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Who's into MMA?

Guest iskone

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I'm just wondewring how guys here like the taste of blood. JK

I'm not the animal type when I fight, if I can help it or sober LOL.


Well I'm not some bad A** but I've been into MMA for a few years now. Don't get in any serious competion just my freinds, whom I stomp.


If there are any MMA fans in the Seattle area have you been to any of the local events?




Oh... I'm a Pride fan. UFC is cool I'm certainly not putting it down but face it Pride fighters are better!!!

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Guest Magnum Rockwilder

I've never done any sanctioned MMA events, but I sort-of follow them.


I fought in TKD from 87-94, did MMA with my friends throughout Jr. High and HS, and did "Tough Man" style fighting until I got a pretty serious head injury in '01. Now I get tempted to get back into it, but I value my brain and think 9 concussions is enough... not to mention I have my teeth wired in, have 2 broken teeth, have an aneurysm, and have had my nose broken 4 times.


I fought in lightweight to middleweight classes, but my natural weight is 170. I just preferred to fight in lighter classes.

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Magnum, I'd say you need to get your head examined, but from the sounds of it, it's been inspected a few times already. Iskone, talk to magnum or just let him beat some sense into you I think he's got it figured out. JK guys, your both too much!


I'm sure your both tough guys, but you or anybody else doesn't have to prove it to me by getting your head bashed in, nose broke, jaw broke, teeth broke, etc. I've kicked some butt and had my butt kicked also, not too proud of it, kind of stupid mostly, honorable on two occassions, but then again I bet if I really knew the gal's involved they probably deserved getting slapped around anyway and I should have just stayed out of it all together.


Instead, I'd rather race you on any given weekend or day for that matter, have a beer, talk cars, and have a good time.


Best of luck in your next MMA, set up a contribution fund for the hospital bills, would 'ya.

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Guest Magnum Rockwilder

The reason I got into it was because of the physical rush, the endurance challenge, and the emotional outlet.


Ever since I stopped fighting, my temper has gotten worse. After I fight I feel relaxed and satisfied.


I'm thinking about joining a local boxing gym, but some of the guys there aren't too happy with me because I fought against them in "Badass of the Bay" in '01 and won my class, then refused to show up for a promotional shoot.


I just wanted to kick ***, not get my picture taken. ;)


The reason I got out of it is: I fought a local professional boxer in a non-sanctioned event, and he had me "out on my feet" after 1/2 round. I stayed on my feet through the whole 3 round exhibition, but I didn't know who I was or where I was for 3 days afterwards, and I had some pretty serious symptoms, like flashes of light, dementia, and mismatched pupil dilation. It took me at least 2 months to get back to 100%.

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I'm not much into the whole fighting thing, as I have nothing to prove, but I have been training with my Brother-in-law. I feel that I have the ability to compete and win, but it just doesn't appeal to me. Here's some of the stuff I do:


Rapid Assault Tactics (R.A.T. System):

The RAT system is the heart of Progressive Fighting Systems. It was developed by world renowned Martial Arts expert Paul Vunak, originally as a fighting system for “Hot Duty†professionals who had no time to practice, and often had no previous fighting skills, but whose lives depended on learning a simple "END THE FIGHT RIGHT NOW" set of skills.


The RAT System today is taught to the US Navy Seals, Special Forces, Rangers, Military personal, F.B.I, D.E.A, C.I.A, Local & Federal Government S.W.A.T. Teams and many leading Police Departments and Agencies across the United States and other countries.


You don't have to be quick, or coordinated, or even in decent physical shape! All the deadly power comes from extensions of the way your body naturally moves. The RAT system teaches one to survive a fight by using quick, realistic straight to the point techniques, as well as your most barbaric tools on the human body: head butts, knees and elbows.

Jeet Kune Do Concepts:

Jeet Kune Do Concepts focuses on making one a complete fighter and making them proficient in all ranges of combat. Regardless of style there are different ranges to fight from. Kicking, punching, trapping and grappling. Most martial arts focus on only one or two of these areas. JKD teaches one to flow in all ranges, producing the most complete martial artist possible. This is the reason it is the preferred method of the US Navy SEALS, DEA, FBI, CIA, and numerous law enforcement agencies across the country.


