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Insurance on a Z


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Sounds to me like you're in for a rude awakening.

I was paying a litte over $100.00 per month for my son who was 17 at the time with good grades and a clean record to get liability only on a 1981 Caprice station wagon. A 16 year old male, turbo sports car and full coverage is going to cost more per year than the car is even worth. Be realistic about the insurance, try to get a group discount by having it insured through your parents and put you on the most inocuous car in the family, otherwise you're just lining the pockets of the insurance company.



It depends on how old you are and your driving record but it does sound a bit high for just liability. Do some shopping but be honest about the state of the car if the agent asks. My agent didn't ask about any modifications I've made so my rates on the Z are very low ($35.00 per month). I have liability only, am 40 and married, have a clean driving record of more than 20 years and multiple car discount.



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A 16 year old male, turbo sports car and full coverage is going to cost more per year than the car is even worth.

That is the truth!

Be realistic about the insurance, try to get a group discount by having it insured through your parents and put you on the most inocuous car in the family, otherwise you're just lining the pockets of the insurance company.

I was on my parents insurance for the first 3 or 4 years driving. They had Allstate and had their homeowners/auto/life policies all through Allstate so they got the multiple line discount. Back in '92 I got fed up with the $2100/yr they were charging me for 100/300 on my POS 79 Mustang that I bought for $500. My parents told me there was NO WAY I was going to get a better deal than what Allstate had given them.


My FIRST call resulted in a quote for $1200/yr, and I got it down farther after that. I think I got over $1000 off what Allstate was charging. Called them to cancel the policy and they said "We can match that rate" to which I told them I'd be happy to keep them as my insurer if they would give me back the $2000 I had overpaid them already. Needless to say I switched.


I think Wheelman is normally correct, but don't buy into the idea that it is ALWAYS cheaper to be on your parents' policy. I think some insurance companies will try and bend you over assuming that you won't shop around.

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my ins. is statefarm, i am 20 years old, AND i live very close to the 2/3 most dangerous intersections in the country (Philadelphia, PA) so my insurance is natively high... but still $172/mo is equal to what i pay for my other car, and that would be w/ barely any miles and as a pleasure only car. the agent tried lowering car value to nothing, but it had no effect.

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I'm paying $224 every 6 months for full coverage - collision, liability, comprehensive, towing & uninsured motorist. I talked with them about the fact that the car is 'highly modified' and they said to just keep good records and have lots of photos. I believe them because I had a Z stolen several years ago and, because I had records and one measly photo, I got just $100 less than I'd paid for the car 3 years before. The company - USAA. They've done me well for 34 years now.

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I do know that there is a big drop in price after you turn 21. Also, if you are a student (with good grades) you can get a discount. Try shopping around some more (like on the internet) you might find a better rate.

Hope this helps

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