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Police Street Racing Training Video


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It's mainly down here in So Cal. that it happens. It's kind of like profiling and it sucks but they do take training here to spot the modifications. My cousin's friend recently joined the local force and he told me he had to take a training course specific to Hondas and 240sx's.

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Guest 280ZForce

oh...good ol cali! i've been harassed in my Corolla before...and i was f*ckin parked @ the store! cop tells me my exhaust has been modified and it's illegal and that it violates the sound level for an exhaust as well! ok, hello...how did u even hear it? my car has been parked and (it's a TRD factory muffler!...not even loud...lol). then he asks for license..blah blah blah. tells me to pop the hood...so i pull the latch. he stands there and then gives me a glare. i said, "oh did u want me to open it for u? u just told me to pop it." he then procides to tell me my car is turbocharged, i have an aftermarket header, and my intake manifold is not stock and my intake is illegal and on and on.


BTW...my car is not turbo'd, my header is stock, intake manifold is stock, i did have an intake. so i'm getting harassed in front of my local shopping center...i now have 3 police cars surrounding the back of my vehicle and they r taking pics of it all around and everything.


he said my intake was a modified header! get a life!


and what the f*ck did i do wrong? i was parked!


cop comes back w/ my registration and says this is for a toyota corolla...i said yes i know. he says, this isnt no toyota corolla. i ask him...why wouldn't it be that? he tells me it's a mitsubishi evo. i laugh and say, if my car was an EVO, i would be turbo and it would be from the factory and legal! he contiunes to argue w/ me about the make/model of my car...so as i'm sittin in my car, i point at the damn steering wheel which clearly labels a toyota sign. i get out of the car go back under the hood and show him the toyota sign on the valve cover.


boy, i bet he felt like an *** afterward in front of his fellow officers!



so he writes me up for a bunch of sh*t.


-modified exhaust (which i clearly showed him was CARB approved and from the delaer)

-modified intake

-blue turn signals on my mirrors

-loud exhaust (which is below the legal limit and not loud, nor annoying and carb approved from dealer)

-blue intake hose on my intake

-loud stereo, disturbing the public (woah, woah, woah...i was walking to my car from the store and car wasn't even on!)


so yeah, then he tells me i cant drive my car until everything is fixed or it will be impounded.


i show up @ the referree and they r askin me about my turbo and modified parts, i just shake my head and ask them to tell me when they find some f*ckin illegal parts and told them to shove it up their *** for being so ignorant and stupid. they ran a smog test, electrical test, sound decibel test, all kinds of ****. they had pics of my motor and a "stock" motor off the web..which mine looked identical. haha!


of course i passed everything!


i call to pay the stupid $10 fix it fines since "i supposedly" fixed the mods I never had! and the damn ticket isn't on file any more and I'm free to go.


what a f*ckin bunch of bullsh*t and waste of not only my time, but their time as well.


ok all this talk bout the car...there is no stickers nor any rice on the car. there is tons of audio/video **** ($15k system) and besides the body kit and stereo, the spoiler and everything is oem parts!


the car is automatic and slow! haha...it's used for entertainment purposes and normal drivng...it couldn't win a race if it wanted to!



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Also there use to be a 30yr rolling smog exempt law' date=' but that law has changed. Now your vehicle has to be 1975 or older to be somg-exempt, 1976 and newer will always have to get a smog check. I personally think that smog has helped a great deal in California. Have any of you been to L.A., its crazy because the last time I went, the smog was so bad that it looked like it was about to rain, and my asthma even started acting up once I was breathing that crappy air. I also feel that smog can be handled in different ways. My personal feeling is that as long as it can pass the sniffer the government should have no place to interfere with someone else’s property.





Yeah, no more rolling 30 thanks to turncoat Arnold. I guess he was more concerned about making money from Enron than keeping us happy. Yes, smog equipment in the last few years has helped, but most cars that are smog exempt are in a better state of tune than many non-exempt cars. You're right, I also feel that as long as it'll pass the sniffer what difference does it make. Persecuting gearheads just makes them angry, it doesn't stop them from racing. Does Infineon Raceway still do their Highschool Drag races? I know there were some tracks that even had cops show up to race against the kids a few years back.

