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Dukes of Hazzard fans?


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In all of the car jumps on the show, the "jump cars" had to be weighted in the rear with some type of substance to counterweight the cars engine. This kept the cars from tipping over or "nose diving".
Clearly this auction is bogus, because they claim the sand came from the trunks of the police cars. As any DoH fan can tell you, the police cars tipped over EVERY time they jumped, even when going over a jump just completed successfully by the general lee. This indicates a lack of sand in the trunk of any genuine car, thusly the sand is not Dukes of Hazard sand, but rather common beach sand. BEACH SAND!
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our shop did up the nash bridges stunt car, dual shocks at every corner, completely reinforced chasiss, and yes before we painted the car we jumped the crap out of it for the owner (he was in car, and too scared to do it himself) can you say pogo stick?

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Guest Anonymous

Jim,, I am hoping that you are NOT suggesting Daisy passed gas or any other substance while properly seated in the General no matter the cindition of the road or the boy's driving tactical manures fleeing the police.

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