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195pds and counting.


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I apologize if this post is irrelevant and foolish. It has nothing to do with Z's or cars in general.




I weighed my dog earlier today and he tips the scales at 195pds! HAH! Closing in on 200pds, and by the time hes fully mature he could see as much as 215-220. We'll see at any rate. He currently stands a hair under 3 feet tall at the shoulders. His head tops the 3 foot mark and when he stands straight, its about 3 1/2 feet. He's 4 feet 1 inch long from the tip of his nose to the base of his tail Over 5 feet long from tip to tip. His head alone is about 9 inchs wide and 10 1/2 inchs from nose to the back of his skull. His neck is 26 1/2 inchs around.


He'll be two in January and Mastifs continue growng until their about three. Well, their upward growth stops around a year and a half, but they continue to fill out 'till three. His name is Jeff the Vastly Talented.


Sorry for the pointless post - but my dog, my cat and my car are the three things I am most proud of... And Jeff hitting the 200+ mark is something I greatly want to see. Just conveying my enthusiasm.


The pics dont do him justice. I just snapped em real quick (the one where hes outside is older.. he weighed about 175 then). I'm gonna try to get some pics of him standing up. He'll rear straight up for a treat or when Im playing with him and when he does hes taller than me, which would put him about 6"1 or so, hehe.





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Jeff sleeps in the bed with me at night. It takes some getting used to and training (for owner and dog both) but it does work.. Its just tough. Jeff is really mild mannered. Hes great around cats, kids, poeple in general. If someone comes around he doesnt know and I'm not here, he gets a little pissed, but even then he wont really bite, he just growls and bares his teeth - which is more than enough to scare most poeple away, lol.


Land mines? More like a-bombs. Thats the one downside to him.. He craps often and lays down some poundage. He had diarhea (sp?) for like 4 days once.. God I was on the verge of taking my own life.


Mike, He doesnt eat anywhere near what you'd think. As a Mastif grows (oddly enough) they dont eat much. A friend had a Husky the same age as Jeff that ate about the same amount a week that he did. Once he stops growing though their intake nearly doubles.

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That's a very beautiful dog! I love dogs. I've got a beagle. He's a fat ***. He's just over 15" at the shoulder and ways almost 50lbs! He's a relatively small dog, but he's a beast. His vet recommended that I ride a bike and allow him to run along side me to help him lose some weight. Well, one day out on a ride, he saw a tree he wanted to sniff. He dug his feet into the ground and stiffened up his bady, and I was yanked off my bike. Keep in mind that I'm almost 270lbs, and we were going about 7mph. :shock:

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I had a friend that had a Mastiff. There are too many stories about it to tell. for instance, Mike (the friend) decided to tie it to the porch on a ratty little house he rented and Cleo (the dawg) promptly pulled the porch off the house. i really liked that dog, but my wife vetoed getting it. She said it was too big. So we ended up with a 98 lb pit bull.

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Thanks for the compliments.


I tied Jeff to an iron railing once so I could get the hose and such out to bathe him. He got nervous when he couldnt see me and freaked out when the leash pulled taught.. He reared back two good times before the leash snapped.. Before it gave way though he managed to bend the hell out of the railing. If the leash hadnt broken I think he would have pulled the anchors out of the concrete and ripped the whole thing down, lol.

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Guest TegRacer324

My friend has a Mastiff that weighs 200+. Damn thing is huge and it's funny cause you walk in his house and he barks up a storm, but if you make a move towards him he gets so scared that he'll run away no matter what.

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Its not as bad as you'd think if you pay attention.


Jeff really doesnt drool for no reason.. So learning when hes gonna drool is what makes the difference, lol. If he comes in from outside - be ready. If he goes to get a drink - be ready. If he eats - be ready. If he gets excited or starts playing - be ready.


Its all about reflexes and preperation. I have drool clothes stored around the house in various spots so no matter where it happens I can head it off before he shakes. When he does he'll shoot drool EVERYWHERE. Walls, floor, ceiling.. Nothing is safe. And whenever I take him somewhere I bring several rags with me.

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I take care of two Rottweilers during the week for extra cash. One of them had bad, bad genetic defects in both her hind legs causing her knees to pop out of the sockets. Long story short, the owners couldn't put her down, so they had her legs fixed. Now, they both need a baby sitter. The male (and not the broken one) is 110lbs. The female with the bad legs is close to 90. When those dogs go at it, I almost don't want to be in the way. The big one glanced my leg at full sprint and just about sent me head over heels. Big problem with Rots, or at least these ones is that they're so territorial. Any other dog, person, etc... walking down the street sets them off in to full bark mode. The drool is pretty damn bad, but they are still fun to play with.


If anyone is thinking about getting a Newfoundland, I can put you in touch with a guy that comes into the Starbucks I work at, because he runs, or helps run an organization in Northern California dealing with the breed.

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