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My latest score..........


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I didn't want to hijack Corzette's thread about Z toys, so I started this one.

Anyway, I have been looking for a die-cast model of a S30 Z for years, every time I see die-casts, I look. Well last week I was in a local toy store with my son, and was walking past the die-casts, I wasn't even going to look, as I had given up, but I glanced down and there on the bottom shelf was a Silver, 1:18 scale die-cast Z!!! I was so happy, I felt as though I had the holy grail in my hands! I immediately dug through all 5 shelves full of die-casts, but to no avail. Needless to say I bought it for $14.99! I had the clerk ask around, and there is a store about a 2 hour drive from here that may have 2 or 3 more of them. They are made by http://www.sunstartoys.com

I must warn you, the website is EXTREMELY SLOW!!! I have high speed internet and it was as slow as a 56K connection! Well, I waited for the pages to load, and much later could see that they have a whole assortment of cool cars! I didn't see any ordering info. The Z's come in orange #3501, black #3502, and silver #3503. The detail on the one I have is pretty good.

Hopefully I'll get a chance this weekend to drive to this other store and see if they do have any more Z's. Any interest in these die-cast models? If so, I can buy them if they do have them, and send them to any interested members. I am not looking to make any money on this, and only would want the cost of model and shipping. If interested, shoot me a pm. As for the pics, I included a Hotwheels car in the pics for size comparison...........


Well the pics are a no go, as I am unable to post attachments in the Non-tech forum, but I can in the other forums, hmmmmmmmm any ideas guys? Anyone with a link to post pics?

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www.hlj.com has some neat japanese models:









And here's the rally car from a different web site:




Now THIS is a toy!:


Also I like this one "Please do not terrorize the fish."



*edit* I took the dead picture links out of this post, they worked when I first linked them, but I guess the website was on to my tricks and closed them...

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