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Mike Kelly


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Shooting took place less than 5 miles from my home... AS I stated to a news reporter in the Salt Lake City Airport Yesterday, I'm armed, and I'm capable, Let this coward pick on someone who is armed and trained to deal with live fire...


I'd been gone ALL week while this crap was happening, and my family is a nervous wreck over it... I pray that I get the chance to put this scum in my crosshairs.


Mike Kelly

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I'm glad your OK, but nobody else saw him, what makes you think you will? Having a gun doesn't make you any more bullet-proof than drinking Tequila :D Pumping gas and bang your dead... I think I'd mosey on down to the neighborhood gun shop and get me a Kevlar vest, just in case. Just 'cause you're paranoid... ya' know? Althoug at least one was shot in the head. I hope the SOB suffers horribly for an extremely long time... malebitchslap.gif

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Make no bones about it, I don't think I'd have any more luck than the cops are having... But I'd feel really DUMB if a shooting took place at a parking lot I was in and I didn't have my gun with me so I could do SOMETHING... I've got a permit and I've got LOTS of federally funded training... Just wish I was in that exxon lot when it went down...


The wife and I went over and did a walk through/ drive through of the areas around the crime scene (Both sides of the intersection) this afternoon and I'm pretty sure that he shot this one from his vehicle. FYI, this is the second incident in my town... 1st one was last week at the "Michaels" Crafts store by Spotsylvania Mall.


Mike Kelly

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Thanks for the concern. Was a little nervous getting gas yesterday.


I have a better weapon then Mike... a cell phone. Can't figure out how there could be witnesses and not one of them tried to follow the guy with a cell phone. Might be kind of scary following an armed crazy, but the way the cops have been responding I figure I wouldn't be alone for long. I guess people have to get past the initial urge to help the victim and instead concentrate on following the bugger.


I thought about carrying my 45 but the way the shootings have happened I can't see it doing much good. Hope that 500 G reward builds some courage in the general population.

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5 miles is actually further away than this guy was from me. The station he hit in Manassas is bare minutes from my home and on a main drag I drive through at least 2 times a week.


This last shot does indeed seem to have taken place inside a vehicle, not sure on the others. there's actually a gas station near me that I use OFTEN that's surrounded by trees on 3 sides. Before the shooting up the street people were already a little nervous, haven't filled up since but I'd imagine it's worse.


Frankly, I don't think there's anything I could truly do if this guy decided to take a shot. I could be armed, wouldn't matter. Chances are I'd not even hear the shot being fired before I was dead. Friends of mine are into guns, a 300yard shot is no big deal. As long as he's under something like 200 the shot will have enough velocity to shatter on impact and impart ALL force into the victim. Further away and the bullet slows, possibly simply going through the body. This guy is shooting close it seems but may be getting pushed back some by the attention.


The cops have been doing a pretty impressive job shutting things down IMO. Sure, some have seen a van that MIGHT be this guy but I think everyone's in such shock that they don't give chase. Not to mention that shots at such difference are hard to place and this guy has some distance away from his victim. What would a witness do, charge his position? Show of hands - who things this gun's clip holds just one bullet? eek2.gif


I dunno' guys, if the public gets their hands on this shooter(s) before the police do I think it'll be pretty ugly. Actually, I think that might actually be a good thing. IMO what this guy is doing isn't all that difficult but most of us have more respect for life than he does. Perhaps letting the public get hold of this guy might deter others? twak.gif What a mess...

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Hopefully this is some deranged lowlife...and not a series of sniper attacks by a team of terrorists...communicating, setting up the shooter, and facilitating egress from the scene. It's either paranoia or the writer in me that comes up with these ideas...what if this week the MO switches to blue 4dr sedans spotted after serial shootings of a certain profile of victim, e.g. middle-aged caucasian women...

So let's hope it just some scumbag nut on a rampage. DAW

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I'd say it's two guys working as a team - spotterdriver and shooter. He's now been spotted so a description is known and some of the evidence points to this NOT being a terrorist. He may manage to hit one or two more people but they will catch him before he gets more than that IMO. He may also just stop - with all of the idiots on TV spouting off what they're doing to catch him, to include DOD planes, he may just stop shooting and really screw them up :( This has occured in other cases and it makes it a bitch to catch the shooters.


We'll see. Seems odd to me that so many people are talking on TV about how they're afraid and not going out of the house. They interviewed one family and it was pathetic how badly they had their kids scared. They refused to hardly go out of the house! Kripes, chances of being struck by lightning are higher than getting shot by this ******* and you don't see people cowering from that! Truly sad how some people are so determined to be afraid...

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This whole sniper mess is going on around both my homes. I am also making sure not to leave my house with out my "American Express" just in case I find my self in need....


The serious downside of the whole sniper deal is the federal goverment (ie. ATF) is violating federal law and strong arming access to FFL (ie gun dealers) records and visting ANYONE and EVERYONE who has purchased a weapon that fires a .223 round. I am now less worried about the sniper than I am about my goverment. :(

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Guest Anonymous

I have to agree with craig above. I dont think this is just a random act of violence. I wouldnt be the least bit surprised if these people are getting gun'd down for a reason. Some X-Files stuff may be going on, or it could be some nut. One thing is for sure, there will be a public outcry about dangerous weapons and the govt will take them away from us citizens.


Ditto about the fear thing, how can these people even wake up in the morning and face the day if they are THAT scared.

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