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Greetings from the VIR North Paddock!!!!!!


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Which, I was surprised to find, has a wifi network. Turned the laptop on to look at some A/F logs, and the wireless connection popped up. Cool!!!!!!


My first time running the full course was a blast! We got to run 2 1/2 hrs, 5 30 min sessions, and I'm getting the hang of the place. I've run the South course and North course separately, but never the full course. It's much better than either of the split courses. Weather has been sunny but cool, high of about 45 and a little breezy this afternoon, which made the car really dance around on the straights. Let's hope the good weather holds out the rest of the weekend.


Worst part of the day was when a Miata spun right in front of me going into left hook. It was pretty close, but I missed him to the inside. I had closed up on him to about 5 lengths thru nascar, then he dropped a wheel off on the right and spun back across the track. I went to the left, almost spun myself, but got by on the inside before he came all the way across. Why was it so bad? Because we were under caution for another cars spin in turn 1!!!!


Mark and Mike, I wish you could have made it. I'm having a ball!!!!!!!



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Another great day today. Weather was better, cool and overcast but no wind like yesterday. Much better without the car dancing on the straights.


Mayolives rolled in to handle crew chief responsibilities, along with Mark and Roddy from the Triad club, so the Zcar crowd was better represented. They are a great group of guys to hang out with and run with on track. Roddy is a little quicker than me thru the turns, but I'm sneaking up on him, albeit slowly.


2003Z, I'm going to do the THSCC event too, see you then. Bring the Z!!!!


Once again, Most Asked Question of the Day: "What kind of motor does that @#$%& 240Z have in it?"






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2003Z' date=' I'm going to do the THSCC event too, see you then. Bring the Z!!!!

jt[/quote']I'd like too, but it just won't run above 4800 rpm's and is a little slow for the yellow group, they almost moved me down to green at the rock last month. I would come off the oval and the passing flag was up every time, but after the 1st complex of turns, the guys weren't in a position to pass anymore. I need to put flat top pistons and a new head on before I track it again.

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JT, You are my hero! :2thumbs: I really need to get at least one more contract before I head back out there for a track weekend... Need more revenue coming in!


There is NOTHING like running full course... The3 uphill esses all the way through Oaktree are a segment that must be run fully from T5 T5a and T6 to be appreciated. :2thumbs:


I'm toying with signing up for THSCC in February. :lmao:


Mike :cool:

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Sunday morning, track was wet for the first session, but the sun is trying to break thru and it's now about 80% dry. Car has been running great with no problems, thankfully. Running the first session on a wet track was a lot of fun, with the emphasis on smoothness and delicate inputs.


Second Most Asked Question of the Weekend:


You're not as fast as the tall guy with the yellow V8 Z, are you?




No........... No, I'm not.





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Second Most Asked Question of the Weekend:


You're not as fast as the tall guy with the yellow V8 Z' date=' are you?




No........... No, I'm not.






No, you are much faster. You are out there and I'm at home watching the Panthers and NOT working on the car

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  • 2 months later...

Once again we find ourselves in the land of speed for the THSCC/TriZ event. This time it's 36deg and steady light rain. Cold, lots of standing water, and a very slick track make for not much fun. The only tires I have are a half worn set of V700's and a set of new S05's, neither of which are good for these conditions. In the first session the car stumbled a little coming off Oak Tree, and when it caught I did a nice 180, probably going all of 30 mph. Didn't leave the pavement though, so it wasn't too bad. There were several encounters with the tire walls.


This sucks.



Forecast tonight is for 2-3" of wet snow.


Maybe tomorrow will be better.



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Just got the word over on Corvette Forum from former WSC driver Dave Farmer that they cancelled. He's going through Danville and it's snowing like crazy. Apparently there were enough serious concerns about safety that they only got two sessions in.


For once, I'm glad I didn't sign up...


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Yeah, it was called off at lunchtime. By the time I got back to Danville to the motel, it was snowing, and by the time I checked out and left it was snowing pretty heavy. Right before we got back to Greensboro, it changed over to rain and rained the rest of the way home.


Kind of a bummer, but no damage and we'll be back.


Mike, I didn't see Jim if he was there.


Norm, there's lot's of good info on the page Mark linked, also http://www.thscc.com or http://www.trianglezclub.com. If you got any questions shoot me a pm, I'll try to help out. Track days are a ball.



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  • 1 month later...

Well, back again for the THSCC event on the north course. Yesterday was rainy for the first session, with a C5 having a major impact exiting the snake. The 2nd and 3rd sessions were good, then the rain set in for the time trial, which we voted to cancel.


Today the sun is shining without a cloud in the sky, so it looks like a good day. I'm hoping to improve, I've run the north course only once before, and really don't have the confidence to really attack the course. Roddy and Mark, both in S30's, have a lot more experience here and are right on my heels timewise, despite my advantage on the front straight.


The Mayor of Big Pine Key is riding a bike around the pits, wearing a pink flamingo hat that is at least 3 feet long.


Time to get the car unloaded and checked over. Wish you were Here!!!!!!



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Good to hear you are having fun. Too bad the weather sucked for the time trial. Looks like today will be a perfect day. Have fun and don't do like the C5.


If you can hang with the mayor of Big Pine Key, you know the track.


Hope to be there soon.

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