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New vs old style tranny mount


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I just read in a thread that said only the very early 240's had the tranny mount with the two vertical bolts while that later ones has the round bushings with the fore/aft mounting bolts. Thing is mine is a '72 but it has the 'old style' vertical bolts. Just curious but does anyone know what gives?




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from what i have read all (later) automatic z's came with the vertical tranny mount bolts, and all (later) manual z's came with the fore/aft ones. The fore/aft setup seems stronger, because the stress is not being put on the threads of two bolts, it is being spread over several points on two bolts.



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I tend to agreed with ED260Z! The mount with the vertical bolts uses only one insulator (tranny mount), while the horizontal bolt mount has additional insulators at each horizontal bolt location for a total of three insulators for the tranny. Would appear to me to be a comfort type redesign!

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My 72 has the vertical mounts as did the last one. They have been converted to studs from bolts because the bolts had stripped. (Too many broken 5 speeds...) I have a modified mount in my car now for the T5. Both of the 73's I had were equipped with the "late" mount.


My take is it is cheaper and easier for them to do the later mount. The early one is two large, fairly complicated, stampings welded together and a leaf spring. And the leaf spring is bushed on either end making the mount equal in damping to the later design. Plus you have the cush of the leaf.

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On the S30 the Man & auto tranny's used the same mounting position. The Change came in 73. (Early or late I don't know) I think it had more to do with comfort than saftey laws.


That explains it as the other post said the change happened between the very early (as in the early '70) to the '71 and later design.




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Okay, I'll try to clear this up the best way I know how...


In my experience, there are 3 different 240Z transmission mounts...


Series 1 Transmission Mount, (69-71ish)

Series 2 Transmission Mount, (71-72ish)

and the 73-83 Slide through pins.


The difference between the Series 1 and Series 2 is the actual position of the mount. The series 1 mounts higher up into the transmission tunnel than the series 2 mounts.


If you had them side by side you could also tell the difference. I hope this helps.

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