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I can see it now.......Both of these guys are victoms of a twister that landed them on their heads. Upon picking themselves up off the ground and rubbing their heads, once the twister subsided, the one guy says, "Hey, I have a great idea! Lets build an ugly car with saddle bags and a Kansas City Chiefs sticker on the side!" The other guy says Brilliant!

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They butchered that crappy ford Truck and made an even crappier replica truck?


"So billy Bob, what do you feel like doing this weekend?"


"I don't know Sceeter, let's pull a joke on Cooter and turn his Ranger into a real steaming pile."


"Cool! but first let's drink Gasoline so we are really F'ed up and go nuts on that truck."

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The second pic posted by Mike kZ is almost identical to a car around the corner from where I work. Very strange looking, but I'm sure I wouldn't want to count the hours it would take to pull something like that off.

The third pic makes me cry. I've always wanted an old continental with suicide doors, white leather and power everything! That WILL be a future project.

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I'm with Tim. We shouldn't really judge just because their cars don't apeal to us. They are doing what they want and IF they can actually sell these things, more power to 'em.


I am sure there are alot of guy's out there saying, them tards at HybridZ sure are excessive HP maniacs. I can't belive how dumb they are. Do we care? NOPE!

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