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I made a video of "The perfect Beer!"


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boy you must be bored out there in texas.. and ur sure not afraid to show your face online!

Not much to do out side with it being so HOT! I need to mow my yard. I think I'm going to mow it in acouple hours while it's some what cool in the 90's. It's 1 a.m. right now!

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posted by OTM: saving myself for that right woman...


I guess I can scratch an unsupportive girlfriend off the list of why you are so resistant to the camo conversion...but that DOES explain why you have so much time on your hands for the z! Anybody who would flame you over something like that is a jackass anyway. For the record, I've never had a drink of alcohol, even at my wedding. Don't plan to either.


posted by Big-Phil:

Well, I am a "superstar"

I don't know....something about the big-phil experience seems a little...different? Maybe something is missing, something that used to be there that made your car cool, but isnt' there anymore? I can't quite put my spook I mean finger on it....

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