mentallylost Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 I really hate summer break, and spring break, and Easter break, and any other break that lets kids out of school. Since I have lived in this house, I have had 3 bicycles, 1 car stereo, 1 boat stereo, 1 boat gas tank, and 2 animated reindeer stolen. I have a bullet hole through my garage door. I have had 3 tires slashed. My car was spray-painted. And today someone caved the roof in on my zx. All of these were done during school breaks. I can’t wait to move from here. The last street that I lived on, we had 6 actual hookers working the corners and never had problems like we do here. The police were called and I filled out the police report. They pulled a large clean set of fingerprints from the roof where it looks like the person planted their hand down while jumping off of the roof. After the police left, I pushed the roof out (most of it anyway) and washed the car. I am pretty sure that I know who did it. So after washing the car I decided to drive around the corner to dry the car off a bit. And to my surprise, as I drove down the street and around the corner the police were already putting the kid (the one that I suspected) in the back seat of the patrol car. They haven’t contacted me back yet and I don’t know if they will. I don’t even know if the kid was actually picked up because of my car. But I feel a bit better knowing that someone got arrested. Did I mention that I painted this car only 3 months ago? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
v8260 Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 i would have killed him. and mine isnt even painted. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
icice9 Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 im sorry but thats really F**KED up!!!! there should be no reason to do that type of thing to another mans car... i hope the kid arrested was the one who did that to your car so you could at least have it fixed without having to come out of pocket for it.. but man.. i do know how you feel... my car was Keyed pretty bad 3 months after having it painted... your lucky.. they can blend white... my car... i have to paint the whole thing over again..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest l28et Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 Good lord... where in Texas are you? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alsil Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 Sounds like the neighborhood I live in right now. The house directly across the street gets more traffic than a bus staion. There are like 10 people living there, all related. They have like 9-10 cars, plus a couple of them have their landscaping trucks out there too. The cops used to be out there weekly for different things - it used to be a regular thing on Fri / Sat nights that somebody would do a long burnout in front of the house at 1am. This went on for a long time until there was a huge bust there like 3 years ago. Let's just say I make sure it's dark when I drag my gear into the house. There's always somebody sitting in their car / truck at 12:30am or so when I get home from work. Windows up, hanging out, never alone, at least 2 people in the car / truck. If it wasn't free I'd move. Sorry to hear about your Z. Hopefully you get it fixed and the kid gets what he deserves. No one seems to much anymore. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pennyman Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 Some guy did the same thing to the hood of my 280z. Used the bumper as a step, jumped on the hood, and walked off. All I found was a faint "Phat Farm" dirt smudge in the dent. Never found who it was, but I popped it out and got it fixed with insurance money. I hate those stupid kids... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spdkilz02 Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 thats crazy...i dont have a Z just yet, but i do have an opel and last week when i was on vacation, someone broke into the car and only stole the battery...seems to be like alot of trouble to go through for a battery...oh and they stole the waste oil container that i had, which had about 10 quarts of used oil in it... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mason4300 Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 I hate being this young, all my peers are morons. I'd never do **** like this. I'm sorry, man, you have every right to be pissed off. Thankfully my town isn't bad at all. I noticed when I bought my Z that someone had walked from the back of the car to the front, there were shoe prints all the way down it. Thankfully, the idiot didn't break the glass or do any serious damage to the roof. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kennysgreen280zt Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 Man, they should punish parents for raising childeren that are F***ups like that. We have always had problems with kids in the industrial park my dads shop is in. They will break into the enclosed trailer, steel the broom that is in there, then tag the outside of the trailer..... So a story I go into. There was a group of kids that usually came through and would do the 'freestyle walking' or 'extreme' whatever its called where they like jump off of roofs and scale walls and crap. So usually these kids would go away once you told them you called the cops.... well one day they came through with a video camera, and were jumping on some parked vans and we actually called the cops.... BUSTED!!! with video evendence of them breaking windows on these vans, and denting the roof's and hood's. So the cops came over and said they kids were doing this as a 'school project'. the cop had a good laugh about that one. I havent seen those kids since either. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest l28et Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 Kennysgreen280zt said: Man, they should punish parents for raising childeren that are F***ups like that. Agreed. Most of these kids parents cant even take care of themselves though Kennysgreen280zt said: There was a group of kids that usually came through and would do the 'freestyle walking' or 'extreme' whatever its called where they like jump off of roofs and scale walls and crap. Ive seen that **** on TV, and I must say, its quite badass. Until they start ******* up your stuff, but thats just vandelism. The whole scaling buildings and stuff is pretty cool though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AgentZ Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 But all of the freestyle running I have seen on TV they dont go anywhere near vehicles. I say just fine the parents a third of annual income if thier kids are jack asses more than once or twice! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
