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Why is the general public so dumb?


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example 1.


I go to Bank of America today to deposit some checks (that, and a hot blonde works there). Anyways, a teller motions me over, as she's depositing the checks, I mention that it sucks owning a black car in 100+ * heat. She replies saying that could be worse, could be leather seats. I tell her how unpleasant arizona was when I went there in april, and it was over 100 degrees there. She replies with...


"April? Is that like, in the Fall?"


I look at her thinking "OMG... did your parents have any children that lived?" I also recalled seeing an episode of the tonight show with jay leno, where he went on the streets and asked people "when was the war of 1812 fought?" and he got ridiculous replies like 1100ad and the 1990. I didn't think people were really that dumb, but shoot... I guess there are!


example 2.


I stop by Ross (yes, I am cheap and a bachelor, I shop at Costco and Ross for clothes). I am looking at white shirts for the heat, and there's a big black dude next to me talking to his friend. He says "man, you see all them people working here at ross? They're all immigrants, working for the white man, for minimum wage. Just like we used to... on the f#cking plantation!" Then he continues to rephrase the same thing about 10 times in course of 3 minutes I was there, every time finishing up with "Goddamn plantation" and "the white man"


I stood there scratching my head and wondering if I was in a rendition of The Big Lebowski where Walter constantly talks about vietnam, even though it has no relevance whatsoever

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Guest Anonymous

Unfortunately prejudice still runs both ways, thats sad, I try to treat people on a person by person basis and not make assumptions about anyone based on color, creed whatever. I only ask for the same in reverse, its an unfortunate cliche to assume all white people owned slaves. Truth be known if they want to be mad at someone be pissed at the spanish, they started it anyway. :rolleyes:


Aux., that reminds me of a commercial on TV where this valley girl says 'Uh, like I'm a veterinarian, I like don't eat meat, ok?'


The above is an opinion of course and meant to offend everyone, if I have, accept my appologies.





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I love topics like this, although I'm gonna throw out the obligatory caution that topics like this should carry... Much like discussions about religion and politics... Lets be carefull not to start flame wars in this discussion.


Just remember, stupid people are breeding in droves. Stupid people don't have a nationality, and stupidity is an affliction that spans every class of people, much like hate and biggotry.


Stupid stupid people...


Mike rolleyesg.gif

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Guest Anonymous

Or tie up an entire lane and nearly cause a rear ender because they're trying to determine where they're gas cap is and what pump in the Am/Pm to pull into. Moron's, pull into the place GTF out of the street and let those of us who choose to get on with our lives... :D






Ps: Mike, your mention of them breeding in droves. It reminded me of a premise I had, that being a percentage of good looking people should have to mate with ugly people to try and straighten the balance out a bit, I guess the same could be done, Mensa people would have to mate with morons to try to get a better genetically smarter person. :D If I can find a good looking mensa girl, I'd still have a shot at good looking smart kids... tongue.gif

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Guest Anonymous

I know how it can be with stupid people. I just started work at a gas station thats part of a grocery store (Fred Meyers for those of us in the North West). You would be suprised at how many people actually smoke when their getting gassed up. When you shoot them a look they quickly hang their cigarette out the window or the sun roof as if it didn't make the situation worse. In their minds they must think that the closer a burning object is to gass fumes the safer. Some have the nerve to bitch to the other passengers about how bad of a jerk i am for asking if they could put it out. I could sleep fine at night if a few people don't know when the war of 1812 was fought. I dont think i could sleep very well if i get blown up or burnt to a crisp.

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Daniel Webster once said "The majority of people are wrong the majority of times".


My father likes to paraphrase this by saying "The masses are asses" (he is a man of few words and uses the phrase "sh*t for brains" instead of the paraphrase).


I tend to agree with him and others on this thread who believe there are too many people who would rather let someone else do their thinking for them, or find the process too fatiguing.


For the terminally stupid, I had high hopes for the process of natural selection, but the democrats want to protect their powerbase, and these people form a significant part of it - the rest fall in the above categories. Blondes are sometimes not good-looking enough to attract a smarter man. Our only hope is to legalize drugs in the hopes they'll all be too blasted to breed, or at least help the process of natural selection along by weeding out the ones that are alive only because the high cost of their habit prevents them from doing too much.


If I have offended anyone in any way - maybe YOU'RE stupid - so accept my apologies.


This has been a tongue-in-cheek response to previously posted messages. The only statements I will admit to as truth are the ones about my father and the democrats.




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Guest Anonymous
Fred Meyers for those of us in the North West
ahhh....good old Fred Meyer....I and pretty much everyone I know has worked or does work for Fred Meyer. It's kinda wierd. I courtesy jerked for almost a year and a half and I worked in Electronics for a good six months. God I hate that store....


Yeah, but anyway, stupid people.....

