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Me vs. Darwin


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Coolest BBQ trick I've seen lately was at my in-laws' place. My father-in-law uses a fairly large amount of lighter fluid and throws a match and gets it going. At this point we're both chuckling, and I'm thinking my father-in-law is pretty cool... but then he pulls out an old HAIR DRYER and turns it on high and points it down into the charcoal. Coals were ready to go in about 3 minutes!!! That guy is freakin awesome! :lol: Who else would think of that?!?!

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Very appropriate title! LOL


Brings back a funny memory...


Me and my buddy were camping out one night back when we were about 12-13. We had a HUGE campfire going and of couse we were playing with the gas that we used to light the fire!:twisted: Well I decided that it would be cool to write stuff in the sand with the gas and then light it on fire.......well while my name "Guy" was on fire I decieded to lean over and add some more gas to the fire!:bonk: Yeah I just about burned my face off as I was leaning over because a little too much gas came out of the bucket! Yeah I said bucket! LOL We laugh about it now though! We were also using "supersoakers" that night filled with gas....yeah dumb idea but it sure was fun! LOL




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Guest TegRacer324

That's awesome reminds me of boyscout camp when all we had was bug spray and lighters. Then the kid who was smart enough to put it in a coke can and light it with his hand over it. Hahaha 2nd degree burns.

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A past favorite betaMotorsports World Headquarters trick is to take a plastic Sparkletts 5 gallon water bottle and put about a pint of alcohol in it. Shake it up real good, lay the bottle on its side (pointing away from anything breakable or subject to injury) and put a match to the opening of the bottle.


Ever seen a skyrocket with the stick broken off? Imagine a 5 gallon Sparklettes bottle doing the same thing for 15 seconds while emitting an ear splitting shriek.


This little trick was permanently banned when the bottle got airborne and landed on Lambert Rd. in traffic.

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So a skydiver leaps out of a plane at 5000 feet and after a few seconds of freefall he pulls the cord to open his chute. Nothing happens. By now he is about 900 feet from the ground when low and behold he sees a man going in the opposite direction. As they pass in mid air the skydiver screams, " Do you know how to deploy an emergency parachute?"

The other man, still accelerating upward screams back, "No, do you know how much gasoline it takes to light a charcoal grill?"

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i know what you mean ... i stopped looking at the clock, tossed the calender, and now just go by what my bank account says ... no money, it's gonna be a bit longer ... that way i'm not worried about how long it's taking ... rather, when i have the money, it gets worked on ... that's the deciding factor, not time. otherwise i get pissed at myself and start thinking of unloading it ...


see you at Black Hawk


oh, i just tried the alcohol in the milk jug ... need a longer match and more alcohol ... it really does take a whole pint ... or perhaps a smaller container ... maybe a 16 oz orange juice bottle ??? i got the screech out the bottle but no movement with about 3 oz of 91% rubbing alcohol ... plus need longer matches ... vapor lit off right away ... lost a some hair off a couple fingers ...


Jon, you need to post better instructions LOL

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