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Guest 280ZForce
ZForce: That is an Awesome story. I knew there had to be one out there somewhere. Did you file a complaint against the officer? Might be a good idea if you haven't already.

nah, i b*tched to the refs, but i just let it go. f*ck 'em...haha, so then I get my Z 5 months later and it's a 78 and turbo and illegal as sh*t!


i was running open downpipe for a few months and it was real loud...sounded like a monster v8 @ idle and shook the car and when i hit the gas sounded like a mad monster truck w/ a diesel turbo. i would drive around w/ that and I never got pulled over. i drove around w/ no license plates on my Z for 3-4 months and the open downpipe just to see how long it would take before I got pulled over...a cop finally pulled me over on the freeway and nicely asked me to put on a plate and complimented my car and said have a good day! didnt ask for license, reg., insurance...nada!


i've driven by many cops when i had the open down pipe and even was on street traffic right next to them w/ my car idling like nobody's business! and they just look over @ me and look at the car and go. i've been on the streets of Orange County (damn cops r everywhere there) and was driving around @ 2-3am right next to a cop and he didn't do **** about my exhaust.


just shows they are after the modern cars that look like they might race.

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"... instead of the grateful joy that I expected, they were

Words of quiet rejection! instead of praise, sullen

Dismissal. I watched in shock and horror as father brown

Ground my precious instrument to splinters beneath his



-Rush, 2112


The video has been removed.

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Guest el240z

Yeah it is pretty funny how cops are profiling cars now at days. I remember when a friend of mines who owned a Civic with a body kit was pulled over in Fremont. Funny thing was the car was completely stock except for the body kit. The officer told him his exhaust was illegal and that he is going to get a ticket. My friend laughed and said that the exhaust was stock and the dealer had put a aftermarket chrome tip on the muffler. The officer insisted it was illegal, until finally my friend said go ahead and right me the ticket, because I will fight it in court and win. The officer felt foolish and finally left him alone.


Then I had a friend who owned a 2001 Pontiac FireHawk. Now this car was far from legal, and pretty much had everything illegal you can think of, except for nitrous. He was pulled over once in Fremont also and even though you can hear his exhaust from a mile away, the cop merely told him that his front windows are illegal to tint and for him to get the tint removed. The officer didn’t even write my friend a ticket, merely a warning.


In the end I guess the import scene is profiled and persecuted more then the domestic crowd, but I do see a lot more imports driving like the Fast & Furious on public streets then I do domestics.

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Moral of the story is, Don't be a ricer. lol


Zforce you know that you could of disputed the sitation at the inspection since they had pics of the engine at the time the sitation was issued.


Proves what I stated earlier (at least in this case). That guy might have been a "quota cop" where they have to issue a certain amount of tickets per month. You can always tell (at least up here) because they all procrastinate and they always patrolling at the end of the month.

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Guest el240z
Moral of the story is' date=' Don't be a ricer. lol


Zforce you know that you could of disputed the sitation at the inspection since they had pics of the engine at the time the sitation was issued.


Proves what I stated earlier (at least in this case). That guy might have been a "quota cop" where they have to issue a certain amount of tickets per month. You can always tell (at least up here) because they all procrastinate and they always patrolling at the end of the month.[/quote']


AK-Z you are absolutely right about the cops filling out quotas at the end of the month. I see a lot more cars getting pulled over at the end of the month then I do during the beginning and middle. Its funny how they deny it though. Shoot even the San Francisco Police Department was once caught for pressureing officers to give more tickets and pull overs, they sent out a memo to all the officers or something like that. Luckily the media got a copy of the memo and it was on the news. The SFPD played it off as nothing and said they don't give quota's to their officers.

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Thats also why i carry a tape recorder. Thinking about the cop in Zforce's story, that cop was an idiot, not because of the all the idiot assumptions he made but that he made that asumptions when he had the registration in hand and didn't check it with the VIN and started blurting out assumption (as Zforce tells it).


Normal Cops I don't mind, but "quota cops" I dispise. They don't really do anything but sit there in there "secret hiding spots" with there radar guns in hand.

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