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Ripped off. What to do?


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So I posted up my distributor on a few websites. I got a call a few weeks ago from a fellow socal z'er who tells me he's stranded in SD and cant get the part nowhere and would like to buy mine. I felt sorry for the guy so I agreed to overnight the part to him if he promised to drop the money order in the mail the same day. He agreed. I sent the part part to him and wait. Of coure, no check comes in the mail and he calls me a few days later to tell me that he didn't need it after all but he would drive by and give me the money anyway. Well he never showed up to give me the money nor did he mail it to me. Its only $93 but I hate being taken advantage of. Problem is I only have the guys first and last name and his cell phone number but no address for him. How would I go about taking him to small claims court?

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$93??? HAHAHAHA jk man, its not worth your time, I have been ripped off for 10 times that and small claims court doesent always work. I would take it as a lesson learned and go on, even if you were ripped off for say a grand, you dont have any paperwork or proof he ripped you off do you? Basically learn to trust no one.

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If it were me, I'd be all over the net diging up any info you can on this guy. You be suprised what you can find out about ppl from their name and phone #... AND, post evrywhere you frequent about this situation and explain you'd just like your $$ or parts back. Maybe someone knows him and has info? (the guy could have a family emergency, or something right?)

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in the long run, travel to small claims court, time, hours wasted, etc, isn't going to be worth 93 bucks, unless you want his credit ruined, which it will do. So, figure out if that's what you want to do


On the other end of the spectrum, a few years ago my stub axles were toast, and I needed to get my Z on the road. I needed a set, and new ones were 270/piece from courtesy nissan. I asked hybridZ for help, and chevsun emailed me asking for my address. He emailed me the next day telling me he shipped the axles out, and to pay him back when I received the items.


I was very happy with such a response, I sent him a check back immediately for the parts, written for more than what he asked.


Mikelly was also kind enough to send me a rear A-arm for cost of shipping when mine was slightly bent and I urgently needed a replacement


Thanks hybridZ guys

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Like I said said i'm willing to spend the time and take him to court just to make him accountable. BTW his name is Rick Castellano if anyone knows him. He told me he won modified 260z class at MSA but I can't identify him for sure on the picture. I'm going to zcar as well. Someone must know him there.

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93 bucks, consider it a cheap lesson learned. No cash no parts unless I know you from this board. I've sent a couple of guys here parts and always get paid. I've been trusting in other situations and got burned. Live and learn and move on.



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Guest 73LT1Z

Agree w/ Dat260- how much time is involved?


You could call & tactfully suggest he pay you or return the part & shipping expense (since he ended up wasting your time) or you could easily run up over $93 in cell phone time by calling him (not hard to do, even on unlimited plans you are hit w/ taxes & fees based on usage).


Where did you send it? It sounds like South Dakota? You usually have jurisdiction in your city/county for filing a suit, and then he has to appear (of course, you have to find him & then pay to serve him). You can get your costs back- I had to do this with a lowlife in Michigan on ebay. I got my amount plus the cost of the suit & service fees there. The $150+ item ended up costing him over $400, and I garnished his wages (long story, happy ending).


How sure are you that he is actually Rick Castellano? A people search on the Internet using CA showed this name in several cities. What was the area code of the cell phone? Any idea how old he is?


Good luck with this.

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Well thanks for the help. Actually his name is Rick Castellon. That is the name he gave me and I found his name and pic on the msa webpage. As far as time for the transaction he told me that he had dropped the money in the mail the same day that I mailed the dizzy. Then he called 3 days later and said he hadn't. When I called him back he said he would come drop it off at my house and never showed or called. I called him again and he never returned my call. That was 2 weeks ago btw and we live in the same state. Here is his pic. Seller/buyer beware



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Guest 73LT1Z

Tried the Zabasearch for Rick & Richard. Run that & see if that is where you sent the part.


Easy thing to serve a court summons at that point, especially since you're both in CA.


You need to be sure you can prove your case, though, but if you overnighted it, there should be some documentation w/ the carrier, perhaps even signature confirmation? Did it go to a business or a residence?


A gallon of gas...$2.20

Replacement floors for your Z... $360

Rust free Z-cars... priceless

Getting your rep trashed for $93 & shipping... stupid

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He won't even return my calls now. I cant find his name in the city he said he lived in. I do have the overnight receipt and a witness who brought me there. The thing is he told me he had already sent my money in the mail before I sent the part out so he intended on ripping me off from the get go. I'm going to keep looking for him. I'm out of work right now so I got plenty of time.

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that guy has the most beautifully trimmed bearded-clam I've ever seen, And I've seen alot! its just most of the time their not on some guys face!!










besides that though, 90+$'s is 90+$'s, I would pursue it as long as the additional costs didn't exceed the original amount. good luck, hope this all turns out to be a misunderstanding.....my feelings are that when he learns his picture and name are up on the web he will start returning phone calls saying it was just a "horrible accident"

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if you feel that he has ripped you off and not just a streak of bad luck in his part ...


did you ship it with the us post office ?


if so, ask to speak with the post master.


if this guy is using the post office to commit fraud, they just may be interested in this and offer some assistance.

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Guest tony78_280z

My fortune cookie advice...


"Remember that you were taken advantage of because you were trying to do a good deed. You can let this become an excuse for not doing good deeds in the future, or you can continue to do them despite this one incident."

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