Filipino Martial Arts:

The Filipino martial arts have the most effective weapons training methods on the planet. The Filipino martial arts allow you to train safely and full contact using a myriad of weapons. As well as their superior weapons training the Filipino martial arts also have first class empty hand skills. The Filipino martial arts are the preferred weapons training of the above listed government agencies.

Law Enforcement / Corrections / Security - Control and Defense Tactics:

This System is a unique empty hand concept designed specifically for Law Enforcement, Corrections and Security personnel, or for anyone who needs to handle an aggressive hostile person who simply refuses to cooperate or follow directions. Its constructed of simple and practical applications such as locks, restraints and Dumog, which is a Filipino wrestling art dealing with natural choke points on the human body. This is one of the most effective, efficient and straight forward methods proven to work.

It's a lot of fun! I would recomend that everyone try at least a self defense course. There is a lot of things you think you know from seeing movies or watching T.V., but when/if the time comes, you're liable to get hurt or killed from doing something dumb.



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Not a bad idea, I've always wanted to, but in my home town everyone steers way clear of me anyway cause I'm so damn ugly, so I haven't needed to.


I read that not only can your car kick my cars ***, but you can kick my *** as well, so I'm not sure I want to race, cause if I loose, then I'll loose.


Good info, I've always admired people who train martial arts for their discipline.



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"Come on now, let's be honest...doen't MMA stand for Maximum Masterbation Assosiation??? That's what I thought! You guys in Washington sure know how to stay busy."




Dr_hunt: Basically what Magnum said sums it up.


Damn Magnum!!! You need not fight at all. I kind of know how you feel. I broke my arm at work so I'm not soppuse to fight anyone, and it sucks. I hate being with my freinds and they start boxing or when we are at a bar/party and some one gets out of line and I'm just watching twittling my thumbs :x .

Since my arms been broke I did get jumped by some jerks, of course. I used a little Aikido skill and once I got one on the ground I sttomped on his face a few times!!!


I like to fight not be the best fighter in the world. It's not an ego thing. I like to think of MMA as the ultimate man on man competition short of fighting for your life. In MMA it is really like a chess game but your the whole board. It's hard to expain what goes on in my head but for the most part I'm setting you up, planing a move, or trying to get out of a bad spot. It is truely one of my favoritew things to do.


fl327: Do you do any Peer 2 Peer file sharing? If so use something like DC++ and you can find hubs that are for MMA. I've got almost every Pride, UFC, Vale Tudo, etc. by downloading. Oh the Absolute Fighting Championship is a great event.


Mat73gnz: Those all sound good I'm famillar with a few even. Try Aikido you'd like that if you like the RAT. I'd try to find a dojo that was more about the warrior side tough, they'll show you more offense than a typical Aikido dojo.



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"but in my home town everyone steers way clear of me anyway cause I'm so damn ugly, so I haven't needed to."


LMAO.........Hmmm,I'm getting a funny feeling thats the REAL reason for me too !lol.


I love those events alot,hell my jaw is sore the next day from the intensity just viewing them. I've been in "Pai Lum Kung Fu" since 6th grade ( my dad thought I needed the extra discipline ) thanks dad,really !


I got into Mui'Tai eventually for the occasional "bar fight over now" methods. That will get you sued yesturday,so I don't even go anymore. But these channels are exellent for those of us who have deep seated prob........wait,I mean deep or strong passions to beat the living sh.........uh ,er ..never mind.


Any way ,I had never had my *** kicked good ,I thought I was ready for for all unexpected situations,anything life could throw at me ......but as every dog has his day.......after my Fiance's funeral by a few weeks.....I found myself a little beyond drunk with no dinner in my diabetic body ....walked around the corner of a van and as I looked up from pulling my keys from my pocket....BAM ! I had just got the front of my face crushed to the eye's orbital floor by a 4"x4" fence post. I won't EVEN go into the damage ...but if you have to choose a definate weapon out of a pile to fight with no skills ,pick up that 4x4......I woke up 26 minutes later to a pint of blood pooled around my head and running into crevices.


Every dog has his day.......never found out who or what the hell that person was up to....perhaps that guy you kicked his *** 12 years before and he never let it go ?


What doesent kill you.....................



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Yup, I have a reputation as well, for instance three cop cars showed up at my house for the "z" incident. Really, why three, well, I don't need to expand, but maybe they thought I was giving away free donuts.