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Guest Anonymous

Hey I worked in the electronics section 2 summers ago. Yeah Fred Meyers is sorta like the military, everyone knows someone who works there and anyone who works there hates it. The union bugs the hell outta me. Even if your just some kid working there for the summer, joining the union is mandatory or else you dont keep your job. 3 months and they got 500 bucks outta me. I can totaly see the where I'd love to have a union if i'm staying a long time, but for the short working periods that i'm always doing durring my breaks it absolutely kills my wallet.

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Dont get me going about Stupid People and Driving: Oops, too late.


I guess I should open with the Politically Correct thing and say that if I (as in myself) were given an I.Q. test by a Brain Surgeon or a Rocket Scientist, I to would be considered a "Stupid Person". BTW: did I spell Surgeon correctly-only a Stupid Person would spell Surgeon incorrectly! Stupid-ness is a Relative Term.


Now, that I have that out of the way, as far as the rest of the "Regular [General Public]" and barring the Brain Surgeons & Rocket Scientist, I consider all others a horse of a different color.


It is my firm belief that the Gas Station, Tire, Brakes, Stop Light and Stop Sign companies secretly employ the Stupid People.


This way they (The Companies just mentioned) can strategically plant those Stupid People on the Highways and By-ways at the most inoportune times. Thereby, making it look like the Stupid People are Stupid-er than they really are. In reality they are just doing their job; and that is to slow the rest of us down so that our cars will have more wear and tear-thereby requiring more service, more gas consumed from the constant speeding up then slowing down, ect., ect.


As far as traffic goes, if my theory is incorrect, then there should be a lane (a lane in a see thru bubble tunnel) specifically for the Stupid People; put them in the Plastic Bubble, as after all their brains are already in a "Cloud/Brain Fog". This way they would be out of the way and would not slow down all the other people that "Have a Clue" of where it is they are going and would not be slowed down by the Stupid Poeple. By having them in this "See Thru Tunnel" we could also keep an eye on them.


The only problem with the "Stupid Lane in a see thru plastic bubble tunnel" is that either the Stupid People would not realize how to access their "Special Lane" or that too many Stupid People would end up in their appropriate lane only to find it difficult to "Get Out": thus slowing down the "Stupid Lane" and causing a back up at the entrance of the "Stupid Lane". This of course, would have the same problem we already have in the "Real" lanes, as the backup to the entrance of the "Stupid Lane" would trickle backwards into the real traffic, once again, slowing us down! twak.gif


Stupid Drivers; cant get around'em and you cant legally run them off the road; what to do what to do? bonk.gif


Natural Selection has definately dropped the ball in that respect. Probably because Natural Selection never had to deal with Drivers and their Cars!


BTW: Any misspelled words (Did I mis-spell the word Misspelled?) were not done because I am stupid, rather because I am a bad Typer, or is that Typist? I am beginning to feel a little inadequate now. Can someone please point me to my nearest "Stupid Lane" Entance! ugg.gif



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Guest Anonymous

How about handling stupid people the same way high schools handle slow people...Put them all on a small bus. It's a win/win situation, they stay outta other peoples hair and they get chauffeured around town.

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OK - I can beat all of you. We were out to dinner one day after church and my son's girlfriend was with us along with a few other guys. During the conversation the subject of the moon and the sun came up and she commented that "Aren't they both the same?" When asked why she didn't realize they were two different objects her defense was that she "talked a lot in science class"! My younger son, dumbfounded, asked her, "What - do you just think the sun powers down at night?" Anyway - after that, whenever she called the house and the younger son answered the phone he'd tell his older brother: "Copernicus is on the phone", or "Plato is on the phone", or "It's Einstein!" By the way - the girl was 21. Not sure though if that was her age or IQ.

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Maybe the girl in the bank asking if April was in the Fall was from South Africa.


Has anyone noticed that there is a definite category of bad drivers made up of older men with hats? I swear it's something to do with the hats.


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Well you can all thank the liberal left for dumbing down our kids. after all, smart people like us can see what is really going on, but unfortunately, we are being out bred.


I hate to admit this, but when I get up in the morning, I usually watch Springer if nothing good is on HBO, and they have had a rash of brothers and sisters who sleep with each other on lately.


How freakin' sad is that? You have to be a dumb ass to do that. Of course those of us from Auburn usually ask this question as a joke about Alabama fans. If a man and woman get married, and 5 years later get a divorce, are they still brother and sister. HAHA


As for the black guys. You know that is tough. I did not get to pick how I was born and what color I am, but if you want to be mad, why not be mad at your fellow brothers in africa for selling you in the first place. My family was all from up north, so we never had any slaves, and I hate to lumped into a category.


Personally I think people who dwell on stuff like that are to lazy to go out and make something for themselves. If you work hard and get an education, it doesn't matter what color you are, you will be successful.


On that note, I think I am going to get online and check my portfolio at Soloman Barney Frank. :D

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By old guys with hats I mean OLD, like 80-ish and older. BTW, why can't they and the group with the cell phones to their ears gabbing, barely driving, do this when they don't affect others? It would be fine if they were out in the country hitting trees; in fact it would be "thinning the herd." DAW

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