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eBay auction "snipe" programs

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This is what I am Talking About http://www.powersnipe.com/?source=google&kw=ebayauctionsnipe I am trying to find some bargains on eBay without much success. It seems what would appear to be a good winning bid is defeated in the last few seconds if not last second by a bidder appearing at the last moment from nowhere. According to these successful bidders history, they seem to be able to place these miracle winning bids up to the last second of open bidding. A feat I cannot accomplish. One "power seller" of 4 barrel carburators has the ability to win about every low cost winning bid at the last second according to his feedback. He has a huge inventory of "BUY IT NOW" performance carbs on eBay at almost new prices. ..........................................................................Any comments, opinions or info... In searching items is there any method to weed out the professional "BUY IT NOw" crap from the individual sellers ?

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When ever I bid on eBay I always bid at the last second. My view is why should i try to be the highest bid 6 days out raising the price everytime, possibly getting to my maximum bid days before the auction is over. I just wait, keeping the price down and bid my maximum right before it ends, usually just seconds before it ends. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt but it usually works for me. If you can't do that I don't know how to help. I don't know of a way to 'weed' out the BUY IT NOW from the others, I dont think there is but I could be wrong.



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It's unfortunate, but sniping is a art you have to be good at to get good deals on ebay.


If you don't have a cable connection, forget it..... Another way that helps me is, my browser (Mozilla Firefox) alows me to open up several "tabs" at the same time, so I can enter many different bid prices, one in each tab, then work it from there, starting at the last 30 sec of the auction....


It may not be the fair way, but heh, you have to have a advantage to win on that site....

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I have used a sniping service when I can't be around for the end of the auction. They charge 1% of the winning bid but I have never lost an auction I really wanted while using them (except once. see below). You just need to put in the highest bid amount you are willing to pay and as long as no one bids more you are pretty sure to win. The one I use alows you to decide how many seconds before the auction ends to place your bid. They are only accurate to within a few seconds so make sure you do it for at least 5 seconds or your bid may not get there in time. (Trust me I know)


It's an unfair world. These help even things up. Especially if you have dialup.

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I don't understand what the big deal is? I just have eBay bid up the maximum amount I am willing to pay for an item. If the bidding goes beyond that amount, oh well, it was obviously more then I was willing to pay for it. I could care less if the price went beyond my maximum 3 days or 3 milliseconds before bidding closes.


I've won a few and lost a few but winning the auction or getting a "deal" is not important to me. I'm interested in the item and am only willing to pay for it at what I consider to be a fair price. If someone else feels a fair price is $1 more then what I am willing to bid, they deserve to win the auction.

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John: "laissez faire" bidding ?...more opinions please......maybe I should invest in a "snipe program". I happen to be replacing stolen items which seems like not only that I am paying twice for the same thing but the action bidding is not even on a level playing field. If I could pay retail, I sure would not be wasting my time on eBay. I like a bargain and will spend considerable time ferreting certain difficult for me to obtain items out on eBay that I cannot source locally.....

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maybe I should invest in a "snipe program".

No. maybe you should invest in restraint. As John said, show restraint and not pay more than you were willing to. If the bidding goes over, it was not meant to be. Have to giggle when I see people spending so much for items on eBay just because they want the winning bid.

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"Restraint bidding" I posted one eBay auction where a fellow paid more for a used Arizona Z 4 bbl manifold and shipping charges when he could have bought new manifold from Arizona z.. It is kind of like gambling where I like to bid on a weak or ill prepared sale and win a bargain. From your replies, I can see that my eBay realty limits required re-checking. Some folks just get up earlier than me.

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Sniping just makes sure more interested people think they are going to get the item for dirt cheap. If you have a bidding fight early, you're more likely to have less people waiting around at the last minute for a "steal."


Just bid what you want to pay, and don't look at it again until the auction is over. The end.

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Forrest... I start the bidding on what I want and mid way place the amount I want to pay and let it go at that....the end ....a need to rant a little .. Found out yesterday I lost a non-essential case in the 9th circuit on mootness. the government stalled so long without any defense, that by the time the issue was decided, the circuit court had no remedy for me. My option now is for circuit re-hearing en banc which will be another step to the Supreme Court. I have an essential case under advisement at the district court level that has been delayed unnecesarily for over 2 years by the government. Though the government has only frivolous defenses, they have stalled quire successfully. They tend to have trouble looking at me when I stare them in the eye.(Real self serving chicken shits that flock together for safety).In my area a new multi million $ federal couthouse is replacing another new unsafe courthouse for the protection of 3 (three) judges. about 30 million a piece. Not political just fact

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