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Just saw Triple X


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I really enjoyed it, but then again I'm one of the few who will say outloud that I enjoyed Fast and Furious (I don't look at action movies as documentaries, so I don't worry about the corny'ness or inaccuracies).....

XXX was very James Bond'esque, lots of very far fetched stunts and cool 'toys', ala 'M'. Great mindless entertainment.

BTW, has anyone else noted that the volume (soundtrack) in theaters these days is painfully high.....do they feel that the high volume level will mask the terrible acoustics? Next time ear plugs are in order I think.

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Guest Anonymous

Did Clint Eastwood or Clyde have a role or a cameo appearance? LOL! I enjoyed his movies for years despite the inability to verbalize a complete sentence with any skill.

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I saw it tonight. I liked it in the same way I liked TF&TF.


Cool action Fluff film.


Did ya notice the dash of that GTO.. someone here posted that pic a while back and guys weren't sure if it was real or not..

Remember the twin shift lights? ;)


Tons of action in that flick..big time..


Loads of laughs and fun!

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I saw (as did John C. Owen, Dave etc) that GTO in real life. It was at the car show on the day that I had the adios BBQ for Dave.

Anyway, all that stuff is fake...the gauges are paper, the shift lights are bogus and even the power bulge on the hood is just a piece of plastic.

Also there was one of the F&F Hondus...the wing and all the 'add on' stuff was all just cheap looking pastic (really cheap looking).

Quite amazing how bogus the movies actually are....

I bet all those Ferraris were just Fieros with kits.

ha ha ha.


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Well I dont usually lurk around these parts but I did happen to watch xxx on monday for my b-day I thought it was a great movie and I have been telling everyone all week that it was very james bondish so its funny that you said that also tim. I admit I watched f&f 2 times. Despite the car illiteracy and inconsistancies I thought BOth were very good movies. Hey even if the cars were fake which Im sure they were the still looked good enough to eat on the screen. rockon.gif

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i liked f and f, like all movies, a little out of proportion, but i enjoyed it. especially the part when everyone is standing over dudes eclipse


"ok lets see here, he has a t6 dominic, COLD AIR INTAKE, dual stage nitrous, 600cc injectors, and(drum roll) stand alone fuel management"


havent see xxx yet want to.

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Guest Anonymous

The mountain dew commercial with the Trans Am (always wanted one of those) rocks haha. Its funny you really need to put a disclaimer at the beginning telling people this was done by profesional drivers. I guess kids would try it otherwise. :rolleyes:





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  • 3 years later...
Guest tony78_280z

from 8-15-02 to today,.. damn! Somone has been hittin the archives. Anyhow. To hit Tims orignal question.


BTW, has anyone else noted that the volume (soundtrack) in theaters these days is painfully high.....do they feel that the high volume level will mask the terrible acoustics? Next time ear plugs are in order I think.

I have noticed that theaters with realy good sound systems don't crank the volume but clear and crisp sound reaches your ears... those with poor sounds systems try to compensate and crank it up.


Makes you wonder about that A$$hole next to you at the stop light.

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Archives....................Tim does not let on but he has been deaf ever since he saw that movie.. I now understand why Alex has such a warped sense of humor since he was taught by me and Ol "Lone" . The anonymous posts are me and Lone wise cracking. I miss "Lone". He saw evereything in life at a different angle. He went belly-up and sold his rat rod Hybrid Z and just disappeared...anyone know how he is doing these days.

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