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Flaming Shots for everyone!!!


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I watched this happen to a friend of mine when I was in the Airforce. The guy was too drunk at the time to even feel it burning so a couple of us dunked his head in the sink to put it out. Surprisingly enough he wasn't badly burned because of the high alcohol content of the stuff he was drinking. All of us learned a lesson that night about being more aware of just how drunk someone is before giving them another drink, especially one thats on fire.



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Yeah, but the military ones are always more fun, because of the potential danger of starting an international incident if your'e overseas. :)


Most of my stories are from deployments. One of my favorites:


We were on-route to Saudi one time when our aircraft began experiencing technical difficulties (some think it was a tactical IFE [in Flight Emergency]on the part of the flight deck). We had to put down in Sicily (darn). Our crew was put up in a small hotel for 3 days (oh...darn again) until parts could arrive from Germany. Sicily has a curfew for American GI's (probably put in place by the Americans, but hey... whatever) so we couldn't really venture out past the hotel. So we went down to the hotel bar and proceeded to get slobbering drunk (remember the scene in Blazing Saddles where the German Soldiers have thier arms around each other and are singing "Ay, Ay, Ay"?). There was anItalian Air Force detachment there as well and they were drinking it up with us, too. Good times.


'Round 2am we're shuffled out of the bar by the bartender (who has probably cleaned up a years worth of puke and spilled alcohol). Some guys (and gals) go this way... some go that way. There were 4 people in my group and we were all having a b!tch of a time trying to find our way back to our rooms. We made it eventually but somewhere along the way we had lost one of our guys... Pat. We looked everywhere for him and couldn't find him. Daybreak was only a few hours away so we retired for the night/morning, hoping that Pat would turn up (we know he didn't leave the grounds cuz we had an SP (Security Police) element travelling with us and their anal butter bar had made them post up to ensure nobody left).


Morning rolls around and no sign of Pat. Everyone has a hang over, but there are laughs to be had; Bobbies roomate had passed out naked on his bed and had pissed himself, Kurt made out with the nastiest girl he could find... it was great. We go looking for Pat again and find him passed out in a flower bed right outside some of the 1st floor hotel rooms. His pants were down at his knees and he was FILTHY. Thank God he wasn't dead (and raped! Lol).


Apparently Pat had taken a wrong turn and found himself in some type of forrest (the garden), he walked around for awhile but couldn't get his bearings. He was overcome with the desire to relief himself and pulled down his pants and took a squat. At some point he realized he didn't have any toilet paper and proceeded to crawl around on his hands and knees looking for some leaves to use for clean up. He doesn't remember anything after that. We got Pat cleaned up (as much as we could stomache) and ready to go.


Later our crew assembled in the lobby for our morning DETCO (Detachment Commander) briefing. After discussing the aircraft status and hotel arrangements the DETCO proceeded to inform us of something troubling that had happened in the night:


The Italian Air Force Officer (I guess he was high ranking) who was in charge of the Italian unit there with us had heard strange noises outside his room in the night (shrieking, mumbling, talking, and scraping). When he looked out his window he didn't see anything so he went back to bed. In the morning when we stepped out to have a cup of joe and a cigarette he found a huge pile of sh!t (human defecation as the DETCO put it) on his patio! We were encouraged to report if we knew anything about the incident.


The Italian Officer must have thought his own guys did it, cuz he was (almost at the same time as our briefing) screaming at his troops in the parking lot.


We nicknamed Pat the 'Phantom Shitter' for the rest of the deployment.

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Savageskaterkid: Jaegermister (sp?) , bacardi 151, everclear 190 proof, goldschlager (sp?) will all work, but i'm sure there's quite a few more that will.


I know those will work from experience. This vid reminds me of one time when my old room mate was doing a flaming 151 shot, and he was soo drunk he spilled it down the side of his face while taking the shot and had a nasty burn that ran from the corner of his mouth to right underneath his chin. it was funny as hell.

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The ones we were drinking when my buddy had his problem were called Jelly-Beans. They are made with Grenadene, Galleano and Tequila I think and I'm not sure about the spellings either. Anyway you start by pouring the grenadene into a shot glass then layer galleano on top and then the tequila which you light on fire. You're supposed to blow out the flames before drinking it but my buddy forgot and gulped the shot all at once still lit. It burned all the hair out of his nose and some of the 5 o-clock shadow on his face before it was put out. The drinks taste just like a jelly bean if you take the whole shot at once, hence the name. I don't drink them anymore, way to sweet for me and they produce a wicked hang-over.



That is great story, I particularly like the "phantom shitter". There were several officers I encountered while in the Airforce I wanted to do that to, this guy just got lucky and hit the jackpot. I'm still chuckling to myself and I will remember this story to pass on to the younger generation. My son is shipping out for Airforce basic on July 17th, he'll get a kick out of it.



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