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Garage Update Part 84,329


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"Movin' right along"... Cool!


Have you installed drywall before? If not drop me a line, I'll give you a few hints. 12ft. sheet's are a pain in the butt with one person (they start to snap in half around you), but it can be done. With two or more people and the proper tools, you could get your place done way before the day is done. Get your heat going out there so you can start mudding the place, can't do it when it's cold ;) .



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Did all the stain of the window and door trim yesterday... Wife was taping while I was spraying. Did the last gable end and back side rake board as well... All that is left to be done on the building is the Corner trim and the gutters and the back side soffit... Should knock out the sheetrock this coming weekend, and then I'll do my electrical and pull the final. Should have the building complete (Downstairs anyway) by last week of January.


Mike :D

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Close to your idea Tom, we mounted them at about 4 ft. 6 inches... You can pay a sheet sideways and lean it against the wall without blocking the outlet. I have MANY outlets along the walls, 17 total outlets... Made sure finding a plug wouldn't be an issue!



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Picking up the gutters today and we're doing all the sheetrock tomorrow. Can't wait to get the light fixtures in and all that done... I'll be on my way to a final inspection by months end... As soon as I've go the temporary electrical service in I'm gonna go ahead and start the process for re-financing...



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A BIG Thanks goes out to Doug Carrow for coming up to my place and helping hang Sheetrock yesterday! We got the ceiling (12 ft. Ceilings/ 12 ft. Sheets!) and the back (Largest) wall!


We did that in just 5 hours. Took four of us. I'll take the next two weeks to finish everything up, tape, Mud, prime and paint it. Place looks SOOO Much nicer now with the sheetrock on... Gonna be awesome when done!


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The lift will fit under 12fot ceilings? I did some measuring and took a look at the specs for Eagle lifts and it looked like 13feet was going to be needed :eek:


Plan to refinance as well to do this in my garage. Vroom! Almost wish I could start from scratch :(

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Terry was right. This is more entertaining than watching the Osbourne's. I wonder how many guys are 'watching' the progress on your garage. The only thing better would be a 'garage cam' that we could check for visual updates. :D

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Jim, My brother-inlaw's lift is 12ft. 1 inch, and mine is 12 Ft. 4 inches... Check with each manufacturer as they are all different. I'm sore as hell today from all that lifting... Doug, How oyu doing today?


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Matt We userd the scafold. Guy who was pretty much running the show refuses to use them. So, since his assistance was free, I wasn't about to argue the point. I'm no expert when it comes to this thing called construction so I just follow someone elses lead usually...


I'll be glad when the rest of the walls are done and I get it mudded and taped...


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So this Friday and Saturday I'm gonna hopefully finish out the hanging of the sheetrock. Dennis gave me some tips on hamging those sheets by myself, and since it is the walls only I think I can get it done... Then its mudding and taping, smoothing, priming and painting... Man I can't believe I'm close to wrapping this thing up!



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Well on Friday I managed to STEP OFF a 6 foot scafold... Landed on concrete on my side and back, rolled and got up on my feet... no damage to me that I could tell other than sore as hell the next day! I did hang all the dry wall for both the side walls and one 12 ft., section on the front Saturday with my oldest stepson. I'll finish it off this week. Then it will be mudding and taping for me... 38 sheets of 12 ft. X 4ft. sheetrock and I only broke one piece...


Mike :D



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> Well on Friday I managed to STEP OFF a 6

> foot scafold...


Amazing how, once you get used to working on a scaffold or a roof, you just "forget" about the height. I was a roofer for a number of years and I once walked right off an 12' roof going to get something out the the back of my truck. I was looking at the roof of my truck at the time too! Luckily I landed in a big juniper bush. Had scratchs all over my legs, back, and chest.

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HAHAHA!!! I've done the same thing! Just a few months ago my uncle and I were doing some drywall work for a comercial job in a strip mall. I was using an adjustable scaffold and it was set at just under 6 ft. so my head would clear the metal ribs holding up the roof. My uncle would hand me up the sheets and I would put them up and then I would grab a hold of the ribs above me and scoot myself to the side (the scaffold had wheels). I guess I just got to comfortable up there and walked right off the side... as I was falling, one foot pushed the scaffold out of the way and into the wall making a lot of noise and bringing this to the attention of my uncle just in time to see me fall on my shoulder and side. The thought never crossed my mind to just grab one of those ribs above me :( . My uncle was giving me crap about it for the next few days. He kept repeating what I said when I fell. I'm a big Simpsons fan so I (in my best Chief Wiggum voice) was saying, "Man down, man down!". Ah, it was funny though. :D



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Guest Anonymous

"I've done the same thing"


LoL! Me too :rolleyes: No bushes to break the fall though :(


The fall wasn't bad, it was that sudden stop on our hard NC red clay ugg.gif Yeah, I limped around for about a week.


Keep up the good work Mike,



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