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Garage Construction Part DEUX!!


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Well after paying $1000 for about 45 minutes worth of engineering brain power and a free inspection and interface with the county, I now have an approved solution for the mess in my back yard... Hopefully I will start construction up again over the coming weekend... LES Read your e-mail buddy! I think we'll be in business shortly!


Mike 2thumbs.gif

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Dont you just hate those stinkin Code Enforcers; even if it is only an inquirey, that is why I live in the Boonies. I do what I want when I want without having to get anyone's permission.


BTW Mike, your grass is 1/4" too high, if you dont mow it to code spec's I'm gonna have to turn you in!



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Well yesterday was quite possibly the most frustrating and hardest day I have had in a while. Dennis (Contractor who has been helping me) arrived at 0700 and we didn't finish intil 1900 hours (That would be 7PM for you Civilian types). We still aren't finished with the footers, as we had to fill in the old, dig out ALL of the bad soil, strip the center where the pad will be, and then start digging new footers after all that was done. The new footer has to be 4 feet deep X 2 Feet wide, and then we had to fill the footer with #57 gravel for 2 Feet of the depth. We got off course late in the day and Dennis dug the last footer off center which has to now be filled and re-dug today. Guess what I'll be doing today???


Anyway, once I get that done, the rest of the 33 tons of gravel in place, and get the rebar in. I need Les Heath to give me a call because I'm gonna try to get the footer inspected by next weekend so Les and I can pour it. If all goes well, I should be able to have the block work done the following weekend so we can then by sometime in the early August time frame pour the pad and I can start the framing and actual building of the structure.


This garage project is gonna be the death of me... I hurt in places a human being should experience pain...


Mike malebitchslap.gif

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I work in DC supporting the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. However, My wife runs the NSWC Federal Credit union Credit card department on base at Dahlgren. I have supported operations at JWAC down there. My wife used to live 5 minutes frm the base until she moved in with me, 35 miles east!



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....And we worked on Sunday digging, and moving more gravel....


Well first I have to say a big THANK YOU to Les Heath for coming up and giving me a hand on Sunday. We moved the last of the 40 TONS of gravel into my footers, and I still need about 8 tons more, but the footers are almost ready to pour. Game plan is to get the rest of the work done, grade stakes in, and the rebar in place by the coming weekend, and then shoot for pouring the concrete shortly there after. I can't tell you guys how much I want this part of the project to be DONE... I hurt in places a guy should hurt from...


Mike rolleyesg.gif

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Ugghh. Have you got the slab poured yet? I can't tell you how happy I am to live in TX after hearing that horror story. Six inches into virgin soil and 6" above grad is all that's required for our temperate climate and soil. Once the concrete is finished, things should happen pretty fast. If you can get away with it, go for 9' walls instead of 8' and buy scissor trusses for at least a 12 foot width so you can add a lift someday. Also put doors on opposite sides of the building for ventilation. Not quite as big an issue where you are at, but without them here the shop is virtually unusable.

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Mike, Actually I'm going with 12 foot walls and I've already got the trusses... Bonus rooms units for a 32X11 upstairs. I paid the engineer yesterday and picked up the rebar for the footers. I also had the rest of the gravel dumped yesterday...Turned out to be an expensive day. I'll lay that out this weekend, and finish putting down the grade stakes. Then I'll concrete next week, and maybe get the block work done the following weekend. Once that is done, I'll be moving along to the pad, and then it all should happen quickly... I'm hoping to have it all under roof by the ZF Racing/ HybridZ East Coast Bash.



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