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What Else Do You Guys Do For Fun?


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When I'm not working on the cars I work with real horse power :mrgreen:


That is me on the far side driving and a couple friends riding along. Thorin is my horse, I do all the training with him. He was only 2 1/2 years old in this picture. This year he has grown up a lot and matured a lot. He is also broke under saddle. This fills many of the other areas in life that cars can't satisfy.



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I like riding bicycles; I've riden the entire Pacific Coast of the continental US as well as several bicycle trips in Italy, Austria, Hungary, etc.


I used to do a lot of freefly type skydiving (over 800 jumps), but since I've been working on my Z I haven't jumped in a while. Here's a pic of me in my last skydive with the fog rolling in over the Pacific Ocean at sunset. If you look close enough you can see the top of Catalina Island just before the horizon.


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Other than cars.. Every great once in a while I build models, I read alot.. Write poetry and short stories and spend alot of time kinda lost in my own little world. I go to school about 50 hours a week, working towards a diploma (and various certifications) in auto body as well as an associates in applied sciences at Somerset Community College.


I've always wanted to try out paint-ball but Ive heard nothing but how much it costs and I cant even feed myself, let alone dump 500$+ into paintball gear.


Never been in to guns and I've never been hunting in my life. I do own a J. Stevens Arms Company single barrel .410 (pre-Savage buy-out) that I figure is something like 85 years old, give or take a 5 year swing. Firing pin is borked and doesnt extend far enough to fire the shell.. It leaves a very slight indention though.. *Shrug*. Never been one to gain alot of pleasure from killing something for no reason, but I have "stalked" game before, just cause I think its interesting but I was armed with a camera and not a gun. Really dope camera to, 3$ at Rite-Aid.


I used to make music, hip-hop primarily but I outgrew the whole "underground" ideal and as I branched out, I realized I sucked, so, rather than sully the reputation of a form of music that doesnt have a good one to begin with, I just let it slide, lol. I've tried to play guitar but my hands got pretty mashed up many years ago so I'm not worth much of a damn at it.

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For anyone interested:


Working out (is that a hobbie?) Naaa.


Computer games

Posting on Hybrid Z's Non-Tech Board (every day at lunch usually)

I finished the car somewhat, so it's off the list (driving it daily)

I would like to work on my truck but I need some big ticket items that I can't afford, it's good enough for now as a work truck anyway.


I lost my green thumb, otherwise I'd be taking care of the yard but that's not really a hobbie either.


I don't know how everyone has so much energy. I go to work exactly 40 hours, work out 3 days a week for about 1 hour, go home and mostly lay on the couch and watch TV or play solo strategy games on the computer.


Sounds boreing.


I used to long-distance bike, workout 4 days a week, and go to a lot of parties, work in a lot of clubs, generally study my @ss off, but then I graduated and got a job... that was a while back now. But to be honest this past two years doing next to nothing besides building the Z, have been the best of my life. No kids, a loving wife and a nice house with a view; that's usually going to get most people pertty content (me included)


On the other hand we are planning 2 kids starting 2008 and I am trying to get into college again this fall to get another advanced degree, that might throw my content monotony into chaos again. So I'm really enjoying just laying on the couch with a glass of wine on Friday nights, looking out my sliding glass door at the view and watching the Planet's Funniest Animals.


I could re-do the exhaust on my truck, fix the back corner of the lot, install the fuel safety switch etc. But I really enjoy doing nothing. Whenever I think about starting another big project I take 2 shots of Vodka and a glass of wine, that usually kills it. :mrgreen:

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Me: Mountain/Downhill bike, school (I'll be an ME someday), and work on getting my little Honda Civic track ready (and not of the 1/4 mile variety). Although, it seems like I spend more time with my girlfriend and working on my mom's 03 Cobra than anything else.

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Work 2 jobs' date=' totalling about 60 hours a week. One of them is a small (but growing fast) tuning shop that I own. Doesn't leave much time for other stuff. But when I find time I am autocrossing, or shooting things with a slightly different weapon than others on this board it seems...




My dad just got his a few months ago after having it on pre-order for 4+ months. How long did you have to wait for yours? Awesome camera.

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Me: Mountain/Downhill bike, school (I'll be an ME someday), and work on getting my little Honda Civic track ready (and not of the 1/4 mile variety). Although, it seems like I spend more time with my girlfriend and working on my mom's 03 Cobra than anything else.



Your mom rocks m/ o.o m/ I'll trade you moms, or at leasts mother's vehicles.

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haha im with mike. if ebay counts then thats one for me. Other than that the usual stupid stuff we teenagers like to do. bonfires, getting hammered, chasing girls (getting hammered and then chasing girls haha), kickbacks, parties, clubs, racing (especially if it envolves me in my z vs this thing that resembles what once was a honda and has more exhaust decibels than the engine has in horsepower). Also i enjoy going to car shows no matter what cars are there. but over all this stuff i enjoy working on my z (even thou most of the time i have no clue what im doin:ugg:)

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Your mom rocks m/ o.o m/ I'll trade you moms, or at leasts mother's vehicles.


Haha...the hunk of junk is fast, but it has so many problems. She never knew that my dad and I added 125 wheel HP over stock. She just thought the exhaust was a little louder. One day, she found the dyno sheet on the back seat and brought it into work (she's an office manager at an engineering firm). An engineer says "Holly s***, you could fly a plane with that much power!" I get a call from my mom not 20 minutes later, "What the f*** did you do to my car?"

My dad I still joke about how much more drivable powerful cars are today. She had know clue. I'm thinking about trying to get it in the Sport Compact Car Ultimate Car Challenge. I know it would win the grandma award easy.

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yea, it's amazing how east it is to get up to 500hp with those motors. And how little it actually effects drivability. I think alot of it has to do with the weight of the car. Cars are generally alot heavier nowdays. I'm sure there are many factors though. I also just noticed you're in the bay area, wich means I bet i've seen the car around.


Sorry for the thred hijack.


Thred salvage: I also go the baseball games every now and then. I really do enjoy it even though I usually spend 80% of my time there conversing with others about my many other hobbies. So does that count?

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