so proud that he did this without me saying anything to him!

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My son (9 today) got out of the car the other day, and I watched him take great care to not open the door into the car in the next spot. I was so proud that he did this without me saying anything to him!
Pete, I hope you got him something cool for his birthday!!?? Maybe a 1st gen Z to start working on (at the rate his ol' man finishes Z projects, he might be done by the time he gets his license!! :D:eek:tongue.gif )



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First I would like to commend Pete for doing such a good job with his son.


the one and only time I watched someone door ding my car: My wife and I went to Marrie Callenders to pick up a pie, when we pulled into the parking lot there were only 2 spaces open so I pulled into one of them and got the car centered perfectly in the space (small spaces), just as I was opening my door another car pulled into the space beside me so when he shut off his engine I finished getting out while holding my hand over the edge of my door so as not to have my door hit their car. When we stepped into the resteraunt I looked back into the parking lot and watched the lady (passenger) fling her door open with as much force as she could muster, then she did it again, after getting out of her car she slammed her big ass into her door to add to the crease now in my door. I came unglued and my wife would not let me confront them for fear of me being arrested.


After we got our pie and the moron couple had come in to eat I pulled my car out of the parking space got out and kicked the entire passenger side door in on thier car, made me feel better but I was still pissed.




That was my 260Z.

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Guest Anonymous

I was much younger, maybe mid twenties and I was looking at my new car from about two hundred feet away through the window at work when a women in a wagon pulled next to my car and when the brats she had with her opened the back door they hit my car so hard it visibly rocked my car. I didn't say a word to anyone at work and I asked to leave early and walked that two hundred yards getting madder and madder as I walked. When I got to my car and saw the damage I lost it completely and I methodically walked around her vehicle and in less than a minute I totaled it with my feet, elbows and fists. Got in my car and went home. I enjoyed every minute and it raises my blood pressure just talking and thinking about it. I guess that was sick but it was the first new car I ever had and after thinking back about it, it was the only new car I've ever had.


It hurt so bad to see it ruined and I worked so hard to save up the down payment. I guess I've never had a new car since because I didn't want to go through that pain again.

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Oh man, this is th esort of thing that REALLY pisses me off too! The RX7 I have is FLAWLESS, no dings anywhere. How it's managed to stay that way I don't know but I am VERY careful when I drive it. The Supra has already suffered a ding cry2.gif and I've owned it for less than 6months (sigh). The Z is also straight as an arrow, no dings, but I drive it very little these days and usually to cruises when I do. If I ever witness someone ding my car or come out and spot a mark that I can tell came from the car next to me I DO damage their car. I know two wrongs don't make a right but geez people who are so careless are jerks.


BTW, if I saw someone intentionally bash my car I would indeed confront them. I wuld also be speaking to their insurance company or find myself restrained by police. There's simply no reason to damage someone else's property and I am VERY careful to never ding another person's car. I frequently cover the door edge with my hand and when getting out of friend's cars do the same while other passengers exit. It's just not cool for someone to spend a mint and then get bashed by morons!

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makes me happy my car has plenty dings and primer on it right now, i will be scared for my life once i spray it though, people suck, some people only drive a to b and think nothing of their rides, people like us cherish these things, even more because most of us built em up from a pup. brake dust works good in these situations as well, one lady door checked me once, her car is a brillo pad now.

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Guest Anonymous

Sorry to hear that, ironically the safest place to park sometimes is next to the 'cart corral' as nobody ever uses them (well I do if I'm not in a hurry just because...). People suck. Its like they don't bother judging the distance, just throw the door open and let it fly all the way till it hits the stops or your car. Thats one reason I don't think I could ever justify an expensive paint job, mines a driver that I want to be able to take places and not worry about the paint (only about it being stolen) or some loser ******* who can't stand that someone did something with they're life and can afford nice paint only to have said moron key it.





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Guest Drewz

Heres a good one for ya, my buddy John and I strip his 74 vette to nothing, yes paint stripper was involved. We removed anything that was boltd on including the bumper braces as 1 was bent and the doors were taken right off and stripped internally as to get a full paint job in and out. He get the car to the shop he works at to fire up the new 383 stroker with multi port after it is painted and reassembled. He gets it tuned for the "maiden voyage" and runs in to lock his tool box quickly as I stand outside near the car. The "lady" pulls up with many open stalls all around and parks within a couple feet of his car. I know what is about to happen so I start to walk over and she WHAMMMS the door open into his black pearled pass. door. I lost my fu*#@ng mind. She tries to make an excuse and I tell her to shut it since she is about to get a bill for a very expensive repair. John is standing there in disbelief watching me act as harsh as if it were my car. I now have the nickname of "watchdog". a real big one at that!! nono.gif I can't believe the lack of respect and care of peoples own property let alone others. She did pay that bill and it was huge since it had pearl in the base coat and in the tinted clear she paid for a 3/4 respray as it could not have been blended. That was a couple years ago and I hope I have a little more control now but it angers me even remembering the sound of the car door hitting his door. cry2.gifcry2.gif

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VERY sorry to hear that your car is now blemished. I remember having all the door dings taken out of the Q45 last year, and then having my own little ones open the van door TWICE into my driver's door. sour.gif


They are learning. The Q was bad enough, but it would REALLY hurt if it was a Z.



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Guest Anonymous

man just thinkng of peole like that gets my blood up. and the sad thing is half of them don't care. there are a few people who do it by accident and will be willing to work somthing out but then you have the moron who can't open his door far enough since he did a poor ass parking job and just keep banging away till there is enough room for him to get out all the while curisng you for being too close even though you had parked first fmad.gif i can garauntee if i ever manage to get my ZX fifnished and painted the way i want it, if ever see somebody ding or er even key my car. they will need the police to restrain me from giving them the beating of their life!


a quick question for you guys. the paint job i wan't is a metallic silver basecoat with a black pearl and a dark emerald green clear cloat. how much would something like this set me back?

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