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Front wheels are locked, cant start car

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I bought this car.


Its not bad, few mirnor things wrong with it, but this evening after driving around for a few hours (Running just fine) I come home, and park it. No big deal.


So I get in it 20 mins later, and the ignition wont turn. Its like im inserting the wrong key. So I try to turn the wheels....no go. They are locked. I call my mechanic friend, he says the transmission is locking the front wheels, the car doesnt know its in gear, so the linkages arent working. He cant come over till 2 days from now, so Im wondering if this is true, and if it is, how can I fix it.

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if its the stock ignition lock, some of them like to stick if you insert the key all the way. Try turning the key before you push it in all the way and see if that makes a difference


yes, if your transmission is locking the front wheels you have a serious problem. These cars are rear wheel drive. I pull the B.S. flag on your mechanic.

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olie05 has probably got your fix there. I have done the same thing with several Z's I have owned but it seemed to work better for me to put the key all the way in and try to rotate it as I slowly back out the key. The key then clears where it is catching and it goes fine. One of my old Z was so bad that I had to try to jerk the locked steering wheel back and forthwhile trying to turn the key. The final solution is go to a real key maker not Home Depot with your original key and they can make a new original from your old one by going in their books and figuring out the profile. You will then have to take that same key and ask them to clean off the edges extra well and your done.

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Hello' date='


I bought this car.


Its not bad, few mirnor things wrong with it, but this evening after driving around for a few hours (Running just fine) I come home, and park it. No big deal.


So I get in it 20 mins later, and the ignition wont turn. Its like im inserting the wrong key. So I try to turn the wheels....no go. They are locked. I call my mechanic friend, he says the transmission is locking the front wheels, the car doesnt know its in gear, so the linkages arent working. He cant come over till 2 days from now, so Im wondering if this is true, and if it is, how can I fix it.


First, what kind of crack is your mechanic smoking? "the transmission is locking the front wheels"?????????? Alrighty then............lol

I'm sure you are just having an ignition lock cylinder problem, try turning the steering wheel back and forth while also turning the key. Good Luck, and for your sake find a new mechanic!

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Your mechanic probably thinks you have a Front Wheel Drive, get a new mechanic.:mrgreen: Also follow what everybody just advised, turn or wiggle the wheel left to right while trying to turn the ignition key.

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had the son put his key in his 240 PART way and turned itpart way got same effects! B*tch to get it unstuck! tried everything all at once including wheel jerking and had to force it hard back to off, thought I was gonna snap the key but got it!

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I may have mis-typed what he said. Basically, the fact of the matter is my steering wheel can only turn 3 degrees left or right, and there is a klunk sound when I try to turn it further. I went out and messed with it this morning, and still its acting up, key just doesnt turn the cylinder.


Its saturday, and I worked all week now Im stranded at home. Any ideas at all will help me. I am also amazed to find 6 replies when I woke up. This really is an enthusiast community, so thank you all.


Ill mess with it a little more, but basically Im stuck here till I either figure this out, or call a mechanic.

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Remove the plastic cover on the steering column. several screws from underneath. THere are 4 phillpis screws that hold the ignition switch to the column. Remove these, remove the switch, pull the column lock back out of the column. Now put the key in the switch and see if the switch will turn. It should turn OK with out having to work the column lock.


Hose the column lock down with WD 40 and it should work for a while.


Good luck,



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try turning the steering wheel hard to the right to the first "clunk" then try to turn the key. If that doesn't work try the same thing to the left and then try the key. I have had this happen before and sometimes that pin can really get wedged in. Rember you are dealing with wear and tear of 30 years or so and it might take a little finessing.

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Allright, there is nothing wrong with the steering column. I took off the plastic covers, and removed the ignition assembly alltogether. I just dis-assembled 90% of it on my desk right now, sure enough there is a part broken, and the lock wont turn. Im gonna buy a whole new set on ebay, in a little bit.


Can someone tell me how to hotwire this car? Red to black should make the electricity work?

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NO reason to hot wire it. Remove the switch from the bottom side of the lock assembly, 2 phillips screws. Plug it back onto the harness and use a flatblade screwdriver to turn the switch itself. Once you get a new lock assembly, put the switch back on it before installing it on the column.




P.S. Find yourself another mechanic. If this clown has 2 Z's of his own, he should know that the transmission has NOTHING to do with the front wheels on a rear wheel drive car. It can't even affect the steering column in any way either, since the shifter is on the console.

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On the zx the steering could seem locked if it has power steering. It sounds like the tumbler is worn. If thats just the case, you can take the whole ignition lock component and a key to a lock smith and have them rebuild it. If I recall it would be anywhere from $20-$60 and you get be able to use the original key.

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