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first ever post on hybridz?


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Seems mine was about my old Honda N600, complete with a still working photo of me and the little beast. too bad I had to sell her shortly after that.



on another note, I was going through some old posts of mine when I was just starting out with my turbo conversion and came across multiple posts signed by -980mak, what ever happened to him? just a user name change or lifestyle change. He was so incredibly helpful at that early stage, and don't think I ever thanked him as much as I should have. so if your out there...thanks again and again.

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And one of my first-ever posts happens to conclude the thread that Superdan posted above.


Looking back, it’s curious how little has changed. For whatever reason, I often have the concluding post in a thread – same as ever. Am I scaring off follow-on posters? Were my words that dry and dreary? And then there’s the enthusiasm for theoretical solutions – what sounds clever in principle, but intractable in practice; this too has been a constant for me.


So here I am, 6+ years later – still working on the SAME engine!

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Did you see DavyZ said' date=' "...I'd offer you a ride, but the project is still underway...


Call me in another year or so...".


Yeah RIGHT! That was May of 2001.


A year or so!:lmao::banghead::violin::puke::lmao: :lmao:[/quote']


:malebitch: ouch, but :iagree:


Hardy har har. Yeah, that and three kids underway since then. Too many "projects" (can a kid be a project of sorts?) and life gets in the way...



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