I was taking a leak at an outdoor party when a couple of guys come up from behind and hit me in my right ear with the butt of a pistol. I kind of came to with some guy smacking me repeatedly in the face. Pushed him in the river and hauled *** for safer ground. Massive concussion and stitches in my ear to fix it all, lovely. Later I find out from witnesses who they were and retaliated on a one by one basis in much the same manner as they attacked me. Problem is, it's like a merry go round that eventually gets out of hand. I need to control myself and act like a responsible adult for the kids that are around, and not become the subject of tall tales told to others. I'm ashamed of what I have done, it wasn't right, and wasn't good. I know that I'm going straight to hell if I don't change my ways. Two wrongs, don't make a right.


I'll straighten up when I turn 70, that is if I live that long, well, maybe 50 cause I don't think I'll live that long.

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Huge mma fan here. Im planning on training in the near future once i get settled into a schedule that i can work with. I also think Pride has the best fighters and put on the best show. And now that mma events can be held in California, hopefully the sport will grow in popularity.


Favorite fighters- Igor Vovchanchyn and Wanderlei Silva

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Guest tony78_280z

I Trained Aikido for 3 years. I loved it. Not a whole lot of places to train in Southern Illinois or I'd be there.


Raundori is a three on one event in which the three try to bring down the one with whatever means necessary. As you advance in training the restrictions of attacks and restrictions on speed of the three get fewer and fewer. When one tests for their blackbelt it is pretty much anything goes. Many have broken bones when it is over. Some still manage to pass that test with the broken bones. And you must remember that these three have trained with you, they know your techniques and the best defesnses for them. The end result is allways the same. Thre three will eventualy bring you down. It is the skill, tactics, willpower, and martial attitude that you apply in the resistance that is judged.


There is quite the rush during and peacefullness afterwards. Samurai saying "When you stand before your opponent everything else in life finds it's place." After randori everything else is much more dim for a few days. (Like the movie Fight Club) Problems at work or in social life go away or are more managable.


In randori I've had one good run in which I lasted about 30 seconds. In that time I threw all three at least once. One guy just vanished until the end of the run. Apparently he had hurt his knee when he landed. Immediatly afterwards I went and puked.


A very few in the history of Aikido can keep all three at bay for ever or defeat all three of them out right. O~Sensai, could take 5 at a time. He said more than 5 oppnents merely got in each others way.

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Ahh..... Randori, that is awesome. My Sensai went to San Fracisco to test in front of some big wig from Japan to get his 2nd black belt (Shodan right? it's been a while for me w/ Aikido). Well the guy wanted him to do his Randori against 5 guys. I saw the tape it was hard core. He was in there for around a minute and this one guy was trying to get crazy with him, but he got dropped hard. I could not hang with him at all. I put him in a side choke once and I give it all I got and he would just yell "you aren't doing anything, this is just pain" while punching me in the ears over and over!!!



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Guest tony78_280z

Shodon is firist degree. Nidon is second degree. What was the affiliation? Some are a little fruitier than other. Sounds like you were in a Hard Core affiliation. What was your sensai's name? Who was the big wig? 5 on one is pretty tough for a mere Sho-to-Nidon. Normaly reserved for Shidon.

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Nothing beats the feel of cool steel and gunpowder...


In my younger days, and with a former employer, we were required to have a mix of hand to hand skills that required excellent foot work, hand work, and the ability to be VERY flexible... Im now over 200# and still can bend over and touch my toes without bending knees, and I can place my foot on the roof of any car, and a few trucks.


But let's face it, now days you smack some punk around in a bar and he runs to the cops... Just not worth it anymore... And I'm with Terry on the whole knife thing... Having been cut a few times, I can tell you that someone pulls a knife near me and they WILL go into a box... Big Boom, lots of holes, and burnt gun powder... I'm a fan of handguns, and generally never get confused with the words "fair" and "Fight"!



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well, I don't look like any Bad a$$, which is fine with me! been told I looked more like Tobey Maguire in my younger days. I've studdied Taijitsu in the Bujinkan Dojo off and on for 10 years now. Figure I learned just enough to get my self in deep trouble. Maybe after another 10 years of study I will feel confident enough to get out of that same trouble.


Now when I get the urge to bash some young whiper-snapper's face in I usually head to the garage and take my frustrations out working on my car. Usually after getting my hands all chewed up trying to replace some dang rusted in place part I go have a beer and feel much better.

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