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Reindeer games


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Reminds me of the craziness that happened in South America last summer - Argentinian newspapers were busy with that sort of stuff. Here's one example:


Source El Diario del Sur de Cordoba-Villa Maria

July 9, 2002


Cows Found Inside a Water Tank

The Strange Case of Suco

Investigated by El Diario


On the last Friday of June 2002, an event of truly strange characteristics took place in a field of the locality of Suco, located to the west of Rio Cuarto, very near the border with San Luis Province. In the aforementioned Cordoban locality, a well-known livestock producer respected by all for his responsibility and honesty, found 19 dead animals within an Australian-type water tank (translators note: steel-sided, sheet metal tank with a conical cap). Nine of the bovines were dead, according to subsequent medical-veterinarian examinations due to asphyxiation through immersion. The rest were alive, but affected by the low temperatures and near dead due to freezing.


The news not only spread like wildfire throughout the area: it was confirmed by police officials of Regional Unit 7, headquartered at Rio Cuarto, who took over the investigation of the case employing personnel from the Sampacho District Sheriff's Office, located 50 kilometers west of Rio Cuarto on National Hwy. 8. What no one could explain is how the 19 animals could have entered the enormous water tank, bearing in mind that they first had to cross an electric drover (sic), then a 1.50 meter tall fence, and finally, "jump" over the tank wall.

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Guest Anonymous

no way that deer could jump that high, that is just a skin. The skinner sawed off the hooves to hang it from meathooks. Just some local idiot decided to chuck it up there with the head still attached. rolleyesg.gif

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