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Russian girls


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spent my vacation on the outerbanks in N.C this week with my friends famliy and 2 Russian girls, that were here working for the summer.they spoke english very well and had no trouble holding a conversation.they`re both strick christains so nothing happend frown.gif

they`re both cute..Masha 20 looks more European than russian and Sveta 24 looks Swedish with blonde hair and blue eyes.Both are very very smart and are full-time students in Vladimere (near Moscow)they take education very seriously, working during the day and studying late into the night 24/7.I tried to learn their language but it was all Russian to me :D I got a 5 rubel coin and a 10 rubel note from Sveta (im still trying to figure out what they say :D )

And man these girls are thin! but not too thin.nice T@A 2thumbs.gif they eat soup a lot in russia and it shows!I must say it was a very nice week indeed......mark

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I've traveled the world a bit, and the most attractive women I've ever seen were from Croatia... Dalmatian coast... Holly COW! Tall thin, big boobed, little framed 5ft. 8inches and above...And they are everywhere...


Yea, the Russian Girls are nice as well...


Mike (Whos is happily married!)

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what 15 rubels = 47 cents eek2.gif ...know wonder she said there not worth buying when i offered to buy them off of her...and to think i gave her $6.25 in extra states coins i had laying around...oh well it`s worth it to me.


sorry these girls won`t be on russian girls gone wild....but i did see things im sure i wasn`t ment to see :D

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Guest Anonymous

Old John Lennon wasn't lying.. "Back in the USSR" rocks and I think he mentions them as being babes.. :D I actually received mail from one of them on a date board.. Ahem, mail order bride though :mad: . :D I should have known, why else would a 23 yr old write a 45 yr old.. :D Beautiful girl though..





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theres a top notch russian woman who lives down the street from my buddies house. we call her "purple curtains" because her house has purple curtains, she rocks these skin tight bellbottoms all the time and shes super sexy, everytime she walks by the block puts down everything they are doing at the time to gawk at her, and she knows it, she walks with a switch and looks back at us, but wont say hi to any of us, shes hot stuff. da.

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Guest Anonymous

Fellows: after the Cold War was won by President Reagan, I lost about 200 #'s of ugly American fat thru divorce and somtime thereafter traveled to the Ukraine and claimed myself a "war bride". I have requested over the years to refrain the ironing of my underwear but she still does it despite my protests. I used to take everybody I knew to my dresser and show them what ironed underwear looks like since no one believed me..Think about that.If anything happened to her,I would not waste my time in these parts but head way back east..The negative reports nationally broadcasted are just isolated incidents to gain ratings.These women are not submissive slaves but rather bossy and intimidating in looking after your best interests.

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I spent a summer traveling in Russia, the Ukraine and Crimea (Black Sea coast). Hands down, no contest the highest concentration of the most beautiful young women I have ever seen. 2thumbs.gif


However, the stereotype of the big Russian babushka was true. Because of the russian diet and liberal amounts of vodka, the typical woman over 30 yrs was getting large and not so pretty any more.


At the time (1989) the area was still under Soviet control but, once the locals found out we were Americans, we were treated like kings. Everyone wanted to talk to us and be our new best friends. It was a VERY good summer. ;)

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Guest Anonymous

A fellow phone employee at my building had a mail order bride from the phillipines. The funniest part was hearing how awestuck she was when she first saw the washing machine in action!!

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