savageskaterkid Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 I take place in this "freestyle walking"-have never heard that term before, but I'm on the other coast, so it may be a slang word or something for it. Its actually called Le Parkour, and its quite popular in France and such. It has started to spread on the west coast, nobody really does it over here, but I like to at times, takes your mind off things. Think of it more as "Extreme Gymnastics" if anything, mixed with BIG-CAJONES syndrom. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kennysgreen280zt Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 Yeah, I made freestyle walking up cause I couldnt remember what it was called. I think its way cool as long as there isnt property distruction. Extreme Gymnastics is what I think they called it on the tv program I saw it on. Quote I take place in this "freestyle walking"-have never heard that term before' date=' but I'm on the other coast, so it may be a slang word or something for it. Its actually called Le Parkour, and its quite popular in France and such. It has started to spread on the west coast, nobody really does it over here, but I like to at times, takes your mind off things. Think of it more as "Extreme Gymnastics" if anything, mixed with BIG-CAJONES syndrom.[/quote'] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mason4300 Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 I've seen a couple clips of that stuff; The real ones are professional gymnists, one video was accompanied by a few minutes of the guy doing training with his friends at a gym, it was amazing. The guy in that video is jumping whole floors, he obviously knows what he's doing. The idiot kids are just imitating these guys (as usual) and are gonna get themselves killed or injured. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
b__sosick Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 like john travolta said in pulp fiction. it would almost be worth getting your car f*ked up if you could just get your hands on the person doing it! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bjhines Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 My dog and I caught 2 kids vandalizing my car once.... I am a night owl myself and I heard them laughing outside... I let my 90lb lab out the door with encouraging words... the kids never saw her comming until she had one by the glutes.... I tackled the other one and landed on him as hard as I could... I broke 3 of his ribs and then turned to the other kid.... I saw him kick my dog in the face after he got his ass free... and that was all I needed to grab him and pound his face to a pulp... The parents tried to sue me after the cops told them I was well within my rights.... the only one who might have had a case was the kid who's face I ruined... I broke his jaw, knocked out 2 teeth and completly sheared the cartilage off in his nose... The trick was.. he kicked my dog while on my property.. I had full rights to kill him if I wanted to.. for a few seconds I really was trying to kill him... luckily the fountains of blood made me back off... the condition of those 2 kids was enough to deterr ANYONE FROM FU**ING WITH MY ****... EVER AGAIN.... beleive me that got around the neighborhood.... that was almost 12 years ago.. I am a little more reserved now.. and I live in a nice area of town now.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forrest Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 bjhines, That made my day. Thank you. It seems like no one gets what they deserve any more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
b__sosick Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 Quote My dog and I caught 2 kids vandalizing my car once.... I am a night owl myself and I heard them laughing outside... I let my 90lb lab out the door with encouraging words... the kids never saw her comming until she had one by the glutes.... I tackled the other one and landed on him as hard as I could... I broke 3 of his ribs and then turned to the other kid.... I saw him kick my dog in the face after he got his ass free... and that was all I needed to grab him and pound his face to a pulp... The parents tried to sue me after the cops told them I was well within my rights.... the only one who might have had a case was the kid who's face I ruined... I broke his jaw' date=' knocked out 2 teeth and completly sheared the cartilage off in his nose... The trick was.. he kicked my dog while on my property.. I had full rights to kill him if I wanted to.. for a few seconds I really was trying to kill him... luckily the fountains of blood made me back off... the condition of those 2 kids was enough to deterr ANYONE FROM FU**ING WITH MY ****... EVER AGAIN.... beleive me that got around the neighborhood.... that was almost 12 years ago.. I am a little more reserved now.. and I live in a nice area of town now....[/quote'] BAAAAAAAAAD A$$! if anyone ever kicked my little pup i'd do the exact same thing! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bjhines Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 kid managed to keep his teeth... never had to get his jaw wired.... nose was pretty bad though... the kid I never hit in the face was the worst injured.. he broke his ribs on the edge of a concrete gutter we landed in... 2500$ to fix the car... I severely sprained both hands.. one in the tackle and the other..well... my dog completely bit through her tounge and suffered a concussion... she was a bloody mess from the kick in the face... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mentallylost Posted July 18, 2006 Author Share Posted July 18, 2006 I don't know if the kid that was arrested was the one who vandalized my car, and I don't really care. Somebody got arrested and I feel better. As far as the car goes, I have already pushed most of the dent out. It's still visible, but liveable too. You know, this thing only really happens when the kids are out of school for extended breaks. It makes for a good arguement for "year round school." I am pretty sure that the 3 10 year old kids who vandalized cozy z coles place a few weeks ago were out for summer break. l28et, I am in Killeen. About 4 minutes from the Fort Hood main gate. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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