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I think im gonna piss a few purists with this one..

Guest ON3GO

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who's sellin downpipes for $175? Gettign ready to buy parts to do a 3" mandrel exhaust myself, finally, but last I checked, downpipes were going for like $300 from the few guys who were making them????





lets just say a good friend of mine was able to locate me one of his he made awhile back.

:D Thanks again Scottie!!!!

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Guest bastaad525
who's sellin downpipes for $175? Gettign ready to buy parts to do a 3" mandrel exhaust myself' date=' finally, but last I checked, downpipes were going for like $300 from the few guys who were making them????





lets just say a good friend of mine was able to locate me one of his he made awhile back.

:D Thanks again Scottie!!!![/quote']


So I was right then :( meaning I wont be able to get one for this price I guess?

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Hitting the junkyards, reading through the classifieds on a Sunday morning and browsing through eBay will net you a decent interior for that M3. Get the engine running "good". Do the bodywork and prep it for paint, then take it to Maaco for thier craptacular Ambassador paint job. You will make more than you stuck into it and then some. You started with $400, work smart!



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Guest ON3GO

why KA? cheap to buy 1st of all.

parts are cheap pretty much.

can make great power!!!!

even better torque!!!


plus its different, i like the fact that if somebody else was gonna do something like this they prob would do the SR20DET.. so KA is more me i guess.



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Guest ON3GO

lol im going to school to become a painter and body guy.. so ill do that if need be.

well me and ed lol.

i dunno i like this car alot..



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Just looking from the pictures, I'd say begin by claying the paint followed by a waxing which should restore a great deal of luster for the paint. Man, if I were you, I would not convert that M3 at all. You have a highly desirable car that most collectors would pay you a nice sum. Putting a KA or SR would be cool, but you would make out like a bandit profit wise if you were to at least get it running. Everyone is essentially telling you the same thing.....get the M3 running, clean it up a bit, and invest the profit into one of your existing projects.

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Obiously it's YOUR car, YOUR money, and YOUR time. It would be hypocritical of me, with my RB S30, to decry your decision to modify the E30 M3. I'm just a huge fan of that car (I have a pig poster of the Warsteiner M3 hanging on my wall). To me it's the TRUE M3. Whatever you do... have fun. You can sell it to me if you ever decide to get rid of it.



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